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Anet pls bring back druid and make it a good support this time.


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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Alternatively Anet could make FB less performing in order to make other support professions more practicable.

This will not solve any of the druid issues. Also support firebrand is not used much right now, i've seen more tempest and symbolbrands than supp firebrands honestly.

FB hasn't been a viable support for months, and people are still banging that drum :/

Legit can't remember the last time I saw one in either Ranked or AT. They'll be complaining about Scourges and Boonbeasts and D/D CEle next.

I'm fairly sure ANet don't want a full-support to be viable. They want people to play brawlers with support-aspects.

Fb has been the best support since it was released and still is, but you can continue to think that this is not so.

Just out of curiosity, what would FB lack to be called "complete" support?

Being the best looking guy in the burns-unit isn't a compliment. Being the best out of a list of non-viable stuff doesn't make something viable. Being better than Druid isn't an achievement.

None of this means that Support-FB is something that anyone actually chooses to play at a high level.

It's been 100% non-existent in Ranked (Plat+) and mAT since the start of the year, and completely replaced with Symbolbrand. Go and watch some high level streams or mAT streams, and count the number of full-support FBs. It'll be zero.

The only conclusion to draw from that is that ANet don't want a pure support to be a thing, and want everyone to Hybrid.

This however does not make the build impractical.

This is a discussion about Support and FB is unquestionably the best regardless of the Build that people are now using.In this game every profession should cover any role or almost, Druid is a support specification and if he does not receive buffs because maybe Anet thinks it is a balanced profession, at this point the problem will be somewhere else because FB shouldn't be better in every single aspect than another profession.

You have to be trolling.

Class 1 is D-tier and Class 2 is E-tier, so you want them both to be E-tier for the sake of fairness?

Neither Full-Support FB nor Full-Support Druid are used currently. How will nerfing FB make people play Druid?

Balance means that classes have equal opportunities, if this is a troll for you, perhaps you have a particular concept of balance?

Okay, definitely trolling.

FB and Druid are not the only 2 classes in the game.

If a class is struggling, you buff it, you don't pick another non-meta class at random to be nerfed.

And yes, support-FB is not meta. Symbolbrand =/= Support.

By your logic, Druid should be nerfed because it's a better support than Thief.

Let me understand, my request that these professions that should play the same role in a team be put on the same level because one is clearly stronger than the other is it wrong because you consider that Build offmeta? But are we sure I'm trolling, and not you?

I am comparing professions that can heal and support a team, Thief has no Build that can fill that role, Tempest would have been more suitable for your example.

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@Revolution.5409 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Alternatively Anet could make FB less performing in order to make other support professions more practicable.

This will not solve any of the druid issues. Also support firebrand is not used much right now, i've seen more tempest and symbolbrands than supp firebrands honestly.

FB hasn't been a viable support for months, and people are still banging that drum :/

Legit can't remember the last time I saw one in either Ranked or AT. They'll be complaining about Scourges and Boonbeasts and D/D CEle next.

I'm fairly sure ANet don't want a full-support to be viable. They want people to play brawlers with support-aspects.

Fb has been the best support since it was released and still is, but you can continue to think that this is not so.

Just out of curiosity, what would FB lack to be called "complete" support?

Being the best looking guy in the burns-unit isn't a compliment. Being the best out of a list of non-viable stuff doesn't make something viable. Being better than Druid isn't an achievement.

None of this means that Support-FB is something that anyone actually chooses to play at a high level.

It's been 100% non-existent in Ranked (Plat+) and mAT since the start of the year, and completely replaced with Symbolbrand. Go and watch some high level streams or mAT streams, and count the number of full-support FBs. It'll be zero.

The only conclusion to draw from that is that ANet don't want a pure support to be a thing, and want everyone to Hybrid.

This however does not make the build impractical.

This is a discussion about Support and FB is unquestionably the best regardless of the Build that people are now using.In this game every profession should cover any role or almost, Druid is a support specification and if he does not receive buffs because maybe Anet thinks it is a balanced profession, at this point the problem will be somewhere else because FB shouldn't be better in every single aspect than another profession.

