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Two features that PvP absolutely needs.


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  1. Rematching when there's a dc.

This gets constantly abused in ranked from top players with map manipulation. This is pretty well known, yet the solution is simple. Look at how League of Legends and Overwatch handle this problem: They simply forfeit the match if a player disconnects and neither side gains/loses points. Why the other team still gains points in this current solution makes no sense. There needs to be heavier penalties, such as ranked dishonor that lasts multiple days, or even the entire season if it becomes a consistent problem.

  1. Surrender on 1-sided matches.

It happens to everyone, you have a game where you simply can't fight the other team, or they can't touch your team. These matches are fun for neither side. Matches that end up with one team having 200+ points and the other team below 50 points should be offered the option to vote for surrender. It's just a waste of time at that point. This isn't as needed as ranked rematching, but would still be a major QOL.

I would add build templates too, but that has been requested to death.

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@Lan.1968 said:surrender would be nice, but dc might lead to an exploit.

The exploit would be that you could choose which matches you didn't want to play. That's why I said heavier leave penalties need to be implemented. If you pull it off, say twice, you should have at least 3 days dishonored in Ranked PvP.

That exploit sounds a whole lot better than giving away free wins, as it's currently being exploited to hold most of the top spots on the leaderboards. I don't get how it can get any worse than it already is.

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@shippage.1983 said:

@Lan.1968 said:surrender would be nice, but dc might lead to an exploit.

The exploit would be that you could choose which matches you didn't want to play. That's why I said heavier leave penalties need to be implemented. If you pull it off, say twice, you should have at least 3 days dishonored in Ranked PvP.

That exploit sounds a whole lot better than giving away free wins, as it's currently being exploited to hold most of the top spots on the leaderboards. I don't get how it can get any worse than it already is.

I think you may be on to something here...

You're absolutely right, blowouts are no fun. On the winning or losing side. If everyone could vote to forfeit, that would be awesome.

Also, re: the dc rematch would be great. You wouldn't believe the number of matches where someone rage quits or net issues, etc. Why should the other team who had an unfair advantage get points, and why should the team losing the player lose rank points as well? (I know there's the rule with the 2 min disconnected player, you don't lose any points, but why not expand that and just rematch the teams?)

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