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What kind of meta do you enjoy?


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I'd rather classes with higher sustain that can ONLY be burst down in a quicker fashion by burst oriented specs.I prefer burst oriented specs actually have a good burst, atleast higher than the tankier builds.I prefer condi have longer duration and less damage per tic unlike this bs of tics doing what some bursts classes do when they burst which doesn't surprise me given this new teams decisions. Especially given how easily the can be stacked.I prefer tankier specs to only have good mobility and damage instead of being able to also do high bursts.The game right now really isn't balanced any better than pre big batch, more or less just a different kind of gbage balance unfortunately.

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As long as meta builds have strengths and weaknesses they are all fine. Bunkers shouldnt be able to kill someone unless they set up their cc and damage skills perfectly. Burst builds shouldnt be able to sustain unless they can predict their opponents actions and dodge/bait important combos. What is not ok is when builds can re-sustain or reset after they get completely outplayed, or when they can just throw out constant cc, aoe, condi pressure, or other high impact damage without having to think.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:cuz some classes are built for burst and others bunker. obviously. that's how it should be so we have variety or every spec will feel like the last minus animations and colors.

Yeah except right now burst classes hit for equal or less than that of the tankier classes. Their are no burst specs left right now and no dps downside to use a high tank class.the tank classes are now the burst classes, usually with condis ie burning.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Yeah except right now burst classes hit for equal or less than that of the tankier classes. Their are no burst specs left right now and no dps downside to use a high tank class.

huh? then why are most of the builds on metabattle using berserker instead of paladin if they're hitting the same?

Hmmm necro can destroy a 17k hp bar in secs while being tanky, so can holo/even engi, rev, guards and rangers, all top tier tanky classes not known to being burst specs except ranger kinda but can burst classes down as fast or faster than burst specs. Are we playing the same game right now? I rock a zerk/warrior rune dp power thief with 17k hp and all those classes I mentioned can delete that 17k in 3 hits or so yet while evading those three hits and connecting backstabs I still have to hit most of those if not all about 30 or 40 times and I'm not even kidding to down them. Funny thing is a lot of the time I do but takes forever and I shouldn't. A burst spec should be able to burst a tank in a reasonable time hence the point of high mobile low hp classes, get in and get out before ur dead but now its get in and stay in for 3 minutes lol. Anyway u guys can have the game if u like it balanced as it is. Matters little to me in the end.

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I think we can have all. After all, I said multiple times before the patch that the previous balance was fine and I enjoyed it because we had a large variety of builds (bruiser, supports, burst,…) and all the professions were performing well in ranked.

I think the patch allowed condi builds to find a better place, it also allowed some alternate builds to rise. (not meta, but ok-ish like druid condi).

But it NEEDS to reduce tankyness / healing / damage mitigation on some specs. This is a major source of frustration right now. Lots of builds are too forgiving.

Right now I play a zerk, eagle rune, marksmanship, beastmatery, soulbeast. I can (sometimes) get those one shot. But god is that frustrating.All the meta builds can facetank damage (even the output of sicem + one wolf pack) while I cannot stand longer than 10s of aggression. If I get someone down, people rez faster than I deal damage, I cannot interrupt the rez or stomp because I will die (cc from tempests, aoe from rev).

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bunker but not to the point 2 classes can't kill them in a reasonable time frame.burst but not 1 shot unless vs other glass. 1 shotting bunkers makes the game a clown fiesta and only 1 type of build worth taking. I would much rather face off against an unskilled bunker that can't kill me vs some clown coming in outta nowhere, pressing a few buttons and downing me when i'm 1v1 another guy.

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I prefer something in between i know i picked bunker but What i really want is something in between, not too tanky, to where you cannot kill them eg before nerfs to core nec and not to the point of 1 shot burst like pre nerfs where you had cc spam 1 shot classes everywhere Obviously work still needs to be done to get stuff perfect.

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I want some fun gameplay with strategie used. Bigger game modes (10 vs. 10 or so) and bigger maps and people having to care then to go to which capture points. And interesting side mechanics.

Bunker and burst can fit in there well. If everyone could just burst each other it could strengthen the importance of strategy and map awareness though ... I guess. Much more important where you and your team are (and with many people).

1 enemy bunker guy (that could out-bunker your burst guys or where you might need up to 3 to kill him quick enough) when you don't have a bunker guy in your team ... could make the balance between teams feel weird I guess. Either you send the 2-3 guys to kill him an the remaining peole will feel outnumbered elsewhere. Or you ignore him. (Depends on the situation. If he comes to attack and is bunker-ish in a way that he deals almost no damage just 1 guy can defend the node. But if you need to decap a node against him you need to remove him. Unless by points you can afford not to decap that node.)

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