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Sunhall [GG] [NA//Anvil Rock] RP/PVE

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We're a growing guild looking for members that enjoy role play as much as PvE--metas, HPs and MPs, guild races, and helping new players.

We accept anyone of any experience level and are more than happy to teach new players about role play. We employ a light dice system for guild events or hunts and are building a hunting lodge within our guild and welcome character development and free form creativity. Although we frown on commanders and gods, if you can reason immortal races and make it fit well into the lore, we welcome you.

We have a guild hall, Windswept Haven, and require Discord (which has some rules to read, and after, sign. Our only hoop.). We use it as an infohub, we are chill, and enjoy conversation as much as helping other players. With questions or invitations, you can get me on Discord at IsSpoop#1630 or inworld at MagicPaperPlanes.3140.

Hope to see you there~


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Hello there!I am a returning player, though most of my time was in beta and back during launch with a few times dabbling over the years. GW2 came out around a time when a lot of gaming friends from our old community were transitioning to other parts of life and without friends I never stayed too long.

After all this time it seemed like a fun game to come back to and have been enjoying playing with friends from other servers but the realization of how much I want to accomplish while playing meant the need for a guild was more present.

I have a few level 80s but only one with its elite specialization and am looking to grow within the community as I get my bearings and would love to join if possible!

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@"Sterlingwolf.5163" said:Hello there!I am a returning player, though most of my time was in beta and back during launch with a few times dabbling over the years. GW2 came out around a time when a lot of gaming friends from our old community were transitioning to other parts of life and without friends I never stayed too long.

After all this time it seemed like a fun game to come back to and have been enjoying playing with friends from other servers but the realization of how much I want to accomplish while playing meant the need for a guild was more present.

I have a few level 80s but only one with its elite specialization and am looking to grow within the community as I get my bearings and would love to join if possible!

Hello! You are more than welcome to join us, visit us at our Discord! https://discord.gg/dSp7WQfTerribly sorry for the delayed reply, I admit I forgot to check this for a while.

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[update for our forum advert] The Sunhall is a growing role play community looking for more active, engaging members!

Individual responsible for the guild: Myself(Inworld handle: MagicPaperPlanes.3140 || Discord handle: Sunchild#1630) -- I am most likely to respond in world or Discord although you may very well message me here with any questions; please permit me a bit of time if I do not respond right away.


Recruitment: Absolutely open (we are currently looking for both EU and NA members)

Requirements to Join (Guidelines): Join our Discord here at https://discord.gg/dSp7WQf and read and sign our rules in the designated #rules and #signatures channels. Both your full Discord and GWII handle are required.--Thereafter, I will send an invite in world. This is my only requirement.

Players have one week to sign the rules, if they do not, they will be booted (there is a grace period for those that are having a difficult week, have lost internet, etc), there is a 30 day boot period where players will be booted after 30 days of inactivity, and a leave of absence system for those that wish to stay with us, in case of extended time away.

Guild Information:::50+ members::Windswept Haven (Level 30+)::10 active people a day (on average) around NA times::Weekly schedule::Weekly officer meetings and biweekly guild meetings::Moderated, friendly, inclusive community

Sunhall is a guild that focuses on creative free form role play with a light dice system with a guild arc in progress and a new set of companies!

We have companies:Daybreak's Reach, Azarra's Compass, and Sun Riders

Competitions:RP tourneys, fashion wars, art exchanges, etc

We welcome both new role players as much as experienced ones and are working on a sleek, diceless, free from GM system for events (dice used rarely) and encourage players to write what they love (with the proper checks and balances, of course).

Sunhall will be good for you if: You are a new role player looking to learn, you are an experienced player looking to set up shop or community (and be willing to help us grow through story building, recruitment, and whatever else), if you are active and like chatting with guild mates, and if you are looking for a place to really brush up on your creative writing and story building.

Although Sunhall takes most folks of any races, even if not Tyria related, we do employ a hard and fast rule of no Super Saiyans, gods, commanders, inter-dimensional dragons, or anything by the book in Guild Wars II lore (like filling roles of NPCs or using GWII lore as your own). This is a place for custom role play and characters. And we reason with natural consequences and weaknesses equal to strengths. We like checks and balances.

We accept powerful characters and stress that power does not define the character, nor does it make them. We do moderate powerful characters and will re-educate them if they upset rules that involve power-gaming, meta-gaming, god-modding, or consent abuse.

Sunhall aims to be a healthy place to play and chat and a reputable hub for all players while permitting them to enjoy the stories they wish to tell.

Notes for new players:A part of what makes this community positive and upbeat is mental health positivity and my open door policy. Incidents between players must be reported to myself or my Wardens in world or on Discord when they arise and will be handled in a professional, mediated manner--impartial to one side or another (if a Warden is handling something that seems partial, simply come to me about it). We like to hear about them no matter how small because often times, small incidents can lead to a much bigger problem, and our goal at the end of the day is to make Sunhall, and Guild Wars II, a healthy and fun place to play.

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