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Please For The Love Of PvP


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nerf res power from All specs for 2vs2 / 5vs5 because it's just getting stupid at this point lol. Can't even Cleave anything down anymore with how fast res power is atm for both. On top of Res Signets being abused by all classes that are allowed to have it.... really defeats the purpose of a full damage/cc nerf if heal power was only touch in one aspect of the game but completely forgetting about the other half which comes from ressing down bodies.

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Necro Rez signet has a huge trade off of almost 10k hp and so does reading in general except maybe some that heal the user but most will still end up taking damage in the end. I honestly don’t see the problem with these in 2v2s and is definitely not even close to a problem in 5v5s. IMO you should be able to Rez your team mates even multiple times and since there seems to be a trade off in quiet a few cases not sure how bad it is, maybe you just need to play something with more damage or I’m not up to date enough with how op these things are even after quiet a few 2v2s on all sorts of builds

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There needs to be a mechanic like in GW1 where each time you are revived, you get up with 15% less maximum health than you had before.

In GW2, this effect shouldn't be applied to normal player reviving that everyone has, or even rallying from a kill. But instant revive skills should apply a -15% just like they did in GW1.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:There needs to be a mechanic like in GW1 where each time you are revived, you get up with 15% less maximum health than you had before.

In GW2, this effect shouldn't be applied to normal player reviving that everyone has, or even rallying from a kill. But instant revive skills should apply a -15% just like they did in GW1.

After 1 death you are at a major disadvantage, so you die over and over, faster and faster. IN GW2 this mechanics was in pve maps as well if I remember right.

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@"Eurantien.4632" said:I feel like people who didn't play during core just don't know how to deal with rez utilities. CC the rez, poison the body, cleave while someone stomps?

It might be kinds too good but still feels manageable at the moment.

stealth gyro with a bubble that gives you stability and reflects projectile attacks wont make it easy to stop said class. Mesmer, Guardians, and Engi all have some sort of way to res fairly easy. Guardian gets an insane amount of stability , Engi Get stealth+Stability+bubble or Invul, Mesmer Gets Bubble, and Distortion then we have necro with res signet which isn't SO bad but when you start stacking so much other ways to get free res it kinda becomes stupid to a degree.

Not saying it's "impossible" to stop but for 2vs2 this shit is fucking stupid to deal with after getting someone down 3-4 times back to back. All I'm saying cleaving downs isn't anywhere as easy as it use to be after the nerf to everything going down hill yet certain sustain and healing traits were left untouched for god knows what reason. Ressing someone SHOULD not be so easy to do and for some reason after the patch it's become exactly that.

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As engineer (traited alchemy for faster use) I usually use elixir s to stomp - prevents downed enemies from using their interrupt skill. (Only annoying if they are ele, mesmer thief or something like that - where they can just move away and "dodge" the stomp.) The elixir also helps against other players (teammates of the downed guy) trying to interrupt me.

Only problem is if they outheal even the normal stomp time. I mean the thing with getting interrupted while stomping and then a guy healing ... normal situation and it should be possible to fully ress. But if you down and instantly use elixir s it should not be possible to outheal (rarely or never encountered it).

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