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Out of interest, how many people complaining about ANet here are also getting mitigating circumstances at work, school, university etc? If you're getting extra slack on your deadlines, or your marks bumped up to make up for not being in school etc because covid19 is impacting your work, but then not extending that same courtesy to ANet devs, isn't that more than a little unkind? Just a thought.

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:Out of interest, how many people complaining about ANet here are also getting mitigating circumstances at work, school, university etc? If you're getting extra slack on your deadlines, or your marks bumped up to make up for not being in school etc because covid19 is impacting your work, but then not extending that same courtesy to ANet devs, isn't that more than a little unkind? Just a thought.

They could be teens.

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@Sovereign.1093 said:

@"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:Out of interest, how many people complaining about ANet here are also getting mitigating circumstances at work, school, university etc? If you're getting extra slack on your deadlines, or your marks bumped up to make up for not being in school etc because covid19 is impacting your work, but then not extending that same courtesy to ANet devs, isn't that more than a little unkind? Just a thought.

They could be teens.

Not holding people to commonly accepted social standards because "they're just teens" sounds like a great plan for the future.Edit: Obvious sarcasm, not a jab ^^

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SMH people who are using the COVID excuse for ANET. Software companies are the poster child of companies that are are perfect for working from home or remote locations. As an example Investment banks employees where everybody used to sit elbow to elbow on packed trading floors shouting across rows are able to work from home effectively. If they can handle covid with such a huge change in their normal work environment, im afraid i cant give ANET a pass because of covid.

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:And this is why they used to refuse to tell us anything. Because if they didn't/couldn't deliver on something people would throw a fit.

Keep throwing a tantrum about it and before you know it they won't be telling us anything again.

That's a nice way of saying they're used to disappointing us and we're used to being disappointed. People have been blaming players for lack of content delivery since day one. Are we to kiss posterior no matter what? Is there a point where voicing of displeasure is allowed?

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So what if there is a pandemic? People still work, some from home. I work in trade/retail industry, i must go to work no matter what. Like Bristingr.5034 said, there is no excuse for this.Please anet don't give us a Chronicles of Elyria punch in the muffin with this silence.

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:Out of interest, how many people complaining about ANet here are also getting mitigating circumstances at work, school, university etc? If you're getting extra slack on your deadlines, or your marks bumped up to make up for not being in school etc because covid19 is impacting your work, but then not extending that same courtesy to ANet devs, isn't that more than a little unkind? Just a thought.

They could be teens.

Not holding people to commonly accepted social standards because "they're just teens" sounds like a great plan for the future.Edit: Obvious sarcasm, not a jab ^^

Because some are kids. They get a pass until they're 18. Keke

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@Gundahar.2765 said:So what if there is a pandemic? People still work, some from home. I work in trade/retail industry, i must go to work no matter what. Like Bristingr.5034 said, there is no excuse for this.Please anet don't give us a Chronicles of Elyria punch in the muffin with this silence.

My main issue with Anet for this game is the slow release cycle, but in their defence, i am a dev, and yes i can work from home and we use teams, but collaborative design and development is hampered, even ignoring the network issues and disruption at home (keeping kids entertained for e.g can ruin concentration on a complicated problem) so i get it would impact.

However, going by their release track record its quite possible this is not the only factor, but we all have to be tolerant at the moment.

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Just because certain jobs can be done from work does not mean that all the employees will have the means to do so. From our perspective, all they need is a computer. In this day and age, it is not unreasonable to assume that most people will have a computer. However, it may not have the required specs for the jobs.

As a game designing company, it is reasonable to assume that the company will have access to better computers than what an individual employee may be able to afford at home. Many employees are dependent on their employers to provide them with the necessary tools to do their jobs. As previously mentioned, the work speed will be a factor. The internet connection, required for remote working, will affect the speed contents will get passed on from one employee to the next. Not only that, it will be slower to confer with amongst the teams. They will not just be able to turn their chair and ask a question.

