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Deadeye is too strong, nerf it.


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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Luthan.5236 said:I find them to be the least annoying thief spec and core and daredevil more annoying. Most of the time (I play in lower skill tier though) they are only ranged and not switching to melee that often. Pulling them or moving quickly into melee makes them run away or stealth (if not they die easily).

When they run away or go stealth you can recover from damage taken. Then trying to outsmart them. People above suggested things. Using line of sight against them and trying to avoid the ranged damage.

TECHNICALLY deadeye can permanently stealth and permanently keep removing and avoiding reveal debuff, with shadowmeld, waiting it out or waiting for stealth to run out before attacking, and this pisses people off. But in practice its conquest so nobody gives a kitten as long as you dont impact the map or steal nodes from people.Deadeye is just annoying, but when you look at that spec why do people play it? to win? hell nah, just to kitten people off.

This^ I'd bet its few few times anyone's said man sure glad we had that DE on our team lol usually it's more like man if that DE played anything but DE we may have won.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Luthan.5236 said:I find them to be the least annoying thief spec and core and daredevil more annoying. Most of the time (I play in lower skill tier though) they are only ranged and not switching to melee that often. Pulling them or moving quickly into melee makes them run away or stealth (if not they die easily).

When they run away or go stealth you can recover from damage taken. Then trying to outsmart them. People above suggested things. Using line of sight against them and trying to avoid the ranged damage.

TECHNICALLY deadeye can permanently stealth and permanently keep removing and avoiding reveal debuff, with shadowmeld, waiting it out or waiting for stealth to run out before attacking, and this pisses people off. But in practice its conquest so nobody gives a kitten as long as you dont impact the map or steal nodes from people.Deadeye is just annoying, but when you look at that spec why do people play it? to win? hell nah, just to kitten people off.

This^ I'd bet its few few times anyone's said man sure glad we had that DE on our team lol usually it's more like man if that DE played anything but DE we may have won.

DE in my team = this sucks.DE in enemy team = this suck but i propably win

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Luthan.5236 said:I find them to be the least annoying thief spec and core and daredevil more annoying. Most of the time (I play in lower skill tier though) they are only ranged and not switching to melee that often. Pulling them or moving quickly into melee makes them run away or stealth (if not they die easily).

When they run away or go stealth you can recover from damage taken. Then trying to outsmart them. People above suggested things. Using line of sight against them and trying to avoid the ranged damage.

TECHNICALLY deadeye can permanently stealth and permanently keep removing and avoiding reveal debuff, with shadowmeld, waiting it out or waiting for stealth to run out before attacking, and this pisses people off. But in practice its conquest so nobody gives a kitten as long as you dont impact the map or steal nodes from people.Deadeye is just annoying, but when you look at that spec why do people play it? to win? hell nah, just to kitten people off.

This^ I'd bet its few few times anyone's said man sure glad we had that DE on our team lol usually it's more like man if that DE played anything but DE we may have won.

DE in my team = this sucks.DE in enemy team = this suck but i propably win

Exactly, ull prob win the match cuz the DE is on opposite team but even tho u won the match the DE will have made the match unfun and frustrating.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Axl.8924 said:that would turn druid into trash tier unless you plan to overhaul and maybe improve ranger and druid in general, in which please.

I don't know what's worse. Listening to that laughable excuse for a game dev speak, or the fact that the forums spend so much time asking to nerf for things that aren't an issue that you actually took me seriously.

Blame the PVP DEV balance team for not actually playing the game they are supposed to manipulate. Bunch of ineffectual clowns.


obviously they do not play the game especially when it comes to Thief. I mean seriously, Thief would've turned out to be a unique extraordinary Profession including Deadeye if gimmicks weren't involved in its mechanics and its skill designs

side note- gimmick skill plays and gimmick mechanics are not only restricted to Thief Profession.

-by the way, how is that gimmick burn conditions with gimmick perma-pulls were not addressed in the previous 'nerf' patch?-

3k+ ticks of burn conditions, being thrown around like a child yoyo toy and the game rating is T not Y? When does it become serious to be taken seriously?

