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Dismount action "skill" damage needs attention

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The damage scaling on dismount action "skill" was already tweaked to be weaker, do less damage but it still causes problems in core game low level starting zones maps - especially when there's a daily events objective like today (Queensdale). The situation when maxed out players are striking and killing enemies spawning in event zones of low-level maps in 1 simple mount skill key press happens all time during any event and it definitely doesn't shows both game and its community in a good light. Any attempts of reasoning with people around, reminding that there are low-level players around from my experiences doesn't work - players are blatantly ignoring the issue.

Damage value should be tweaked once again so low level players and especially new players would be able to participate in fights and "tag" monsters that spawn within events zones and have... fun instead being frustrated that higher players are clearing enemies around.

Perhaps a more "drastic" decisions should be considered as well like removing the dismount action "skill" damage while player enters starting zone maps, or keeping the "skill" working for 80lv maps only, or scale it accordingly to native monsters level of each given map.

Anticipating the potential answer: pushing newly arrived players who just purchased the game into getting first raptor mount from PoF expansion so they could join rest of the players "herd" in this dismount havoc isn't the answer here I believe - it only preserves the issue I'm talking about. Not mention that new player that unlocks mount, moves around with it and engages combat misses a lot of fun, knowledge, experience undeniably going by the easy way only to ultimately hit the wrong " game offers no content" judgement.

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TBH if these high level players finish the events faster and get out of the area faster the better off it is for those low level players you are concerned about.

Also i went and tested it, in plains of ashford on the lowest level enemy(lvl 2) with a lvl 80 character, my raptor only brought it down to 57% thats more than enough for others to tag the mob.

Warclaw on the other hand auto killed the lvl2 doing double the damage the raptor did, but the warclaw -does- do more damage by design so im not sure a tweak would be a good idea. Further, how often do the low level zone dailies pop up?

Also, this isnt a bug so this thread should be moved to the general discussion portion.

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They don't; most of the time they remain within the event zone because (I assume) they think that core maps feature ranged event participation where once player moves elsewhere, the contribution is gone so they stick around for duration of an event, continuously dismounting on group of enemies and with daily objective on and multiple high-level, elite specialization equipped and mounted players, enemies vanish within a blink, giving no chance for less experienced people around to attack. Of course there will be also players who just enjoy being "first" to attack and kill enemies - that would fall under griefing and steal-killing; these concepts barely exist in general in GW2, since we do share rewards from killing, participating in events but with mounts these arrived.

Sure, in map without daily objective or even in ones with higher level ranges situation is different but the same disruptive behavior remains - mounts are being utilized, and again, new and leveling up players are getting the worst impression of the game. Core maps and leveling up process is being considered as one big tutorial that starts once character leaves the initial PS instance and travels up to the Orr, so it would be logical I guess, to handle how mounts blend up within this leveling up process experience. It's not enough to just place debuff that forbids players from using mounts in certain areas - mounts require being taken into account of dynamic level adjustment closely.

And I do consider the issue as a bug because initially there was a change done by devs, it didn't changed much so I do believe it is a bug that exists continuously since the last time scaling of dismount action "skill" was touched. But if this really bothers someone, then I'd gladly ask for moving this topic elsewhere into proper place.

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