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@Teratus.2859 said:I'm guessing OP is pretty new to Gw2 :)

First time getting downed? nice mechanic to just dying isnt it ^^It's a shame that not all classes are equal in this state though, some are exceptionally good (Ranger/Necromancer) while others are pretty terrible (Warrior) haha

the necro is terrible with it's downed state, pretty much all the skills are useless even in PvE.agreed with the warrior.....

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:I'm guessing OP is pretty new to Gw2 :)

First time getting downed? nice mechanic to just dying isnt it ^^It's a shame that not all classes are equal in this state though, some are exceptionally good (Ranger/Necromancer) while others are pretty terrible (Warrior) haha

the necro is terrible with it's downed state, pretty much all the skills are useless even in PvE.agreed with the warrior.....

Guess that depends how you build it.. I've got builds that can outheal a lot of incoming damage while in downstate making them almost invincible unless I get mobbed by an army or something lol

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:I'm guessing OP is pretty new to Gw2 :)

First time getting downed? nice mechanic to just dying isnt it ^^It's a shame that not all classes are equal in this state though, some are exceptionally good (Ranger/Necromancer) while others are pretty terrible (Warrior) haha

the necro is terrible with it's downed state, pretty much all the skills are useless even in PvE.agreed with the warrior.....

Guess that depends how you build it.. I've got builds that can outheal a lot of incoming damage while in downstate making them almost invincible unless I get mobbed by an army or something lol

It's a PvE-only skill, the sacrifice on it plretty much makes it a normal curse skill.also, in GW you don't have downed state, you just die.....

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:I'm guessing OP is pretty new to Gw2 :)

First time getting downed? nice mechanic to just dying isnt it ^^It's a shame that not all classes are equal in this state though, some are exceptionally good (Ranger/Necromancer) while others are pretty terrible (Warrior) haha

the necro is terrible with it's downed state, pretty much all the skills are useless even in PvE.agreed with the warrior.....

Guess that depends how you build it.. I've got builds that can outheal a lot of incoming damage while in downstate making them almost invincible unless I get mobbed by an army or something lol

It's a PvE-only skill, the sacrifice on it plretty much makes it a normal curse skill.also, in GW you don't have downed state, you just die.....

What do you mean?

Necros main downstate skill does lifesteal damage, can be traited to be more powerful too.I'm not sure what you're referring to.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:I'm guessing OP is pretty new to Gw2 :)

First time getting downed? nice mechanic to just dying isnt it ^^It's a shame that not all classes are equal in this state though, some are exceptionally good (Ranger/Necromancer) while others are pretty terrible (Warrior) haha

the necro is terrible with it's downed state, pretty much all the skills are useless even in PvE.agreed with the warrior.....

Guess that depends how you build it.. I've got builds that can outheal a lot of incoming damage while in downstate making them almost invincible unless I get mobbed by an army or something lol

It's a PvE-only skill, the sacrifice on it plretty much makes it a normal curse skill.also, in GW you don't have downed state, you just die.....

What do you mean?

Necros main downstate skill does lifesteal damage, can be traited to be more powerful too.I'm not sure what you're referring to.

They somehow got into their head you were talking about guildwars 1 necromancer for some unknown reason.Instead of talking about guildwars 2 version.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:I'm guessing OP is pretty new to Gw2 :)

First time getting downed? nice mechanic to just dying isnt it ^^It's a shame that not all classes are equal in this state though, some are exceptionally good (Ranger/Necromancer) while others are pretty terrible (Warrior) haha

the necro is terrible with it's downed state, pretty much all the skills are useless even in PvE.agreed with the warrior.....

Guess that depends how you build it.. I've got builds that can outheal a lot of incoming damage while in downstate making them almost invincible unless I get mobbed by an army or something lol

It's a PvE-only skill, the sacrifice on it plretty much makes it a normal curse skill.also, in GW you don't have downed state, you just die.....

What do you mean?

Necros main downstate skill does lifesteal damage, can be traited to be more powerful too.I'm not sure what you're referring to.

They somehow got into their head you were talking about guildwars 1 necromancer for some unknown reason.Instead of talking about guildwars 2 version.

No idea how that happened..There's not even a down state in gw1 lol

Those new skills are pretty cool though, I got me the proof stone last night so I can spawn the bosses forever.I am a little disappointed though that I can't use those skill on my heroes..Player parties are already more powerful and capable than hero parties so seems a bit unfair you can have a whole group of players using these new elites but not heroes.At some point we'll all be playing Gw1 solo with nothing but heroes anyway, hell I spent most of my years in Gw1 playing with Heroes/Henchmen instead of players.

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@Margeon.9650 said:Trise ya signet of restoration, Prayer to Dwanna, Arcane blast (so far) can go there, and I think cantrip as well.....but Well they all are limited.

Precisely. The point here is twofold:First, you are responsible for healing yourself. You can't rely on someone else to heal you.Second, you cannot out-heal the damage coming in. You have to find other ways to mitigate damage.

Learning about positioning and movement is critical at all stages of the game, as well as developing your ability to strategize: how and when to move; how and when to Heal; how and when to Dodge, etc., etc. You will gain additional options as you advance: blocks, stuns, evades, conditions, invulnerability, stability, walls and fields, snares, etc... but even these cannot compensate for poor positioning and combat strategy.

That's what the game is teaching you, even in these early stages. Pretty cool, innit?

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LOL Since I got Wildfire with the warhorn, and the one just before it in the #4 spot that stacks Damage, I"ve not been knocked down as much, and today I just got a Cool one, as well, sets up a pretty good shield, not only for me but everyone around me close...

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