I can waste my blinks and jaunts and not get punished for it, but if I sword ambush just a tad bit close to guard Im running the risk of catching 15k burning virus :D


i believe you

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Luthan.5236 said:I find them to be the least annoying thief spec and core and daredevil more annoying. Most of the time (I play in lower skill tier though) they are only ranged and not switching to melee that often. Pulling them or moving quickly into melee makes them run away or stealth (if not they die easily).

When they run away or go stealth you can recover from damage taken. Then trying to outsmart them. People above suggested things. Using line of sight against them and trying to avoid the ranged damage.

TECHNICALLY deadeye can permanently stealth and permanently keep removing and avoiding reveal debuff, with shadowmeld, waiting it out or waiting for stealth to run out before attacking, and this pisses people off. But in practice its conquest so nobody gives a kitten as long as you dont impact the map or steal nodes from people.Deadeye is just annoying, but when you look at that spec why do people play it? to win? hell nah, just to kitten people off.

This^ I'd bet its few few times anyone's said man sure glad we had that DE on our team lol usually it's more like man if that DE played anything but DE we may have won.

DE in my team = this sucks.DE in enemy team = this suck but i propably win

and weren't you a main person claiming that thief didn't need a buff?

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@darren.1064 said:

@Luthan.5236 said:I find them to be the least annoying thief spec and core and daredevil more annoying. Most of the time (I play in lower skill tier though) they are only ranged and not switching to melee that often. Pulling them or moving quickly into melee makes them run away or stealth (if not they die easily).

When they run away or go stealth you can recover from damage taken. Then trying to outsmart them. People above suggested things. Using line of sight against them and trying to avoid the ranged damage.

TECHNICALLY deadeye can permanently stealth and permanently keep removing and avoiding reveal debuff, with shadowmeld, waiting it out or waiting for stealth to run out before attacking, and this pisses people off. But in practice its conquest so nobody gives a kitten as long as you dont impact the map or steal nodes from people.Deadeye is just annoying, but when you look at that spec why do people play it? to win? hell nah, just to kitten people off.

This^ I'd bet its few few times anyone's said man sure glad we had that DE on our team lol usually it's more like man if that DE played anything but DE we may have won.

DE in my team = this sucks.DE in enemy team = this suck but i propably win

and weren't you a main person claiming that thief didn't need a buff?

He was talking about thief in general I'd assume. DE is in a weird spot as it can ruin someone's day and make them want to uninstall the game yet as a whole it's close to useless.

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So....Anyone ranged is supposed to counter you. Range is a counter. You can't win vs everyone, only thing you can do is change up your strategy (adapt) and try again, or don't engage. You can be all "I play as I want, how I want " (which sounds childish btw) however thats the attitude thats gonna keep getting you beat. You gotta change your tactic or retreat, simple as that

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@Dantheman.3589 said:Ok I want some clarification. Are we asking is DE actually op or is it a toxic design? I think anyone would agree to it being toxic, but is it op? Probably only so in low ranks or if they other team has no roamers and/or reflects

I aint even sure its toxic, just bad. Honestly, at this point Id say get rid of kneel (its useless anyway) and remove the focus on stealth.

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@zyra.7860 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:You dying is worse than losing node if 1v1. My best advice to you is learn to kite with terrain and use line of sight. What are they gonna do? Perma stealth on node for a decap?

First they bang bang me from 1500 distance. I go chase. They disappear in stealth. Then i hear sound, BOOOOOOM i got hit from 10k Death Judgement. They are again completely different spot than last time. I go chase again, they dodge and disappear in stealth. BOOOOOOOOM, again 10k dmg. I manage stun them and they shadowstep 1200 range away and dodge stealth.

Just example why class is completely broken and needs emergency nerf.

I don't know that it needs an emergency nerf, but this ability to stealth at will combined with insane mobility is simply broken. You can nerf damage down to 1 and make the class completely irrelevant, but the fact is stealth should not work this way and certainly not on a class with the kind of mobility thief has. It needs to go.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:You dying is worse than losing node if 1v1. My best advice to you is learn to kite with terrain and use line of sight. What are they gonna do? Perma stealth on node for a decap?

