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Make it so you can only be CC'd once every 3 seconds


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In both PvP and WvW, make a buff appear in the player bar once a CC effect is applied, that lasts for 3 seconds and grants immunity to control effects. This prevents CC spam fiesta and helps compensate for longer stunbreak cooldowns amid an abundance of fast recharging CC skills.

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I think it should be more like "If you're CC'd continuously for 3 seconds, you gain 2 second immunity to CC (this doesn't break current stuns)" would be reasonable. Idk, there is probably a dozen better solutions though. I'm already getting sick of the CC meta that's starting to surface too. Inherently CC is a very un-fun game mechanic because it removes player agency. With how it currently is, it's not a matter of slotting "some CC and stability" because these professions that are stun locking are carrying way more stuns than your breaks have CD's. This causes people to really have to narrow their builds and take up a lot of utility/traits just to prevent getting locked down forever.

Some people might say "Well in a condi heavy meta you have to slot lots of cleanses." but that doesn't really compare as there are a lot of passive cleanse procs on most professions, sigiles, runes, and even some weapon skills to deal with condi. There are a lot few passives procs to deal with CC now and no weapon skills (that I can think of atm) that allow you to deal with CC so this leaves you have to take up a lot (if not all) of your utility to just deal with CC if the team has one/multiple of these "CC lock" builds on their team.

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This is an oversight on ANET's original team. Them not introducing DR to CC. That being said, CC back then was MUCH more limited in terms of what classes could output. IF you end up fighting a Condi Rev/Shield FB now, it's pinball unleashed.

Edit: also worth mentioning back then stab didn't stack intensity, and you either had it (cc immunity) or didn't.

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@"JETWING.2759" said:Stability =)

Not a lot of professions that have reliable stability. 1 stack of 1s of stability wont do you much with all the CC flying around either.Stability sources for reference If you want to actually play (not be a rag doll) against CC heavy comps, which there are more and more of, you have to invest heavily into stun breaks/stab if you're not a profession that has an easy source of it. This means any professions that don't have a trait like "get stab for doing X" are going to be pigeon holed on their build options.

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@"Eddbopkins.2630" said:What classes cc lock you?

  • Firebrand (Axe pull, shield push, symbol stun, justice pull)
  • Condi herald (Chaotic release, temporal rift, surge of the mists, call to anguish or if running jalis forced engagement)
  • Core terrormancer (spectral ring, doom, reapers mark, stab corrupt. 50% increased duration on all of these. 60% with rune of the necromancer)
  • Scrapper (Thunder clap, personal battering ram, launch personal battering ram, throw mine, to name some common ones. They can go very very CC heavy with most having low CD. e.g. throw mine 15 sec, 12 traited)

These are just to name some of the more problematic ones I see as I'm sure I could list more. This isn't to even list the copious amounts of immob which is technically a "soft" CC will still get you killed just as well as most CC. Immob is what makes things like Firebrand and condi ranger a nightmare to play against.

EDIT:To elaborate a bit more what makes a lot of these CC heavy builds bad is that they can either1) Bunker and take a take a point or get you killed just by keeping you locked down2) Condi bomb you then lock you down and prevent you from cleansing

1v1 these have a measure of counter play if you're expecting it and build against it. It's in XvX situations that it gets disgusting.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@"JETWING.2759" said:Stability =)

Not a lot of professions that have reliable stability. 1 stack of 1s of stability wont do you much with all the CC flying around either.
If you want to actually play (not be a rag doll) against CC heavy comps, which there are more and more of, you have to invest heavily into stun breaks/stab if you're not a profession that has an easy source of it. This means any professions that don't have a trait like "get stab for doing X" are going to be pigeon holed on their build options.

This is a balance decision from Anet...All professions have a source of Stability, some more effective and less counterable than others (Ex: Rock Solid >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Toss Elixir B ),Some professions can provide Stability to team mates with more or less easily and effectiveness than others (Ex: Spirit Boon >>>>>>>>>>>>> Toss Elixir B ).If some Spec dont have good access to Stability, It can try fight at a safe range (Ex: P/P Thief can fight at 900 range and Rifle Engineer can fight at 1200 range).If some spec is designed to fight at close and doesnt good access to stability, this spec will be forced to fight at a range that is not designed to do it (Ex: Holosmith fighting at 600+ range) - This may be a design issue or, at better scenary, a balance decision from Anet.

Try evaluate the Stab sources from your Spec.My thought is that some specs REALLY NEED good access to this boon.

