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Current glass cannon builds

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Most are exaggerated- completely like post of 30k+ on all builds. Complete nonsense the highest on thief in 1 shot will be like 10-11k but normally like 5k-7k. Most are completely exaggerated, as far as I know only real one is ranger becuz just have quickness and lb2 will hit fast for a lot plus reveal and unblockable all others are not true 1 shot. 5+ secs of attacking a target doesn’t equal a 1 shot

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Overheat holo is probably the highest most effective easiest 1 shot. It actually can 1shot from stealth. Has great mobility and ways to reset.

Use bombs and blasts and leap to stack big stealth. Run in and overheat for aoe crit for 18k on top of whatever else you did out of stealth.... (Intel sigils guarantee crits) when in combat on it too.

Rocket boots for mobility, another finisher for stealth and a great way to make distance, to reset, stealth back up, and go again. Third utility is whatever, I like S - throw mine is another big damage dealer that could be added. Heal is whatever, I like AED. Elite is whatever.

But 100% serious, if someone seriously learned how to use this/tweak it to make sure they always land overheat they could get away with maybe valk or cav...? It could actually be a viable build imo. It's got everything you could need.


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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:been hit by a 18k arc divider and 12k vault (meh close enough), so berserker and daredevil. those builds might even be somewhat viable.

I also got hit with a 12k vault but that thief was super squishy.

The warrior zerk build is decent damage and has great sustain...for a glass cannon. I’d be more worried about this than the 12k vault daredevil.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:been hit by a 18k arc divider and 12k vault (meh close enough), so berserker and daredevil. those builds might even be somewhat viable.

There’s some vault builds that are ok. One of them staff/staff with valk +daredevil and crit strikes can hit at highest in match of like 13-14k. But it’s not exactly a 1 shot build for one a lot of vaults are really gonna do 8k in realistic situations, plus it’s mobility is bad it’s a side noder/ brawler that can still do damage. Viable yeah after testing I think so, but it’s not exactly suited as “1 shot” per say, that’s just the damage out put speaking for it’s self

@saerni.2584 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:been hit by a 18k arc divider and 12k vault (meh close enough), so berserker and daredevil. those builds might even be somewhat viable.

I also got hit with a 12k vault but that thief was super squishy.

The warrior zerk build is decent damage and has great sustain...for a glass cannon. I’d be more worried about this than the 12k vault daredevil.

Meh if your playing old school acro with zerker you might be super squish and occasionally hit 12k vault, but that’s rare and isn’t optimal at all since for one it’s squish. The build ppl are trying rn on staff is like a side noder it’s not exactly squish becuz 1.) high hp 2.) lots of dodges 3.) passive healing from EF 4.) about 1.3-2.2k healing per big vault and other crits because of invigorating precisionThe one I’m talking about has better sustain than zerker and for one can actually side node, way harder to kill and probably tankier

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@Dajas.4715 said:

@Dajas.4715 said:Rangers war horn still does insane damage, its easier to block at least some off its damage but can easily still do between 10 and 15k.



Yes. BULLSHIT. Ranger damage mods mostly only affect single hits. With maul at base dmg of 1.8k hitting for 16k crits.... maybe 20k in a perfect storm (which doesn't happen in real play), The 25%, 25%, 50% dmg modifiers are on the single hit. You dont get those on waehoen 4 which is a 900 dmg base, with multiple hits. You just will NOT be getting 10k to 15k on it. So I'm calling bullshit.

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