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When every game has atleast 4 necro theres a problem


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Core necro specifically is an extremelly easy roll your face over the keyboard whilst being effective broken spec currently.

Lets be honest here, a core necro can make dozens of mistakes and misplays and still live right through it.

That in it itself is an issue, in every other profession if you mess up you will get punished for it with the exception of Ranger. However because of its just absolutely massive sustain and health pool it just keeps on going. People know what the issues are its up to Anet to simply fix them.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Decrease in power damage and basically no change in condi made classes that have barriers or shroud in necros case incredibly tanky to a broken level ad the fact necro has strong condi builds it can't surprise anyone it,guards and revs became the fotm classes that are getting spammed every match.

And eles and condi rangers, and... I saw some condi mirage builds running around. The condi meta has never been fun before and it's not fun now.

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@Burjis.3087 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Decrease in power damage and basically no change in condi made classes that have barriers or shroud in necros case incredibly tanky to a broken level ad the fact necro has strong condi builds it can't surprise anyone it,guards and revs became the fotm classes that are getting spammed every match.

And eles and condi rangers, and... I saw some condi mirage builds running around. The condi meta has never been fun before and it's not fun now.

True but let's not pretend nor deflect that there's on average 2 necros on each team vs maybe one of those others maybe on one of the teams and for a obvious reason lol

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Decrease in power damage and basically no change in condi made classes that have barriers or shroud in necros case incredibly tanky to a broken level ad the fact necro has strong condi builds it can't surprise anyone it,guards and revs became the fotm classes that are getting spammed every match.

Hardly see any revenants to be honest. Are you seeing condis mostly?

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@Novuake.2691 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Decrease in power damage and basically no change in condi made classes that have barriers or shroud in necros case incredibly tanky to a broken level ad the fact necro has strong condi builds it can't surprise anyone it,guards and revs became the fotm classes that are getting spammed every match.

Hardly see any revenants to be honest. Are you seeing condis

U see less revanant cuz its probobly the hardest class to play to its potential even more so than thief. A great rev can make the builds broken but there's very few great revs and even fewer willing to put time in to become great at it especially power rev when there's the handful of carry classes easily accessible lol. I guess due to that putting them in my list isn't entirely appropriate.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Decrease in power damage and basically no change in condi made classes that have barriers or shroud in necros case incredibly tanky to a broken level ad the fact necro has strong condi builds it can't surprise anyone it,guards and revs became the fotm classes that are getting spammed every match.

And eles and condi rangers, and... I saw some condi mirage builds running around. The condi meta has never been fun before and it's not fun now.

True but let's not pretend nor deflect that there's on average 2 necros on each team vs maybe one of those others maybe on one of the teams and for a obvious reason lol

Yes, as I myself mentioned in this very thread. The reason, however, is not that necro condition builds are much more efficient (well they are but not by that big a margin). It's mainly because they are the easiest of the bunch to master and it's more forgiving to mistakes. It's the simplicity of it that drives people to play it. One does not simply just dust off a mesmer or an ele and expect to be efficient with it.

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@Revolution.5409 said:

@Abyssisis.3971 said:Seeing more necros is the side effected of nerfing rangers... haha

Dude, Ranger hasn't gotten any Nerf yet.

Players are playing Necro because you can be competitive even by pressing keys randomly or simply standing still to eat damage on the spot.Let me remind you that the last few patches targeted slb really hard.Slb was notorious for being a necro killer. So your definition of ranger is very selective.

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@Novuake.2691 said:Honestly I'm so tired of seeing 4 necros in almost every game. The sheer amount of debilitating conditions and cc this class can drop on the cap is just disgusting and so kitten unfun.

A simple fix without nerfing necro is limiting 1 class per side per game.Its either that or greatly increase the skill floor of the class or nerf it.

i prefer the first option instead

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@aymnad.9023 said:

@Abyssisis.3971 said:Seeing more necros is the side effected of nerfing rangers... haha

Dude, Ranger hasn't gotten any Nerf yet.

Players are playing Necro because you can be competitive even by pressing keys randomly or simply standing still to eat damage on the spot.Let me remind you that the last few patches targeted slb really hard.Slb was notorious for being a necro killer. So your definition of ranger is very selective.

I know that Slb has received heavy nerf but it is useless to think about what has been, my comment was however in reference to all the discussions that have been opened in the last period here on the forum.

The current Slb can still eliminate a Necro even if not as easily as before.

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@Revolution.5409 said:

@Abyssisis.3971 said:Seeing more necros is the side effected of nerfing rangers... haha

Dude, Ranger hasn't gotten any Nerf yet.

Players are playing Necro because you can be competitive even by pressing keys randomly or simply standing still to eat damage on the spot.Let me remind you that the last few patches targeted slb really hard.Slb was notorious for being a necro killer. So your definition of ranger is very selective.

I know that Slb has received heavy nerf but it is useless to think about what has been, my comment was however in reference to all the discussions that have been opened in the last period here on the forum.

The current Slb can still eliminate a Necro even if not as easily as before.

It can but the requirements to do it are pretty high. (it is way harder than before)But this is not a necro problem. All professions can pump out enough damage mitigation to tank the damage period (or even more than that).

