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When every game has atleast 4 necro theres a problem


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Honestly I'm so tired of seeing 4 necros in almost every game. The sheer amount of debilitating conditions and cc this class can drop on the cap is just disgusting and so damn unfun.

A simple fix without nerfing necro is limiting 1 class per side per game.Its either that or greatly increase the skill floor of the class or nerf it.

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@Stallic.2397 said:I'm seeing this a lot as well. Double necros every game. It's so ironic cause this class is the same class asking for buffs all the time and nerfs to everyone else.

Well to be fair they weren't in a great spot before last big patch so a lot of their complaints were justifiable. The last big patch hammered power damage on MOST classes and builds all while only healing skills were adjusted leaving mechanics like barriers, surrounds and even protection way more effective then last patch even more so hp stayed the same as well.The same can be said for the correlation between power damage and condi especially damage from burns which is why there a massive boom in guard players as well.

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I am a necro main and I agree with the OP on the necro problem. Although I believe it's mostly the condition problem in the current meta, not necros in general. It's just that core necros can cause conditions quite efficiently while having high survivability and a low learning curve.I do believe however that conditions need to be looked at across the board.

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Ez fix nurf LF gain trait on soul reaping and fixed. This will take the class carried aspect out of it and u have to earn your ds there for opening bigger kill windows. And people can again focus necro at start of games so they don’t build ds just like the good old days. Don’t nurf blood! yes it’s good but it will kill every necro build and necro will be deleted unless they buff something else somewhere. If u going to touch blood only nurf cd on Rez to a min or so. again adding bigger windows.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Stallic.2397 said:I'm seeing this a lot as well. Double necros every game. It's so ironic cause this class is the same class asking for buffs all the time and nerfs to everyone else.

Well to be fair they weren't in a great spot before last big patch so a lot of their complaints were justifiable. The last big patch hammered power damage on MOST classes and builds all while only healing skills were adjusted leaving mechanics like barriers, surrounds and even protection way more effective then last patch even more so hp stayed the same as well.The same can be said for the correlation between power damage and condi especially damage from burns which is why there a massive boom in guard players as well.

There's always been a meta with Necro. Core, Reaper, and Scourge have seen more play as a class than so many others. It's not cause it's such a cool class, it's cause it's a easy win class

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@Stallic.2397 said:

@Stallic.2397 said:I'm seeing this a lot as well. Double necros every game. It's so ironic cause this class is the same class asking for buffs all the time and nerfs to everyone else.

Well to be fair they weren't in a great spot before last big patch so a lot of their complaints were justifiable. The last big patch hammered power damage on MOST classes and builds all while only healing skills were adjusted leaving mechanics like barriers, surrounds and even protection way more effective then last patch even more so hp stayed the same as well.The same can be said for the correlation between power damage and condi especially damage from burns which is why there a massive boom in guard players as well.

There's always been a meta with Necro. Core, Reaper, and Scourge have seen more play as a class than so many others. It's not cause it's such a cool class, it's cause it's a easy win class

I'm talking core only. Isnt that the spec most necros qq'd about?

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The sustain is definitely very high in some professions. But ironically, now that we know they are going to balance it. I am afraid it may affect PvE. I hope they do not think to touch the sustain of PvE because there is a lot of high-level content that you can solo when you can't find other players to do the content or as a challenge. Each game mode has different requirements of sustain, including WvW. But in WvW due to the amount of players together maybe could be share the sustain with PvE to save extra work.

Better that they manage to split that balance patch properly between games modes WvW/PvP/PvE or a lot of colateral damage could happen. I can imagine the legion of PvE players raging and flooding the forums if that balance patch nerf the PvE sustain.

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@James.1065 said:Stop complaining, every season there is a new flavour, before necro it was guardian, before that mesmer etc etc just sit back and wait for your profession to roll into pole position and let the necro enjoy the spotlight!

Necros were in pretty good shape before this. This is not a good necro's spotlight, It's that everybody now just dusted off their mule necro character and is playing to win with it! Because necro is one of the easy classes to get started with and no longer is as taxing as it used to be.I'm specifically talking about the core condi spec which was good enough pre-update.

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@Revolution.5409 said:

@Abyssisis.3971 said:Seeing more necros is the side effected of nerfing rangers... haha

Dude, Ranger hasn't gotten any nerf yet.

Players are playing Necro because you can be competitive even by pressing keys randomly or simply standing still to eat damage on the spot.

Signet of the hunt says hello.

But seriously, I’m was just having a joke about nerfing paper so rock can play a little easier ahha

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Don't see any problem is some class is op. This is absolutely not change balance. If they a realy op you should lose? So you will lose till rate there not exist that op class.If you now play and not lose 20 times in row - this is only mean that match ranking works properly.

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@lare.5129 said:Don't see any problem is some class is op. This is absolutely not change balance. If they a realy op you should lose? So you will lose till rate there not exist that op class.If you now play and not lose 20 times in row - this is only mean that match ranking works properly.

I read this 5 times and still dont get it

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@Novuake.2691 said:

@lare.5129 said:Don't see any problem is some class is op.
This is absolutely not change balance.
If they a realy op you should lose? So you will lose till rate there not exist that op class.If you now play and not lose 20 times in row - this is only mean that match ranking works properly.

I read this 5 times and still dont get it

I think he's saying that there's no such thing as an unbalanced build, because if that build is OP it will keep winning, and others will keep losing until they don't get matched up together any more, so then it's okay.

Which might be the stupidest thing ever said on this forum.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@lare.5129 said:Don't see any problem is some class is op.
This is absolutely not change balance.
If they a realy op you should lose? So you will lose till rate there not exist that op class.If you now play and not lose 20 times in row - this is only mean that match ranking works properly.

I read this 5 times and still dont get it

I think he's saying that there's no such thing as an unbalanced build, because if that build is OP it will keep winning, and others will keep losing until they don't get matched up together any more, so then it's okay.

Which might be the stupidest thing ever said on this forum.

LOL I said the same.

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