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@Eurantien.4632 said:Hear me out, we give each profession the innate ability to dodge. Give it like a 10s cd. Create boons and traits to get it down to 7.5 or 5s really easily. Give everyone somewhere between 1-3 dodges. That way people can dodge the CC and make for active play.

I'm 100% with Eura on this one. I think it's a function of classes no longer having clearly defined roles to fill (like we had at launch). Every class just does everything now, which promotes class stacking the fotm, with no penalties. Damage nerfs aside, they need to go back and redefine class identity. That's what we need, to bring back variety.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@Eurantien.4632 said:Hear me out, we give each profession the innate ability to dodge. Give it like a 10s cd. Create boons and traits to get it down to 7.5 or 5s really easily. Give everyone somewhere between 1-3 dodges. That way people can dodge the CC and make for active play.

I'm 100% with Eura on this one. I think it's a function of classes no longer having clearly defined roles to fill (like we had at launch). Every class just does everything now, which promotes class stacking the fotm, with no penalties. Damage nerfs aside, they need to go back and redefine class identity. That's what we need, to bring back variety.

Well they should just remove class stacking for monthly.

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There might be more elegant ways to handle this. For instance, in some fighting games damage per hit gets reduced the longer the combo count gets to prevent stuff like cc-locked 100 to 0 HP plays.

So, perhaps being cc'd while already disabled is what provides a stacking buff which reduces incoming damage. Basically, if your character is perma-locked into the ground, it'll receive so little damage it won't die. Something like that would mean that chaining cc isn't a viable killing strategy anymore, and instead should be used to counter specific skills.

granted, something like this would make lag even worse in WvW, so it may only be feasible in PvP. :/

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:With lower stab uptime and increased CD on almost all Stunbreaks, CC spam is an honest strategy now, and you have to respect strategy and sophistimicated planning.

You can’t really counter play a chain CC build especially if a duo built for it together when you’re using one minute CD breaks. Can’t dodge forever either. A little breathing room is fine just don’t mindlessly CC and waste it during CC recovery. I play a different game that has mez on an 8 second timer and prior to that change the game was a lockdown fiesta.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:With lower stab uptime and increased CD on almost all Stunbreaks, CC spam is an honest strategy now, and you have to respect strategy and sophistimicated planning.

You can’t really counter play a chain CC build especially if a duo built for it together when you’re using one minute CD breaks. Can’t dodge forever either. A little breathing room is fine just don’t mindlessly CC and waste it during CC recovery. I play a different game that has mez on an 8 second timer and prior to that change the game was a lockdown fiesta.

What about stunbreaks?

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@Avatar.3568 said:

@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:With lower stab uptime and increased CD on almost all Stunbreaks, CC spam is an honest strategy now, and you have to respect strategy and sophistimicated planning.

You can’t really counter play a chain CC build especially if a duo built for it together when you’re using
one minute CD breaks
. Can’t dodge forever either. A little breathing room is fine just don’t mindlessly CC and waste it during CC recovery. I play a different game that has mez on an 8 second timer and prior to that change the game was a lockdown fiesta.

What about stunbreaks?

Wasn’t an issue before, but now stun breaks are on such longer cooldowns you can’t really rely on them, you can even just get CC’d right through the break if you’re being focused by CC team, at which point only Firebrand can help.

CC should for sure setup long windup attacks but CC lockdown is just bad gameplay.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:I dont think this idea is neccessarily bad, but the problem is that it doesnt differentiate between short dazes and 3 second knockdowns.

All right we can make daze not trigger this, but also remove dazes exceeding half a second from the game and simply call it interrupt. Daze should be mostly used for this anyway, some skills have daze as practically a hard CC it’s absurd, Full Counter for example can be built into a 3 and a half sec long AoE daze.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@UNOwen.7132 said:I dont think this idea is neccessarily bad, but the problem is that it doesnt differentiate between short dazes and 3 second knockdowns.

All right we can make daze not trigger this, but also remove dazes exceeding half a second from the game and simply call it interrupt. Daze should be mostly used for this anyway, some skills have daze as practically a hard CC it’s absurd, Full Counter for example can be built into a 3 and a half sec long AoE daze.

Id be on board with that, tbh. Would mean that Full Counter needs to get a lot of damage back though, if they did that. It basically lost all of it in exchange for Daze duration. But yeah, thatd be cool, basically turning every daze into a headshot daze. Some would probably have to be converted to a stun though.

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