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WvW still has way too much.....


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@Bish.8627 said:

@Bish.8627 said:Since the patch, imobilise is a real issue, get condi spammed, cleanse, either imob is still there, or another 20 seconds was slapped on right after. Stab should kill imob, and it should never stack so high.

CC's need diminishing returns BADLY, get cc'd next one has half time, after 5, you are immune for x seconds

This game will never get diminishing returns. There's a crazy policy bible somewhere that says the combat has to be rubbish. :(

I think imob might be enough to stop me playing WvW a while. An ele just gave me imob for 6 seconds, while spamming other skills, I stripped their boons and killed them but still. Being stuck in imob not moving, getting rid of it, getting it again right after is not fun game play. Maybe dodge should break it at a minimum

Yep, same. I'm just standing around inside keeps these days. You can't go anywhere without being stunlocked to death. It's worse than DAoC! Okay not QUITE, but it's close!

Oh and just to clarify for the avoidance of doubt, THIS CHANGE NEEDS TO BE A PRIORITY.

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@Justine.6351 said:Power damage also needs more Nerfs. It's rediculous that I can die in under 10 seconds. Until ttk is increased above 30 seconds I recommend you stay away from this game's pvp as it's just not fair. I am entitled to win most of my fights as I have boughten most of the warclaw skins and armistice bastion pass.

I own the entire Outfit collection too.I find it unfair that I don't just instakill my enemies with 1 auto.

Anet has cheated me of my money.

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@Bish.8627 said:Since the patch, imobilise is a real issue, get condi spammed, cleanse, either imob is still there, or another 20 seconds was slapped on right after. Stab should kill imob, and it should never stack so high.

CC's need diminishing returns BADLY, get cc'd next one has half time, after 5, you are immune for x secondsCondi already have diminishing returns, if you apply immo for 5s or 20s, 1 cleanse after 2s makes the duration investment worthless.

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In my opinion power and condi are balanced decently well atm with a few adjustments needed here and there.Stab nerfs should be reverted somewhat because CC is out of control. There's nearly nothing worse in the game than not being able to play your own character.You get pinballed around and every numerically superior zerg will just bomb their feet with CCs to prevent less people from having a decent chance.

Condis are not the problem imo, there's enough cleansing classes for that. If the zerg composition is so bad that they cannot take care of most of themthey should include more tempests, firebrands or scrappers.

Also I disagree with the huge CD increases of a lot of powers. Powers are there to do something decently cool. I don't want to wait for ages doing basic stuff.And putting 300s CDs on traits is just lazy. So you don't like passive traits? It would be nice to have some new traits instead of being told "Oh well, you wouldn't really want to use that with a 5 min(!) CD, now would you?"

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@"MLinni.6109" said:In my opinion power and condi are balanced decently well atm with a few adjustments needed here and there.Stab nerfs should be reverted somewhat because CC is out of control. There's nearly nothing worse in the game than not being able to play your own character.You get pinballed around and every numerically superior zerg will just bomb their feet with CCs to prevent less people from having a decent chance.

Condis are not the problem imo, there's enough cleansing classes for that. If the zerg composition is so bad that they cannot take care of most of themthey should include more tempests, firebrands or scrappers.

Also I disagree with the huge CD increases of a lot of powers. Powers are there to do something decently cool. I don't want to wait for ages doing basic stuff.And putting 300s CDs on traits is just lazy. So you don't like passive traits? It would be nice to have some new traits instead of being told "Oh well, you wouldn't really want to use that with a 5 min(!) CD, now would you?"

Power needs adjustments:

  • skills that m8 be doing nasty values(more than 10k) 10k on a person with jalis and prot.. still happens but I think issue is diferent(code and server data management to client issue) I’ve found huge desync situations on this game pvp side....
  • CC skills they are in a testing period, some will need to be more similiar to gw2 soft cc with 2 effects, others need damage back, others need damage and loose cc, or imagine if target blocks target will get KD.

On condition side:-players QQ that condis are OP, but only fire ticks can be the ones that can reach instant 5k+ To 8k ticks, and it doesn’t matter how cleanse team has, enemy has some aplyers as well, but by the other hand there’s mallyx rev can control all those condis on allies....Maybe fire/burn effect needs a change...to make it a bit less bursts or putting a limit on how many stacks or making toughness giving some burn resistance.. idk..:/ that would put server and client more data trading and game is horrible at that...

There’s leaps on light fields.. that will help some even heal at same time.On Zerg 8fb spiritweapon spike on same zone does a decent effect, blasts and leaps those fields for light aura and cleanses, players will also get healed for the bow ticks...

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Bish.8627 said:Since the patch, imobilise is a real issue, get condi spammed, cleanse, either imob is still there, or another 20 seconds was slapped on right after. Stab should kill imob, and it should never stack so high.

CC's need diminishing returns BADLY, get cc'd next one has half time, after 5, you are immune for x secondsCondi already have diminishing returns, if you apply immo for 5s or 20s, 1 cleanse after 2s makes the duration investment worthless.

This might be so. But more then one occasion in just an hour of WvW last night, with 2 sources of condi cleanse personal, and 2 FB in squad, was I stood stuck rooted to the ground for more than 3 seconds. And most of these were after cleanse was used to get rid of it. Imob needs reducing on a skill level and needs a massive reduction in how stats increase its duration as everyone (including me) is running trailblazer.

As for CC some of it is obnoxious, like engie and reaper pulls. Engie in particular is way too big a distance and duration. Reduction of stab has meant in a smaller gvg situation, you spend more time being stunned and tossed around than actually controlling your player.

And another side note, 10k gun blast, 9k backstab, 4k burn ticks on defensive stats? Nice.

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The cc issue could be solved by simply having a Global cooldown of ten seconds between cc; So that once you're cc'd you get immunity for a bit before you can be cc'd again so that it can't be spammed. This would then help with the cc spam a bit, removing them would suck because thats all some weapons are and so then what? Take hammer for example its already trash on almost everything. Remove the CC on it then warrior has litterally no reason to run it. (Despite hardly being used as is.) They'd need to compensate the wep's which we know they wont do.

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:The cc issue could be solved by simply having a Global cooldown of ten seconds between cc; So that once you're cc'd you get immunity for a bit before you can be cc'd again so that it can't be spammed. This would then help with the cc spam a bit, removing them would suck because thats all some weapons are and so then what? Take hammer for example its already trash on almost everything. Remove the CC on it then warrior has litterally no reason to run it. (Despite hardly being used as is.) They'd need to compensate the wep's which we know they wont do.

They would also have to adjust and compensate sigils and other sources that do something with interrupts and other modifiers.

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@Justine.6351 said:Power damage also needs more Nerfs. It's rediculous that I can die in under 10 seconds. Until ttk is increased above 30 seconds I recommend you stay away from this game's pvp as it's just not fair. I am entitled to win most of my fights as I have boughten most of the warclaw skins and armistice bastion pass.

This is unfortunately the reason the game is in such a bad state. People who think ttk is 10 seconds because they don’t know how to resustain. People who think damage needs to be SO LOW that you ALWAYS have your heal up after taking any type of combo. Thats such a poor state of mind.

They are asking for the game to get easier so they don’t need to get better. 30 second ttk’s would mean anyone with any actual competence will never die, and bad players will last several more heal rotations, is that what they want? Cause that’s what they are asking.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Several roaming builds are nothing but strong CC followed by a big damage skill. Once again another big blow to roaming. Classes shouldn't really have more than one or two hard CC's at a time. It forces players to take more stun-breaks or access to stability which then makes fighting less fun because you have to take skills that aren't very good just so you don't get pummeled while laying on the ground.

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