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Class tier list - calculated by MATH

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@"Lordrosicky.5813" said:(Best build on each class only). I did this via statistical analysis as I ran the numbers. Just finished doing it today. The numbers have been run and the results are in. I was kind of surprised by them but you can't argue with numbers/facts. This is for 5v5 conquest.

S tier:ThiefMesmerRanger

A tier:RevEleGuardianNecrowarriorengi

That is the order too. So the best class is thief and the worst is engi.

I ran the numbers and this is what they showed.

IF there is enough demand I will run the numbers for 2v2 too. It is a lot of work for me though.


If you really have done some Maths, be a little more logical man, you can't just drop your list like that and tell us "it's a fact, deal with it" :#

"I did this via statistical analysis" ......And what ??? and how ??! it's very large... have you begin a curriculum as a "Data analyst" and you want to show us that you study well ??!

Give some sources, some data, how do you do your maths, formulas ????!! Nahhh without all this i can't agree with your list nether with your numbers......

From a data scientist ;)

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@Lordrosicky.5813 said:(Best build on each class only). I did this via statistical analysis as I ran the numbers. Just finished doing it today. The numbers have been run and the results are in. I was kind of surprised by them but you can't argue with numbers/facts. This is for 5v5 conquest.

S tier:ThiefMesmerRanger

A tier:RevEleGuardianNecrowarriorengi

That is the order too. So the best class is thief and the worst is engi.

I ran the numbers and this is what they showed.

IF there is enough demand I will run the numbers for 2v2 too. It is a lot of work for me though.


I dunno if I missing something, I do not see any data or reference to where is was pulled and analyzed.

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@Lordrosicky.5813 said:(Best build on each class only). I did this via statistical analysis as I ran the numbers. Just finished doing it today. The numbers have been run and the results are in. I was kind of surprised by them but you can't argue with numbers/facts. This is for 5v5 conquest.

S tier:ThiefMesmerRanger

A tier:RevEleGuardianNecrowarriorengi

That is the order too. So the best class is thief and the worst is engi.

I ran the numbers and this is what they showed.

IF there is enough demand I will run the numbers for 2v2 too. It is a lot of work for me though.


Wet noodles are OP cause math!! numbers numbers numbers. Woo dee doo dee do! Now you are OP too!

Ok now by the same math everyone is equally OP. cause maths....

Seriously, your list and what ever math you pulled outa someones kitten is a good for a laugh.

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Finally someone uses MATH.

I approve of this message.

This just in:new set of elite specializations will start at S+ tier, except for renegade, which will start at C tier, which obviously will have to get introduced after introducing an empty B tier, and will lack half its skills, which will get added to the game at a later point in time or never.

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I like how you provided no information on your Statistical Analysis and we're just supposed to believe you based on a LETTER GRADING SYSTEM. I love it. Anet needs to hire this superior mathematician. clearly they will not be successful without him.

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I think this list would be fairly accurate if it were a "historically most whined about" tier list.People like to bitch about those top three, and 27% of guild wars 2 gamers don't even know engineer is a playable profession.I can do numbers, too. =D

~ Kovu

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@Lordrosicky.5813 said:(Best build on each class only). I did this via statistical analysis as I ran the numbers. Just finished doing it today. The numbers have been run and the results are in. I was kind of surprised by them but you can't argue with numbers/facts. This is for 5v5 conquest.

S tier:ThiefMesmerRanger

A tier:RevEleGuardianNecrowarriorengi

That is the order too. So the best class is thief and the worst is engi.

I ran the numbers and this is what they showed.

IF there is enough demand I will run the numbers for 2v2 too. It is a lot of work for me though.


Ahh yess look at all the over-representation of mesmers going on! SOO MANY OF THEM! /s

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@Lordrosicky.5813 said:(Best build on each class only). I did this via statistical analysis as I ran the numbers. Just finished doing it today. The numbers have been run and the results are in. I was kind of surprised by them but you can't argue with numbers/facts. This is for 5v5 conquest.

S tier:ThiefMesmerRanger

A tier:RevEleGuardianNecrowarriorengi

That is the order too. So the best class is thief and the worst is engi.

I ran the numbers and this is what they showed.

IF there is enough demand I will run the numbers for 2v2 too. It is a lot of work for me though.


Show me your formula, where is the supporting data?

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I like your scientific approach. I did look into it with a other statistical methode . I used all the data from NA and EU.The numbers add up with yours. Even though i did a more reliable approach to gather the data. It seems that the public perception of this topic (In Forums, reddit, ...) are biased by personal influence which doesn't lead to a objective results.

The Math is done. I agree with OP and Numbers doesn't lie.Finally we have the Numbers and can base further discussion on them.

Please Link this threat in other discussions with biased and subjective statements.From a game loving mathematician!

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^Yes, I agree, now no one can come and doubt the results. The statistics made it clear. It is good to have these kinds of people in the forums, being able to gathering the data, to calculate and do the math. Finally we have a list based on facts not on subjective perception. This thread should be pinned. Maybe Anet is hiring a mathematician? This would be a great application for it.

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