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Do not nerf ranger pets


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nah it's gonna happen, loleven if birds die relatively easily it's still coming

so at the same time let's also make the other... 45 pets in the game not suck so bad. like, across all game modes there's like 5 pets that see any use and that's dumb.why can moas not hit a moving target but Signet of Humility on said moa makes it capable of doing so? how's that even a thing with the AI?

or let me start customizing pet skills/stats so i can have mister bear be useful instead of a dumpster truck

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@Shagie.7612 said:nah it's gonna happen, loleven if birds die relatively easily it's still coming

so at the same time let's also make the other... 45 pets in the game not suck so bad. like, across all game modes there's like 5 pets that see any use and that's dumb.why can moas not hit a moving target but Signet of Humility on said moa makes it capable of doing so? how's that even a thing with the AI?

or let me start customizing pet skills/stats so i can have mister bear be useful instead of a dumpster truck

See that's my biggest worry with these changes. Anet has a history of completely destroying whatever they nerf but leaving all the other problems with the class untouched. If/when these unnecessary nerfs go through, it will be even more limited choices in what pets we can bring. Don't get me wrong I love smoke scale, but I'm sick and tired of having to use it on every single build because it's one of the only a handful of useful pets, but the most useful in terms of its ability to track a human played target. I would love to play moas, bears, drakes, devourers, etc.. but they are just plain garbage. Absolute, complete dog shit. I cringe everytime I see, as you pointed out, my moa pecking the air and accomplishing very little to no DPS even against PvE mobs.

People on this forum don't care that a class can't function with its main abilities being killed, they only want what they currently play to win all fights and to destroy anything that has a chance of countering what they play. It's disappointing because I want diversity in this game and the options we used to have, while retaining the games fun. I loved roaming in WvW and coming across people's unique builds. As of the past week 95% of my fights are against dragon hunters with condi ele and condi rev. I don't see warriors/engineers at all anymore roaming. Mesmers are rare, and often it's condi Mesmer. I feel like the future of the game is going to end up with watered down clones of each class with boring builds, lack of skillful play and full of guardians. Nothing personal against guardians, just it's getting boring as hell fighting the same trifecta of guard/condi rev/condi tank ele over and over again.

I know this is the PvP forum but these trickle down nerfs make their way into WvW as well.

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People ignore firebrand/necro/holo/shiro herald and want to nerf ranger, a class that is not represented at all in WvW and have 1-2 viable builds in > Gold ranks in PvP.Pets have a very hard time hitting a moving target so I have no idea what are they doing to get rekt by pets like this? do they afk or what!

BTW there is a reason why people started relaying more on pets damage and play core, all the nerfs to soulbeast made it way much less viable and the soulbeast e-spec as all seems not worth it anymore and ranger started playing core again, if they hate pets and don't want to play with core why they nerfed druid and soulbeast so hard?

I think anet balance team can learn thing or two from icefrog dota on how balance should be implemented, you never balanced based on average rank gameplay, you balance based on top tier gameplay.

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