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@"Burnfall.9573" said:Even after Anet Heartfelt-Sympathy in gradually moving Necromancer away from being the punching-bag Profession. the torch and pitchfork crowd who want Necromancer to remain as a punching-bag Profession continues..... their attacks...hurting them


what did i do wrong?

You are badly designed that what's happening....the perfect noob carry profession.....highest HP plus a defensive HP bar mechanic which grant access to offensive skills at the same time plus traitlines raising ferocity and precision to zerker levels even when slotting full soldier stats...oh forgot to mention passive toughness increase trait, quickness and life steal....oh wait there is more....insta cast persisting ranged aoe triggering several traits/sigils when activated.......did I mention that is braindead easy to play?

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@Novuake.2691 said:Honestly I'm so tired of seeing 4 necros in almost every game. The sheer amount of debilitating conditions and cc this class can drop on the cap is just disgusting and so kitten unfun.

A simple fix without nerfing necro is limiting 1 class per side per game.Its either that or greatly increase the skill floor of the class or nerf it.

As a necro i will agree with you, in fact to be more precise its not 4 necros its 4 reapers that are both super tanky and cause high damage but lets not ignore the rest of the notoriously-infamous statistics.....like the 4 rangers in every plat tier game or how the lower tiers have become a revenant rulette. A plat skilled necro in low tiers cant 1 vs 5 however the revenant can and does until he hits higher ones and reroll to ranger

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Burnfall.9573" said:Even after Anet Heartfelt-Sympathy in gradually moving Necromancer away from being the punching-bag Profession. the torch and pitchfork crowd who want Necromancer to remain as a punching-bag Profession continues..... their attacks...hurting them


what did i do wrong?

You are badly designed that what's happening....the perfect noob carry profession.....highest HP plus a defensive HP bar mechanic which grant access to offensive skills at the same time plus traitlines raising ferocity and precision to zerker levels even when slotting full soldier stats...oh forgot to mention passive toughness increase trait, quickness and life steal....oh wait there is more....insta cast persisting ranged aoe triggering several traits/sigils when activated.......did I mention that is braindead easy to play?

The fact that the skill floor to be remotely effective is so damn low is exactly the issue. And by design they just make the cap unlivable and you are forced to just play at range half the time. Sure its workable, but its far from healthy for conquest.

Hell 1 I dont mind, but when 2 of them are on cap spamming its just a god damn nightmare.

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I think it's not the necro that is the problem, it's the condi meta and necro is just the king of condi, so everyone is rolling one in order to secure a win.The real problem is the match making and queue system that let more than 1 of the same profession stacking.So matches with 2 necros on red team will definitely have 2 necros on the blue team. I've seen just as many as 4 heralds on both teams.I've a few matches with 6 necros and on Capricorn map, which can't be more cancerous than that. It's tired to fight because neither team has any kill fast enough. And 4 players that aren't necros either be farmed or feel useless because it is what it is. The chain rings stack and the fear alone could just kill them. Lol.I'm not sure what they could do to improve the skill floor. I mean you'll immediately spot a good vs a bad necro in any game. But when more than 1 of them splitting and stacking condis, plus have double health bars, it's just nuts.

They really should implement the rule like in 5 queue unranked. If you have more than 2 players of the same class, you'll be notified that you cannot enter the match.If they do that and down the number to 1, no more than 1 of the same class should be in the match regarding how players can be switching around.

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@Lighter.5631 said:atleast 2 necro 2 burn guard 2 ranger every matchbecause these three are the most effective with least effort.

This is exactly why. Power haralds known to be very powerful as well but i rarely see them, not cuz their bad but cuz it's hard build to play. Everyone bandwagons to the most braindead cheese builds, like they dont care what their playing or if it's fun to play just as long as its effective.

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The problem with core necro is that its obviously one the most braindead specs in pvp and of course has the capicity for the player to make hundreds of mistakes in a match and still live through it, it is simply not punished enough when a player makes mistakes in a team fight/duel.

That in itself is the biggest issue, its insane amount of health coupled with its sustain makes this a busted class along with one or two other professions.

Its literally a meat bag that you can roll in a team fight and mash your keyboard by dropping a piece of meat on it and the spec just works.

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@"Poledra Val.1490" said:The problem with core necro is that its obviously one the most braindead specs in pvp and of course has the capicity for the player to make hundreds of mistakes in a match and still live through it, it is simply not punished enough when a player makes mistakes in a team fight/duel.

That in itself is the biggest issue, its insane amount of health coupled with its sustain makes this a busted class along with one or two other professions.

Its literally a meat bag that you can roll in a team fight and mash your keyboard by dropping a piece of meat on it and the spec just works.

you are describing Elementalist Profession, not Necromancer Profession

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"Poledra Val.1490" said:The problem with core necro is that its obviously one the most braindead specs in pvp and of course has the capicity for the player to make hundreds of mistakes in a match and still live through it, it is simply not punished enough when a player makes mistakes in a team fight/duel.

That in itself is the biggest issue, its insane amount of health coupled with its sustain makes this a busted class along with one or two other professions.

Its literally a meat bag that you can roll in a team fight and mash your keyboard by dropping a piece of meat on it and the spec just works.

you are describing Elementalist Profession, not Necromancer Profession

He described both.

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