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Verdant Brink metas: best strategies?

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Lately I have been doing a lot of HoT metas; ran myself completely out of currency working on long-overdue collection achieves. As part of my efforts to replenish my wallet, I have found myself using my tag to lead metas in Verdant Brink.

Day time, I focus on one meta (usually Itzel) and run it all the way through, then move to another. Doing this, I often finish the one meta fully, then get partial credit for one or two more that I join somewhere in the middle.

Night time, I've been sticking to a basic strategy of picking one point to defend, maxing it out with supplies, and doing side events like guard escorts and "Eliminate the Mordrem Threat" in between rounds of defense. Once defending is done, then I go up to the canopy and hit as many of the bosses as I can. I usually get two and sometimes three.

Now mind you, the amount of actual "leading" I do is pretty minimal. It is a curious fact that many players just wander aimlessly pressing 1 when left on their own, but the instant someone puts up a tag, they gather and do what they need to do and succeed without the commander even saying anything. It's like the tag triggers something in people's heads that instantly makes them better at the game. It's very strange to me.

Anyway, since I'm kinda new to this whole thing of leading groups in Verdant Brink, does anyone have any tips on the best ways to go about it? Which metas are easiest or most productive? Tips, tricks, tactics? Thanks in advance.

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This is a simple meta, during day do whatever. Night aim for T4, that's means during the defense part you(and your squad) should defend as many points and escort as many soldiers you can. If finishing defense part you are at T2 and half you are good for T4, just split your squad in 2 and start killing bosses. If somehow you are not at T2 and half try to kill bosses fast in order to get some time left at the end. In this time left escort guards all over the map, it's possible to go T4 this way also. Keep your squad up on lfg. The drop its about the same whatever meta or how many bosses you kill. Map currency and keys are important and you will get them mostly doing whatever events and metas.

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@"Jimbru.6014" said:Anyway, since I'm kinda new to this whole thing of leading groups in Verdant Brink, does anyone have any tips on the best ways to go about it? Which metas are easiest or most productive? Tips, tricks, tactics? Thanks in advance.

The goal is simple:Reach tier 2 and a half, or as far as possible, in the first half of the night cycle in order to reach tier 4 at the end. The bosses spawn 25 minutes into the night cycle, leaving you 20 minutes to kill all the bosses and get as much remaining progress as possible.

This is achieved by holding between a minimum of 1/2 to 3/4 of all rally points need to be held during the defense events and ideally upgraded.

The wiki summarizes all this very nicely:

Thus, during the first half of the night, making sure rally points are defended during the Mordrem assaults (and retaking any which have been overrun by Mordrem) should be the main priority, followed by escorting soldiers, running supplies and killing rampaging Mordrem. When the bosses appear, slaying them should be a first priority. To achieve these goals, it is important that players spread out evenly across the map in small groups. To reach tier 4 night, about tier 2.5 needs to be achieved from the defense events and all the bosses need to be slain.Rally point defenseThese are the rally point defense events. There are a total of three defense waves, and they occur during the first half of the night at 44:30, 34:30 and 24:30. Each camp has a primary rally point and 3 secondary rally points.

The main benefit of reaching tier 4 is the armor box which every one gets. It is the only PvE way of getting said chest piece, with a WvW/PvP version available via the reward tracks in those game modes.

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The trick is getting people split during the first half of the night to defend as many points as possible. As you said usually people flock to the tag which is good for most metas. Here you need them to defend on their own. If you are going to T4.

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