You have to be trolling.

Class 1 is D-tier and Class 2 is E-tier, so you want them both to be E-tier for the sake of fairness?

Neither Full-Support FB nor Full-Support Druid are used currently. How will nerfing FB make people play Druid?

Balance means that classes have equal opportunities, if this is a troll for you, perhaps you have a particular concept of balance?

Okay, definitely trolling.

FB and Druid are not the only 2 classes in the game.

If a class is struggling, you buff it, you don't pick another non-meta class at random to be nerfed.

And yes, support-FB is not meta. Symbolbrand =/= Support.

By your logic, Druid should be nerfed because it's a better support than Thief.

Let me understand, my request that these professions that should play the same role in a team be put on the same level because one is clearly stronger than the other is it wrong because you consider that Build offmeta? But are we sure I'm trolling, and not you?

I am comparing professions that can heal and support a team, Thief has no Build that can fill that role, Tempest would have been more suitable for your example.

Explain again how any of this will make Druid viable?

Lets imagine both FB and Tempest are completely removed from the game tomorrow. Will that make anyone start playing support Druid? No, it will not.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Alternatively Anet could make FB less performing in order to make other support professions more practicable.

This will not solve any of the druid issues. Also support firebrand is not used much right now, i've seen more tempest and symbolbrands than supp firebrands honestly.

FB hasn't been a viable support for months, and people are still banging that drum :/

Legit can't remember the last time I saw one in either Ranked or AT. They'll be complaining about Scourges and Boonbeasts and D/D CEle next.

I'm fairly sure ANet don't want a full-support to be viable. They want people to play brawlers with support-aspects.

Fb has been the best support since it was released and still is, but you can continue to think that this is not so.

Just out of curiosity, what would FB lack to be called "complete" support?

Being the best looking guy in the burns-unit isn't a compliment. Being the best out of a list of non-viable stuff doesn't make something viable. Being better than Druid isn't an achievement.

None of this means that Support-FB is something that anyone actually chooses to play at a high level.

It's been 100% non-existent in Ranked (Plat+) and mAT since the start of the year, and completely replaced with Symbolbrand. Go and watch some high level streams or mAT streams, and count the number of full-support FBs. It'll be zero.

The only conclusion to draw from that is that ANet don't want a pure support to be a thing, and want everyone to Hybrid.

This however does not make the build impractical.

This is a discussion about Support and FB is unquestionably the best regardless of the Build that people are now using.In this game every profession should cover any role or almost, Druid is a support specification and if he does not receive buffs because maybe Anet thinks it is a balanced profession, at this point the problem will be somewhere else because FB shouldn't be better in every single aspect than another profession.

You have to be trolling.

Class 1 is D-tier and Class 2 is E-tier, so you want them both to be E-tier for the sake of fairness?

Neither Full-Support FB nor Full-Support Druid are used currently. How will nerfing FB make people play Druid?

Balance means that classes have equal opportunities, if this is a troll for you, perhaps you have a particular concept of balance?

Okay, definitely trolling.

FB and Druid are not the only 2 classes in the game.

If a class is struggling, you buff it, you don't pick another non-meta class at random to be nerfed.

And yes, support-FB is not meta. Symbolbrand =/= Support.

By your logic, Druid should be nerfed because it's a better support than Thief.

Let me understand, my request that these professions that should play the same role in a team be put on the same level because one is clearly stronger than the other is it wrong because you consider that Build offmeta? But are we sure I'm trolling, and not you?

I am comparing professions that can heal and support a team, Thief has no Build that can fill that role, Tempest would have been more suitable for your example.

Explain again how any of this will make Druid viable?

Lets imagine both FB and Tempest are completely removed from the game tomorrow. Will that make anyone start playing support Druid? No, it will not.

It is useless to assume this,, FB and Tempest are there and are in a much better place than Druid.

As I wrote in my initial post, making Firebrand less performing would make other specifications more viable.I don't want FB to become useless, but I don't want it to be the only possible choice.