Next is their work station specs. Can we really assume that they have the best PCs to do their jobs at home? Given that they may be staring at screens all day, they may try to have a disconnect at home and may therefore only have a small outdated laptop. Speaking from experience, running an MMO on a laptop is not the best option, let alone an old laptop. To give an admittedly very exaggerated example, just because you are a building/construction company, does not mean that all your employees can afford their own personal little digger at home or because you are a hospital so all the doctors will have their own MRI scanner.

To build on the above, assuming they do have a computer/laptop, the software that they need to use may not be compatible with the device that they have at home. The device may be too old to run it, or assuming it does work, it may be very slow.

Those were some of the technical factors. Let's examine the human ones. This discussion is assuming that all of the devs are merely stuck at home and are able to work. What if they are not? Some of them may be ill (maybe even critically in hospital) or caring for members of their family who are. Schools have closed so some may need to homeschool their kids. Some (and I sincerely hope that is not the case) may have lost a family member and may be going through tough times. This in turn, will affect their ability to work. Can we really blame them for prioritising theirs and their family's health and wellbeing over our entertainment? I am sure this is not an easy decision for them either given that this is their work and livelihood which directly affects their wellbeing. i.e. I am sure they wouldn't be happy being jobless.

There are some arguments above that argues that the quality of the contents has been of a poor quality before this crisis even started. In that case, how can we expect the quality to improve during the crisis?

I think it is easy for us as gamers to look for some entertainment while we are stuck at home and not working and blame Anet for not making it easier for us in these challenging times. But I think we should be a bit more understanding of the current circumstances. These are difficult times for many people and some may be more affected than others.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@Gundahar.2765 said:So what if there is a pandemic? People still work, some from home. I work in trade/retail industry, i must go to work no matter what. Like Bristingr.5034 said, there is no excuse for this.Please anet don't give us a Chronicles of Elyria punch in the muffin with this silence.

My main issue with Anet for this game is the slow release cycle, but in their defence, i am a dev, and yes i can work from home and we use teams, but collaborative design and development is hampered, even ignoring the network issues and disruption at home (keeping kids entertained for e.g can ruin concentration on a complicated problem) so i get it would impact.

However, going by their release track record its quite possible this is not the only factor, but we all have to be tolerant at the moment.

Hey, i understand, complications, delays, mistakes, devteam shrink, i understand. Silence i do not. And i don't mean they did nothing, they did, however they did not adress issues here on forums with us. Let us know why they do something or not. Communication is key.Im actually happy i bought the game when it was NOT on sale, because i feel its well diserved. Despite most mmo's, GW2 is a work of passion and inclination towards the community. They must not lower the standard.I guess it bothers me the game is mostly unplayable with the new patch, mobs, npcs, mounts, attacks etc, the response delay is unbearable, unless you wanna trade and chat, those work.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Check today's patch notes. Not much, but they did some stuff, mostly for PvP which should have been ported to WvW at the same time, but there is some WvW stuff in there.

It was like 5 changes dude, and none were in the top 10 most needed changes at all. You're telling me it took their entire team weeks and weeks to do that?

Well there is a global pandemic right now, so sure.

Okay, but even before the pandemic, them adding Djinn's Dominion to ranked was considered a yearly update...

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:And this is why they used to refuse to tell us anything. Because if they didn't/couldn't deliver on something people would throw a fit.

Keep throwing a tantrum about it and before you know it they won't be telling us anything again.

Yea cause the company would be out of business by then. Thats usually what happens when a company doesn't communicate with their customers.

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@LetoII.3782 said:

@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:And this is why they used to refuse to tell us anything. Because if they didn't/couldn't deliver on something people would throw a fit.

Keep throwing a tantrum about it and before you know it they won't be telling us anything again.

That's a nice way of saying they're used to disappointing us and we're used to being disappointed. People have been blaming players for lack of content delivery since day one. Are we to kiss posterior no matter what? Is there a point where voicing of displeasure is allowed?