First they bang bang me from 1500 distance. I go chase. They disappear in stealth. Then i hear sound, BOOOOOOM i got hit from 10k Death Judgement. They are again completely different spot than last time. I go chase again, they dodge and disappear in stealth. BOOOOOOOOM, again 10k dmg. I manage stun them and they shadowstep 1200 range away and dodge stealth.

Just example why class is completely broken and needs emergency nerf.

I don't know that it needs an emergency nerf, but this ability to stealth at will combined with insane mobility is simply broken. You can nerf damage down to 1 and make the class completely irrelevant, but the fact is stealth should not work this way and certainly not on a class with the kind of mobility thief has. It needs to go.

So broken that its a joke build thats bad in every gamemode.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:You dying is worse than losing node if 1v1. My best advice to you is learn to kite with terrain and use line of sight. What are they gonna do? Perma stealth on node for a decap?

First they bang bang me from 1500 distance. I go chase. They disappear in stealth. Then i hear sound, BOOOOOOM i got hit from 10k Death Judgement. They are again completely different spot than last time. I go chase again, they dodge and disappear in stealth. BOOOOOOOOM, again 10k dmg. I manage stun them and they shadowstep 1200 range away and dodge stealth.

Just example why class is completely broken and needs emergency nerf.

I don't know that it needs an emergency nerf, but this ability to stealth at will combined with insane mobility is simply broken. You can nerf damage down to 1 and make the class completely irrelevant, but the fact is stealth should not work this way and certainly not on a class with the kind of mobility thief has. It needs to go.

So broken that its a joke build thats bad in every gamemode.

Yeah, it seems to be in a bad spot. So what? I was talking about how the way stealth works in GW2 is broken.

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@zyra.7860 said:Deadeye is currently too strong. It have insane mobility combined with stealth, lot of teleports and top tier burst in the game. I recommend to cut damage by -30% of all rifle skills and remove stealth completely, deadeye is range class which are supposed to dont have any stealth. Rifle knee should also have some kind of cooldown, like 5 sec or cost 10 initiative, so you have to make choice about going to OP dmg knee mode or have OP mobility mode. I cant understand how deadeye been untouchable for so long time as it is currently most broken class, and yes, its more game breaking than condition rev or core nec, atleast you can reach those classes.

I main Thief and I have to be honest, Deadeye is not that great. Yes, it can be powerful on some maps and situations but as a whole condi thief, D/P and S/D are all superior. What effort are you making to counter Deadeye? Personally when I played Symbolbrand briefly I made use of Wall of Reflection and saved the reflecting dome from Tome of Courage to deal with a Deadeye.A change in mindset is always better than just asking for nerfs!

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:You dying is worse than losing node if 1v1. My best advice to you is learn to kite with terrain and use line of sight. What are they gonna do? Perma stealth on node for a decap?

First they bang bang me from 1500 distance. I go chase. They disappear in stealth. Then i hear sound, BOOOOOOM i got hit from 10k Death Judgement. They are again completely different spot than last time. I go chase again, they dodge and disappear in stealth. BOOOOOOOOM, again 10k dmg. I manage stun them and they shadowstep 1200 range away and dodge stealth.

Just example why class is completely broken and needs emergency nerf.

I don't know that it needs an emergency nerf, but this ability to stealth at will combined with insane mobility is simply broken. You can nerf damage down to 1 and make the class completely irrelevant, but the fact is stealth should not work this way and certainly not on a class with the kind of mobility thief has. It needs to go.

If you so much as breathe on a DE then they roll over and die. They're not broken nor is the ability for them to stealth. It's quite simply the only thing keeping them alive and if you aren't able to kill a profession that dies in 2 hits then that's a L2P issue right there. There's plentiful counters to a DE and you can even see if there's a DE in the PvP match tab. Use your resources like reflects or your own ranged attacks instead of just complaining. Not to mention any Forced Reveal and a DE is absolutely screwed.

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@"zyra.7860" said:Deadeye is currently too strong. It have insane mobility combined with stealth, lot of teleports and top tier burst in the game. I recommend to cut damage by -30% of all rifle skills and remove stealth completely, deadeye is range class which are supposed to dont have any stealth. Rifle knee should also have some kind of cooldown, like 5 sec or cost 10 initiative, so you have to make choice about going to OP dmg knee mode or have OP mobility mode. I cant understand how deadeye been untouchable for so long time as it is currently most broken class, and yes, its more game breaking than condition rev or core nec, atleast you can reach those classes.