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@Revolution.5409 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Alternatively Anet could make FB less performing in order to make other support professions more practicable.

This will not solve any of the druid issues. Also support firebrand is not used much right now, i've seen more tempest and symbolbrands than supp firebrands honestly.

FB hasn't been a viable support for months, and people are still banging that drum :/

Legit can't remember the last time I saw one in either Ranked or AT. They'll be complaining about Scourges and Boonbeasts and D/D CEle next.

I'm fairly sure ANet don't want a full-support to be viable. They want people to play brawlers with support-aspects.

Fb has been the best support since it was released and still is, but you can continue to think that this is not so.

Just out of curiosity, what would FB lack to be called "complete" support?

Being the best looking guy in the burns-unit isn't a compliment. Being the best out of a list of non-viable stuff doesn't make something viable. Being better than Druid isn't an achievement.

None of this means that Support-FB is something that anyone actually chooses to play at a high level.

It's been 100% non-existent in Ranked (Plat+) and mAT since the start of the year, and completely replaced with Symbolbrand. Go and watch some high level streams or mAT streams, and count the number of full-support FBs. It'll be zero.

The only conclusion to draw from that is that ANet don't want a pure support to be a thing, and want everyone to Hybrid.

This however does not make the build impractical.

This is a discussion about Support and FB is unquestionably the best regardless of the Build that people are now using.In this game every profession should cover any role or almost, Druid is a support specification and if he does not receive buffs because maybe Anet thinks it is a balanced profession, at this point the problem will be somewhere else because FB shouldn't be better in every single aspect than another profession.

You have to be trolling.

Class 1 is D-tier and Class 2 is E-tier, so you want them both to be E-tier for the sake of fairness?

Neither Full-Support FB nor Full-Support Druid are used currently. How will nerfing FB make people play Druid?

Balance means that classes have equal opportunities, if this is a troll for you, perhaps you have a particular concept of balance?

Okay, definitely trolling.

FB and Druid are not the only 2 classes in the game.

If a class is struggling, you buff it, you don't pick another non-meta class at random to be nerfed.

And yes, support-FB is not meta. Symbolbrand =/= Support.

By your logic, Druid should be nerfed because it's a better support than Thief.

Let me understand, my request that these professions that should play the same role in a team be put on the same level because one is clearly stronger than the other is it wrong because you consider that Build offmeta? But are we sure I'm trolling, and not you?

I am comparing professions that can heal and support a team, Thief has no Build that can fill that role, Tempest would have been more suitable for your example.

Explain again how any of this will make Druid viable?

Lets imagine both FB and Tempest are completely removed from the game tomorrow. Will that make anyone start playing support Druid? No, it will not.

It is useless to assume this,, FB and Tempest are there and are in a much better place than Druid.

As I wrote in my initial post, making Firebrand less performing would make other specifications more viable.I don't want FB to become useless, but I don't want it to be the only possible choice.

"making Firebrand less performing would make other specifications more viable"

That doesn't make any sense. Druid would still have to compete with the likes of Holosmith, Herald, Thief, Necro for a slot in a 5-man team.

Let's say you get what you want, and Tempest and FB are made "less performing", it just means people will take another Herald. Not a Druid. Why on earth would making Tempest or FB less performing encourage people to take Druid? A support isn't mandatory. If none of the support are good enough compared to the brawlers/roamers/duelists, then teams just won't take any support at all.

And I'm 100% sure you're trolling, but I'm writing this for the benefit of other people who might think this is real. If you sincerely want support Druid to be viable at top level play, you're going about it in entirely the wrong way. What you're asking for won't make a single extra person play support druid. Not one. They'll try it once, discover they're still getting ping-ponged by Holos and 1-banged by Heralds whilst providing very little benefit to their team, and put it back into storage. What you're asking for is for Druid to remain irrelevant. Nice work.

