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The nerf arrived


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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@KrHome.1920 said:Wiping whole teams.... sure. Of which division are we talking at this point? Clearly not plat and most likely not even gold.

so if ppl do it in lower tiers its ok.

It's a demonstration that the issue is one of people not knowing how to deal with it rather than there being no way of dealing with it.

I'm usually in gold, and while Lich Form certainly has an impact (as it should!) it didn't feel any more impactful than any other high-impact, long-cooldown elite.

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@Axl.8924 said:Reaper ATM is very hardcore and I have trouble beating necro the most on the ranger. The only way I can do anything is run away on ranger hope and pray I can get enough room and make the reaper lose interest so I can start ranging him outta reaper shroud to kite him or stall to get more friends to +1 him down.If a reaper can catch you on ranger, then he uses speed rune and you don't.

That should be enough information for you to adapt.

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@KrHome.1920 said:

@Axl.8924 said:Reaper ATM is very hardcore and I have trouble beating necro the most on the ranger. The only way I can do anything is run away on ranger hope and pray I can get enough room and make the reaper lose interest so I can start ranging him outta reaper shroud to kite him or stall to get more friends to +1 him down.If a reaper can catch you on ranger, then he uses speed rune and you don't.

That should be enough information for you to adapt.

I can outrun him the problem is managing to down him through that shroud of his.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:Reaper ATM is very hardcore and I have trouble beating necro the most on the ranger. The only way I can do anything is run away on ranger hope and pray I can get enough room and make the reaper lose interest so I can start ranging him outta reaper shroud to kite him or stall to get more friends to +1 him down.If a reaper can catch you on ranger, then he uses speed rune and you don't.

That should be enough information for you to adapt.

I can outrun him the problem is managing to down him through that shroud of his.

When a Necro comes out of shroud, you have 10 seconds before it is off cool down.

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I dont like the duration nerf on Lich.

10 Seconds are barely enough to klick through the 5 Skills u have in Lich Form so you cant really time them well.All the Lich is about now is to klick 3 to 5 an then 1 and 2 .... over*.

They rather should have reduced the base dmg on the auto attack by 33 to 50% and everything would have been fine.

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@"Flumek.9043" said:The good thing is Anet said they can easily adjust numbers. Meaning we got nerfed from good to meh medium.

The bad thing is Anet said they cant easily change functionality, meaning FB spamming CCs and 5x condies stays, and our slow cast and animations will also stay.

Was a good week,cya in 2 years again :)

"I can't play a busted class on easy mode and farm wins instead of learning matchups and actually getting better"

You won't be missed, these people are the reason PvP can't ever see consistent balance.

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@"KrHome.1920" said:Necromancer:

  • Signet of Undeath: Reduced passive life force gained per interval from 4% to 2% in PvP only.
  • Signet of Vampirism: Reduced passive base heal when struck from 325 to 211 in PvP only.
  • Unholy Martyr: Reduced life force per condition consumed from 7% to 3% in PvP only.
  • Death's Carapace: Reduced toughness per stack from 20 to 10 in PvP only.
  • Lich Form: Reduced duration from 20 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.


Revenant and Guardian have been "hotfix"-nerfed too.

what do you expect from Anet they hate necros and only want necro to be the unfun boring class that only corrupts boons

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@Xxnecroxx.4039 said:

@"KrHome.1920" said:Necromancer:
  • Signet of Undeath: Reduced passive life force gained per interval from 4% to 2% in PvP only.
  • Signet of Vampirism: Reduced passive base heal when struck from 325 to 211 in PvP only.
  • Unholy Martyr: Reduced life force per condition consumed from 7% to 3% in PvP only.
  • Death's Carapace: Reduced toughness per stack from 20 to 10 in PvP only.
  • Lich Form: Reduced duration from 20 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.

Revenant and Guardian have been "hotfix"-nerfed too.

what do you expect from Anet they hate necros and only want necro to be the unfun boring class that only corrupts boons

You can't really deny that it was over performing though. Your post just seems uninformed but that makes sense since you don't even really the game anymore. You've just come to comment on a nerf being all "Anet hate necro"...

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"KrHome.1920" said:Necromancer:
  • Signet of Undeath: Reduced passive life force gained per interval from 4% to 2% in PvP only.
  • Signet of Vampirism: Reduced passive base heal when struck from 325 to 211 in PvP only.
  • Unholy Martyr: Reduced life force per condition consumed from 7% to 3% in PvP only.
  • Death's Carapace: Reduced toughness per stack from 20 to 10 in PvP only.
  • Lich Form: Reduced duration from 20 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.