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@darren.1064 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:You dying is worse than losing node if 1v1. My best advice to you is learn to kite with terrain and use line of sight. What are they gonna do? Perma stealth on node for a decap?

First they bang bang me from 1500 distance. I go chase. They disappear in stealth. Then i hear sound, BOOOOOOM i got hit from 10k Death Judgement. They are again completely different spot than last time. I go chase again, they dodge and disappear in stealth. BOOOOOOOOM, again 10k dmg. I manage stun them and they shadowstep 1200 range away and dodge stealth.

Just example why class is completely broken and needs emergency nerf.

I don't know that it needs an emergency nerf, but this ability to stealth at will combined with insane mobility is simply broken. You can nerf damage down to 1 and make the class completely irrelevant, but the fact is stealth should not work this way and certainly not on a class with the kind of mobility thief has. It needs to go.

If you so much as breathe on a DE then they roll over and die. They're not broken nor is the ability for them to stealth. It's quite simply the only thing keeping them alive and if you aren't able to kill a profession that dies in 2 hits then that's a L2P issue right there. There's plentiful counters to a DE and you can even see if there's a DE in the PvP match tab. Use your resources like reflects or your own ranged attacks instead of just complaining. Not to mention any Forced Reveal and a DE is absolutely screwed.

Reading is fundamental. My issue is with stealth, not deadeye. Poorly designed for competitive play.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:You dying is worse than losing node if 1v1. My best advice to you is learn to kite with terrain and use line of sight. What are they gonna do? Perma stealth on node for a decap?

First they bang bang me from 1500 distance. I go chase. They disappear in stealth. Then i hear sound, BOOOOOOM i got hit from 10k Death Judgement. They are again completely different spot than last time. I go chase again, they dodge and disappear in stealth. BOOOOOOOOM, again 10k dmg. I manage stun them and they shadowstep 1200 range away and dodge stealth.

Just example why class is completely broken and needs emergency nerf.

I don't know that it needs an emergency nerf, but this ability to stealth at will combined with insane mobility is simply broken. You can nerf damage down to 1 and make the class completely irrelevant, but the fact is stealth should not work this way and certainly not on a class with the kind of mobility thief has. It needs to go.

If you so much as breathe on a DE then they roll over and die. They're not broken nor is the ability for them to stealth. It's quite simply the only thing keeping them alive and if you aren't able to kill a profession that dies in 2 hits then that's a L2P issue right there. There's plentiful counters to a DE and you can even see if there's a DE in the PvP match tab. Use your resources like reflects or your own ranged attacks instead of just complaining. Not to mention any Forced Reveal and a DE is absolutely screwed.

Reading is fundamental. My issue is with stealth, not deadeye. Poorly designed for competitive play.

Stealth itself is fine, its out of combat stealth (i.e. being blown up by someone you never saw) thats an issue. DE doesnt really do that.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:You dying is worse than losing node if 1v1. My best advice to you is learn to kite with terrain and use line of sight. What are they gonna do? Perma stealth on node for a decap?

First they bang bang me from 1500 distance. I go chase. They disappear in stealth. Then i hear sound, BOOOOOOM i got hit from 10k Death Judgement. They are again completely different spot than last time. I go chase again, they dodge and disappear in stealth. BOOOOOOOOM, again 10k dmg. I manage stun them and they shadowstep 1200 range away and dodge stealth.

Just example why class is completely broken and needs emergency nerf.

I don't know that it needs an emergency nerf, but this ability to stealth at will combined with insane mobility is simply broken. You can nerf damage down to 1 and make the class completely irrelevant, but the fact is stealth should not work this way and certainly not on a class with the kind of mobility thief has. It needs to go.

If you so much as breathe on a DE then they roll over and die. They're not broken nor is the ability for them to stealth. It's quite simply the only thing keeping them alive and if you aren't able to kill a profession that dies in 2 hits then that's a L2P issue right there. There's plentiful counters to a DE and you can even see if there's a DE in the PvP match tab. Use your resources like reflects or your own ranged attacks instead of just complaining. Not to mention any Forced Reveal and a DE is absolutely screwed.

