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legendary ring = higher activity of Bots


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No I don’t notice bots, but one time I wanted to get daily last minute and tried to join “any” lfg group and the dude who made the group claimed I was a bot despite having w.e was on atm top 10-25 title hence everyone in group left due to toxicity literally 1 min before match starts and I get hate mail from the same guy “for being a bot that leaves mid at” even though everyone left before at enroll started. Some of these ppl are try hard asf about getting their 1 at win in and they will suck as hard as they can till they get it.

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@Drennon.7190 said:Considering there are a ton of bot mesmers in plat, I’d say they’re winning. Stand on a ledge and watch them bug out and run against a wall until you move.

They're in plat matches because the matchmaking is busted, not because they're actually plat.

They lose most of their games because they're worse than most players, and they bug out throwing matches.

It's like people are saying. Bots are only in it for the gold. It's why they were a problem before the new legendary, and why they are after still. They don't have to win or even do anything at all for Ranked to be one of the best gold farms in the game.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@Drennon.7190 said:Considering there are a ton of bot mesmers in plat, I’d say they’re winning. Stand on a ledge and watch them bug out and run against a wall until you move.

They're in plat matches because the matchmaking is busted, not because they're actually plat.

They lose most of their games because they're worse than most players, and they bug out throwing matches.

It's like people are saying. Bots are only in it for the gold. It's why they were a problem before the new legendary, and why they are after still. They don't have to win or even do anything at all for Ranked to be one of the best gold farms in the game.

no, they dont lose most of their games, i have a lot of suspects added to friend list and they are about 1000 games or more, have someone that breaked the 2k games yet for this season, and all they are about 45-50% winrate

@Blocki.4931 said:Why would bots farm for a legendary? Even if they did, they have no means of transferring it to the intended account, meaning they'd have to bot on their actual accounts and.. well, don't have toe xplain why that is a bad idea.

i have one of those botters added in flist: 1500 games this season aprox that sits in a 36k+ AP acount

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:ofc bots will win games, if you drop super low people start being so bad that bots start being on their level, sad but true.

if you made clases that have a closed rotation(thing that never have to hapen in a pvp environement) that do consistent damage and have a lot of survival in it. Bots staying in closed loop will be efectives until the level of peopple of suficient knowledge of the class to exploit the few gaps in that rotation

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@megilandil.7506 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:ofc bots will win games, if you drop super low people start being so bad that bots start being on their level, sad but true.

if you made clases that have a closed rotation(thing that never have to hapen in a pvp environement) that do consistent damage and have a lot of survival in it. Bots staying in closed loop will be efectives until the level of peopple of suficient knowledge of the class to exploit the few gaps in that rotation

you misunderstand, you can make a bot that only walks onto a node and uses no abilities or fights back, and it will eventually end up in a place where real human beings will be close to it level in skill.

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@megilandil.7506 said:no, they dont lose most of their games, i have a lot of suspects added to friend list and they are about 1000 games or more, have someone that breaked the 2k games yet for this season, and all they are about 45-50% winrate

You said 45% on the other thread too, so i'm guessing that's pretty on the money. That's still a pretty below average winrate for over 1000 games played. That means they've lost at least 550 games and won only 450. We're playing the same game right? Guild Wars 2? If you lost just one game, regardless of rating you'd have to win at least 2 games to make up for it usually.Being 100 or possibly more games behind is a pretty big deficit that gets even worse as they go up in rating.

Honestly, if you censor their username you could probably post their games played to games won here and that'd be helpful. Most people will be able to tell straight away if someone's botting by the games played alone. Don't even need their names.

If they were botting exclusively for the legendary trinket, they likely had what they needed after 120 wins.Again, Ranked is one of the best gold farms in the game because of freebie pips. The Legendary itself is inconsequential and pretty easy to earn by just playing.

There were bots before it came out, and there will be bots long after. They can just farm reward chests and that will net them practically everything they need to craft that legendary if that's what they want to do(It probably isn't in all honesty.). Whether they win 45% of their games or 80%, it doesn't matter. They get rewarded for 100% of those games no matter what. It's why they've been a problem for the longest time, before the legendary even came out.

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