Revenant and Guardian have been "hotfix"-nerfed too.

what do you expect from Anet they hate necros and only want necro to be the unfun boring class that only corrupts boons

You can't really deny that it was over performing though. Your post just seems uninformed but that makes sense since you don't even really the game anymore. You've just come to comment on a nerf being all "Anet hate necro"...

It was overperforming, but I think the main aspect was, that it was super unfun to play against.

In wvw, the build was very tanky as well, but in a drawn out fight, other classes like rev did better.

But then there's still super unfun to play against permastealth thiefes, that exists for quite some time now but wasn't touched at all.Same goes for burn guard. Clearly overperforming in wvw, yet not nerfed.

The problem isn't that necro got nerfed. In my opinion the problem is that other classes overperforming builds don't get nerfed as fast as necro's or that they always receive compensation in other aspects, that make them just as strong as before.

Epi bounce in pve? - no we don't want that. Obliterated with the next patch, after this tactic became public.Dragonhunter outperforming all other classes - not nerfed for a very long time. Only the last patch nerfed feel my wrath, which now makes you have to use 4dhs instead of 3 to get permanent quickness.

Mesmer (mirage) being the Condi king on most raid encounters? Not nerfed yet. Instead Chrono got buffed to the point, that it's as good as mirage on some encounters. + It has a very good dps build+ there's still at least 1 Chrono on almost every raid boss other than the ones, where boo thief is a thing.

And it's been like that for years. Necro is always set behind all other classes.

Snowcrows will update their site this week. But from what I saw till now: how is it justified, that necro's best dmg build is doing 14-20% less damage than other full dps builds?While -in my opinion- being more conditional than those builds.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"KrHome.1920" said:Necromancer:
  • Signet of Undeath: Reduced passive life force gained per interval from 4% to 2% in PvP only.
  • Signet of Vampirism: Reduced passive base heal when struck from 325 to 211 in PvP only.
  • Unholy Martyr: Reduced life force per condition consumed from 7% to 3% in PvP only.
  • Death's Carapace: Reduced toughness per stack from 20 to 10 in PvP only.
  • Lich Form: Reduced duration from 20 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.

Revenant and Guardian have been "hotfix"-nerfed too.

what do you expect from Anet they hate necros and only want necro to be the unfun boring class that only corrupts boons

You can't really deny that it was over performing though. Your post just seems uninformed but that makes sense since you don't even really the game anymore. You've just come to comment on a nerf being all "Anet hate necro"...

There is still the problem of summon madness which can practically 1hko people, and sooner or later it will get demolished after being cried endlessly about.

I don't know if there is anything else to touch besides that atm, a few stragglers complaining about necro sustain still but I dunno. I will admit that when I fought necro, they gave me a lot of trouble before nerfs, especially core with their sustain, and the damage on lich was kinda outrageous.

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Signet Reaper got overnerfed with the signet nerfs and that sucks. This was a really competitive build (the best for years!) which got nuked just because some other build was overperforming. At least it's still playable in wvw.

I had some hope that anet might have been become competent enough to adress certain builds without destroying other stuff at the same time. I've already lost it again.

And to all the "necro kept his life force generation, so it benefits from the patch" haters: That's not true. Marauder amulet has been nerfed (less life force), berserker is mandatory to be able to to deal enough damage to kill certain encounters (even lesser life force) and the spectral skills nerfs have a huge impact for the sustain.

People forget that life force stands for offense and defense and not just defense. Less life force does also mean that you are less dangerous. It weakens every aspect of the necro class.

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@"Dadnir.5038" said:Like always a string set of bandaids to hide the wound.What I find funny is that people were complaining about Unholy martyr when they were thinking Unholy sanctuary (for it's life saving feature) and ANet ended up listening to them, nerfing Unholy martyr.

Expect more nerfs to come, people are still not happy they are out for blood

Yeh I agree. But I think unholy sancturary is a bit of an oversight as there isn't enough counter play. And life steal just needs nerfing like they nerfed all healing. Not bu that much though. Minor nerfs will be enough. Other classes hopefully get nerfed too so necro isn't just trash tier again


I think they should just nerf Soul Battery from 20% to 10% in PvP.It is probably the thing responsible for alot of so called "insane" "unkillable" "immortal" NecrosConsidering some builds prefer to run DM instead of SR anyway, it wouldn't hurt alot of Necro builds with like a light nerf tap.


this is outrages and insanely strong, condition damage needs a damage nerf and Necromancer shroud from 2nd and 3rd in some cases life bar needs a heavy nerf.


So yeah people asking for even more nerfs some for nerfs to boon corrupt even if its already nerfed and cannot compete with the amount of boons thrown out some soul battery.

Some of these nerf requests are absurd and would turn necro into free kills.

Personally i think we shouldn't touch necros with anymore nerfs.

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