Reading is fundamental. My issue is with stealth, not deadeye. Poorly designed for competitive play.

Stealth itself is fine, its out of combat stealth (i.e. being blown up by someone you never saw) thats an issue. DE doesnt really do that.

I disagree. Quite the opposite, in fact. Strong openers are how stealth should work. In combat the ability to simply disappear whenever you want should be limited and class defenses/skills adjusted accordingly.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@"FrownyClown.8402" said:You dying is worse than losing node if 1v1. My best advice to you is learn to kite with terrain and use line of sight. What are they gonna do? Perma stealth on node for a decap?

First they bang bang me from 1500 distance. I go chase. They disappear in stealth. Then i hear sound, BOOOOOOM i got hit from 10k Death Judgement. They are again completely different spot than last time. I go chase again, they dodge and disappear in stealth. BOOOOOOOOM, again 10k dmg. I manage stun them and they shadowstep 1200 range away and dodge stealth.

Just example why class is completely broken and needs emergency nerf.

I don't know that it needs an emergency nerf, but this ability to stealth at will combined with insane mobility is simply broken. You can nerf damage down to 1 and make the class completely irrelevant, but the fact is stealth should not work this way and certainly not on a class with the kind of mobility thief has. It needs to go.

If you so much as breathe on a DE then they roll over and die. They're not broken nor is the ability for them to stealth. It's quite simply the only thing keeping them alive and if you aren't able to kill a profession that dies in 2 hits then that's a L2P issue right there. There's plentiful counters to a DE and you can even see if there's a DE in the PvP match tab. Use your resources like reflects or your own ranged attacks instead of just complaining. Not to mention any Forced Reveal and a DE is absolutely screwed.

Reading is fundamental. My issue is with stealth, not deadeye. Poorly designed for competitive play.

Stealth itself is fine, its out of combat stealth (i.e. being blown up by someone you never saw) thats an issue. DE doesnt really do that.

I disagree. Quite the opposite, in fact. Strong openers are how stealth should work. In combat the ability to simply disappear whenever you want should be limited and class defenses/skills adjusted accordingly.

No, thats how stealth exactly shouldnt work. It removes counterplay. You just get killed by a target you couldnt react to because you never were aware of their presence. Stealth in-combat is weak right now. Because its extremely unsafe and provides very little benefit. Thief doesnt "simply disappear whenever he wants", you still know its approximate location, and you often can hit them for a lot of damage when they attempt to enter stealth. You can track them using channeled skills, or cleave. You can hit them with AoE. In-combat stealth actually has a lot of counterplay (too much, right now, hence why the best way to use stealth in-combat ... is to not use stealth), and its perfectly fine.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"FrownyClown.8402" said:You dying is worse than losing node if 1v1. My best advice to you is learn to kite with terrain and use line of sight. What are they gonna do? Perma stealth on node for a decap?

First they bang bang me from 1500 distance. I go chase. They disappear in stealth. Then i hear sound, BOOOOOOM i got hit from 10k Death Judgement. They are again completely different spot than last time. I go chase again, they dodge and disappear in stealth. BOOOOOOOOM, again 10k dmg. I manage stun them and they shadowstep 1200 range away and dodge stealth.

Just example why class is completely broken and needs emergency nerf.

I don't know that it needs an emergency nerf, but this ability to stealth at will combined with insane mobility is simply broken. You can nerf damage down to 1 and make the class completely irrelevant, but the fact is stealth should not work this way and certainly not on a class with the kind of mobility thief has. It needs to go.

If you so much as breathe on a DE then they roll over and die. They're not broken nor is the ability for them to stealth. It's quite simply the only thing keeping them alive and if you aren't able to kill a profession that dies in 2 hits then that's a L2P issue right there. There's plentiful counters to a DE and you can even see if there's a DE in the PvP match tab. Use your resources like reflects or your own ranged attacks instead of just complaining. Not to mention any Forced Reveal and a DE is absolutely screwed.

Reading is fundamental. My issue is with stealth, not deadeye. Poorly designed for competitive play.

Stealth itself is fine, its out of combat stealth (i.e. being blown up by someone you never saw) thats an issue. DE doesnt really do that.