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@"Poledra Val.1490" said:The problem with Druid is its exactly the kind of class that if you buff it it becomes so incredibly strong that it is almost unkillable and it rightly should not be buffed with the way the current meta is shaping up in my opinion.

It really depends on WHICH ABILITIES they might buff. Of course if they improve self sustain/stealth/disengage druid can be very difficult to kill, but listen. If anet miraculously decides to buff AoE druid support abilities (like glyphs, or commands, AoE support traits, "support" pets, etc...) instead of selfish ones druid will be more incentivized to play a team-support oriented build rather than a selfish build. AoE support skills and traits take slots, so druid will not be able at being supportive and being unkillable /able to duel at the same time. "Sic em" on soulbeast is a good example: It improves damage but at the same time you have to occupy a skill slot instead of taking another defensive ability. This can also be applied to Tempest that takes an utility slot for Glyph of Renewal. If druid have to slot supporting abilities to be useful, it will be 100% killable in a teamfight.

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:I don’t honestly want druid to become a support. I feel like a build with longbow and ancient seeds could be good, but they just need to make it stronger at what it does

It has a staff with four healing skills and one cleanse. It has an avatar where four out of five skills are healing.

It's not about becoming support, it is about being actually viable at it. Ancient Seed is a cancer trait that no one likes, druid shouldn't be built around it to begin with.

I mean it’s always been like that but never viable at all as a support, but ok...

But ok? What requires less work? Shuffling and improving underused support aspect of druid to achieve what it clearly was designed for, or reworking almost the entire spec into some cancerous CC bot that will just put wood under the fire regarding all the ranger hate?

I never thought druid should be a support. The entire theme of ranger in pvp is to be and/or do stuff on your own. Whether that’s achieved by side noding or being a roaming that shines brightest in roads, then that’s fine.But why would you ever want a designated solo class to be the teams designated support? It makes no sense thematically or logically with the way the skills on ranger are atm. Also I highly doubt there is any way anet can shuffle the skills to even make it good

What is the point of having new elite then? Elites are meant to be new playstyles and i think that druid deserves to have some decent support that is separate to tempest and firebrand, something that performs well as support in different circumstances.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Alternatively Anet could make FB less performing in order to make other support professions more practicable.

This will not solve any of the druid issues. Also support firebrand is not used much right now, i've seen more tempest and symbolbrands than supp firebrands honestly.

FB hasn't been a viable support for months, and people are still banging that drum :/

Legit can't remember the last time I saw one in either Ranked or AT. They'll be complaining about Scourges and Boonbeasts and D/D CEle next.

I'm fairly sure ANet don't want a full-support to be viable. They want people to play brawlers with support-aspects.

Fb has been the best support since it was released and still is, but you can continue to think that this is not so.

Just out of curiosity, what would FB lack to be called "complete" support?

Being the best looking guy in the burns-unit isn't a compliment. Being the best out of a list of non-viable stuff doesn't make something viable. Being better than Druid isn't an achievement.

None of this means that Support-FB is something that anyone actually chooses to play at a high level.

It's been 100% non-existent in Ranked (Plat+) and mAT since the start of the year, and completely replaced with Symbolbrand. Go and watch some high level streams or mAT streams, and count the number of full-support FBs. It'll be zero.

The only conclusion to draw from that is that ANet don't want a pure support to be a thing, and want everyone to Hybrid.

This however does not make the build impractical.

This is a discussion about Support and FB is unquestionably the best regardless of the Build that people are now using.In this game every profession should cover any role or almost, Druid is a support specification and if he does not receive buffs because maybe Anet thinks it is a balanced profession, at this point the problem will be somewhere else because FB shouldn't be better in every single aspect than another profession.

You have to be trolling.

Class 1 is D-tier and Class 2 is E-tier, so you want them both to be E-tier for the sake of fairness?

Neither Full-Support FB nor Full-Support Druid are used currently. How will nerfing FB make people play Druid?

Balance means that classes have equal opportunities, if this is a troll for you, perhaps you have a particular concept of balance?

Okay, definitely trolling.

FB and Druid are not the only 2 classes in the game.