How does voicing displeasure in the place people have been saying ANet ignores ( the forums ) since day one going to change anything. And I realize that includes what I've said in the quoted comment.

The game is free to play and casual friendly. I'm sure ANet hasn't forgotten/doesn't forget about the things they've promised and don't need to players to throw rocks at them every day to remind them. Take a break if it's such an issue, progress won't be lost.

I just can't wrap my head around the needyness of this community. I've put more hours in to this game than what could be considered healthy and I could count on one hand the number of times I've been legitimately angry with ANet. Probably because I understand perfect balance doesn't exist, not every promise can be delivered, plans change and the game isn't the center of my life - if I'm upset with it I can do something else.

I do agree that ANet fails to keep promises more often than they should. I'm not saying kiss ass, I'm saying stop being children. I doubt if anyone that posts here is younger than 20, start acting like it.

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:And this is why they used to refuse to tell us anything. Because if they didn't/couldn't deliver on something people would throw a fit.

Keep throwing a tantrum about it and before you know it they won't be telling us anything again.

That's a nice way of saying they're used to disappointing us and we're used to being disappointed. People have been blaming players for lack of content delivery since day one. Are we to kiss posterior no matter what? Is there a point where voicing of displeasure is allowed?

How does voicing displeasure in the place people have been saying ANet ignores ( the forums ) since day one going to change anything. And I realize that includes what I've said in the quoted comment.

The game is free to play and casual friendly. I'm sure ANet hasn't forgotten/doesn't forget about the things they've promised and don't need to players to throw rocks at them every day to remind them. Take a break if it's such an issue, progress won't be lost.

I just can't wrap my head around the needyness of this community. I've put more hours in to this game than what could be considered healthy and I could count on one hand the number of times I've been legitimately angry with ANet. Probably because I understand perfect balance doesn't exist, not every promise can be delivered, plans change and the game isn't the center of my life - if I'm upset with it I can do something else.

I do agree that ANet fails to keep promises more often than they should. I'm not saying kiss kitten, I'm saying stop being children. I doubt if anyone that posts here is younger than 20, start acting like it.

Because roasting them is one of the few things left in this game, with any entertainment value.

@Yoci.2481 said:

@Sovereign.1093 said:We need an anet spokes person to post stuff at least. That in a way you can do in your phone.f

They can't post on the forums because Covid 19. ^ . ^

Sick burn. :lol:

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bUt ThEy CaNt WoRk FrOm HoMe BeCaUsE oF pAnDeMiCs

Responsible people will stick or at least try to stick to their deadlines. If not then they will communicate with supervisors, team, clients that hey, listen, situation is hard, there gonna be some delays, is that okay? Thats how society works, you know, ppl communicate, especially if they work together and meet some problems.

Im not saying that all people are the same, but I know many that during pandemics are kinda locked in home and do even more work than usual because they are just bored and cant do much (cant go shopping, jogging, to cinema, whatever else). Meanwhile people that are lazy on daily basis will be even more lazy during quarantine, because thats how they "work". And thats how I and many other gw2 players see ANet. Usually they dont stick to deadlines, so during pandemic its gonna be even worse.

PS: Look at your big brother bli$$ard. We dont expect from you alpha PTR Shadowlands, new content every 2 weeks or quantum physics. We expect communication between devs and community, and hotfixes/balance. You dont need to do new things, just take care of things you already created. Quite simple, isnt it?

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Covid19 isn't the issue... it's just incompetence. It's obvious.

Everything regarding game balance they released after the initial feb25 patch (which has been quite good) was clueless trash. I am pretty done with the game currently. There is no structure and no concept where this is meant to lead to. I don't care about community communication, if a company delivers.

Btw.: My job is systemically relevant. I have to deal with the situation and get things done every day. And I would have made up better hotfixes (without actually thinking about it or god forbid even test it) in my free time after work than what we got from that company.

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