I disagree. Quite the opposite, in fact. Strong openers are how stealth should work. In combat the ability to simply disappear whenever you want should be limited and class defenses/skills adjusted accordingly.

No, thats how stealth exactly
work. It removes counterplay. You just get killed by a target you couldnt react to because you never were aware of their presence. Stealth in-combat is weak right now. Because its extremely unsafe and provides very little benefit. Thief doesnt "simply disappear whenever he wants", you still know its approximate location, and you often can hit them for a lot of damage when they attempt to enter stealth. You can track them using channeled skills, or cleave. You can hit them with AoE. In-combat stealth actually has a lot of counterplay (too much, right now, hence why the best way to use stealth in-combat ... is to not use stealth), and its perfectly fine.

You can change direction when you stealth and the opponents is looking for you and wasting aoes on the right side , while you run of the left .Channeled skills , are too short . Normaly it should behaved like Urgot from LoL , where if you hit him once you marked him (regadles if he stealth ) and the same spell , is no longer needed to be aimed again . Or Chyron from Smite , after he uses any aoe/single target spell

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@Captain Kuro.8937 said:

@"FrownyClown.8402" said:You dying is worse than losing node if 1v1. My best advice to you is learn to kite with terrain and use line of sight. What are they gonna do? Perma stealth on node for a decap?

First they bang bang me from 1500 distance. I go chase. They disappear in stealth. Then i hear sound, BOOOOOOM i got hit from 10k Death Judgement. They are again completely different spot than last time. I go chase again, they dodge and disappear in stealth. BOOOOOOOOM, again 10k dmg. I manage stun them and they shadowstep 1200 range away and dodge stealth.

Just example why class is completely broken and needs emergency nerf.

I don't know that it needs an emergency nerf, but this ability to stealth at will combined with insane mobility is simply broken. You can nerf damage down to 1 and make the class completely irrelevant, but the fact is stealth should not work this way and certainly not on a class with the kind of mobility thief has. It needs to go.

If you so much as breathe on a DE then they roll over and die. They're not broken nor is the ability for them to stealth. It's quite simply the only thing keeping them alive and if you aren't able to kill a profession that dies in 2 hits then that's a L2P issue right there. There's plentiful counters to a DE and you can even see if there's a DE in the PvP match tab. Use your resources like reflects or your own ranged attacks instead of just complaining. Not to mention any Forced Reveal and a DE is absolutely screwed.

Reading is fundamental. My issue is with stealth, not deadeye. Poorly designed for competitive play.

Stealth itself is fine, its out of combat stealth (i.e. being blown up by someone you never saw) thats an issue. DE doesnt really do that.

I disagree. Quite the opposite, in fact. Strong openers are how stealth should work. In combat the ability to simply disappear whenever you want should be limited and class defenses/skills adjusted accordingly.

No, thats how stealth exactly
work. It removes counterplay. You just get killed by a target you couldnt react to because you never were aware of their presence. Stealth in-combat is weak right now. Because its extremely unsafe and provides very little benefit. Thief doesnt "simply disappear whenever he wants", you still know its approximate location, and you often can hit them for a lot of damage when they attempt to enter stealth. You can track them using channeled skills, or cleave. You can hit them with AoE. In-combat stealth actually has a lot of counterplay (too much, right now, hence why the best way to use stealth in-combat ... is to not use stealth), and its perfectly fine.

You can change direction when you stealth and the opponents is looking for you and wasting aoes on the right side , while you run of the left .

You cant. Anything that stealths you locks you in a direction you move in. You could try afterwards, but yo ustill get tracked by cleave. They will also just throw AoEs at you during or right after you stealthed, and you will be hit by it.

Channeled skills , are too short . Normaly it should behaved like Urgot from LoL , where if you hit him once you marked him (regadles if he stealth ) and the same spell , is no longer needed to be aimed again . Or Chyron from Smite , after he uses any aoe/single target spell

Theyre not. Use Rapid Fire on a stealthing thief, and watch as he drops dead. Your "suggestion" would make in-combat stealth go from underpowered to unusable. To call it one of the worst ideas ever conceived by anyone on these forums is to be nice about it.

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