If a class is struggling, you buff it, you don't pick another non-meta class at random to be nerfed.

And yes, support-FB is not meta. Symbolbrand =/= Support.

By your logic, Druid should be nerfed because it's a better support than Thief.

Let me understand, my request that these professions that should play the same role in a team be put on the same level because one is clearly stronger than the other is it wrong because you consider that Build offmeta? But are we sure I'm trolling, and not you?

I am comparing professions that can heal and support a team, Thief has no Build that can fill that role, Tempest would have been more suitable for your example.

Explain again how any of this will make Druid viable?

Lets imagine both FB and Tempest are completely removed from the game tomorrow. Will that make anyone start playing support Druid? No, it will not.

It is useless to assume this,, FB and Tempest are there and are in a much better place than Druid.

As I wrote in my initial post, making Firebrand less performing would make other specifications more viable.I don't want FB to become useless, but I don't want it to be the only possible choice.

"making Firebrand less performing would make other specifications more viable"

That doesn't make any sense. Druid would still have to compete with the likes of Holosmith, Herald, Thief, Necro for a slot in a 5-man team.

Let's say you get what you want, and Tempest and FB are made "less performing", it just means people will take another Herald. Not a Druid. Why on earth would making Tempest or FB less performing encourage people to take Druid? A support isn't mandatory. If none of the support are good enough compared to the brawlers/roamers/duelists, then teams just won't take any support at all.

And I'm 100% sure you're trolling, but I'm writing this for the benefit of other people who might think this is real. If you sincerely want support Druid to be viable at top level play, you're going about it in entirely the wrong way. What you're asking for won't make a single extra person play support druid. Not one. They'll try it once, discover they're still getting ping-ponged by Holos and 1-banged by Heralds whilst providing very little benefit to their team, and put it back into storage. What you're asking for is for Druid to remain irrelevant. Nice work.

Excluding Thief but adding birds and cats and you've made a list of all the Builds that need nerfs right now.

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@kappa.2036 said:

@Aridon.8362 said:You're meant to be killable not unkillable, nobody wants to deal with perma boon perma resist perma heal rangers, let alone rangers who use GS5 to win abusively. I'm sure there is a support build you haven't found yet that works best for you, or you're probably gating yourself to an amulet or something.

No one said that druid should be unkillable. I'm asking about being A VIABLE SUPPORT, which means better group utilities. I've never mentioned perma resistance or perma boons. Also I've played druid since HoT beta and i'm sure on what i'm talking about, THERE IS NO SECRET GOOD SUPPORT BUILD TO DISCOVER. Even when druid was considered meta, it was a side-node bunker with some healing and group utilities (fast rez, aoe stealth). It was never considered a group support, Tempest was.

@Dantheman.3589 said:I don’t honestly want druid to become a support. I feel like a build with longbow and ancient seeds could be good, but they just need to make it stronger at what it does

Weren't elite specialization meant to give us new playstyles, new roles? Ranger only have side-node or +1 builds and you want druid to be another side-noder? With longbow and that cancer trait? C'mon. EVERY MINOR TRAIT AND THE OVERALL DESIGN OF DRUID IS ABOUT SUPPORT, IT NEEDS TO BECOME A VIABLE SUPPORT.

Aye aye aye forget I said anything.

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I was quite stunned after being gone for 2.5 yrs by what happened to the druid. The spec was difficult to take down in the past because of defensive amulets that have since been taken out, and Smokescale which got decimated. Might stacking also got nerfed hard.

So why keep gutting the druid after the above changes? I mean, staff got nerfed into uselessness. Staff 1 and 3 got destroyed for no reason whatsoever. The evade was fine, and 1's damage was mediocre even with Marauder's amulet and 25 stacks of might. Now it's a wet noodle. 2 and 4 were always useless.

That being said, I think there are some pretty creative ways to play the druid in the emerging meta as a side noder or +1. The only thing really holding the spec back is the uselessness of the staff. This thing just needs a rework, or at the very least for the old nerfs to be reverted.

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