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I feel forced to "blob"


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I feel that in order to earn points towards as team top scorer I am forced to stay with the largest group of players and not go off on my own to cap points or ambush people. I really dont understand how the scoring works but it seems like time spent not with the majority of players is time lost from 4 of the top player categories. If I'm not constantly shooting the enemy someone else is so thats kills and dmg. If i'm not with the largest group of team mates then I cant really score healing and revives. Often times I'll have a great game with lots of 18k crits and ersponal point caps but the top players score will give me no credit because I spent too much time running between points and not with the blob. Strangely enough I can spend the entire game at one point defending and get a credit that way but this really feels like afk'n.

What is with the scoring system? Does Gw2 want us to blob zerg in pvp?

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