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I screwed up and need help


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While not a big issue, I've been running around with a shortbow in renegade stance for the past 2 weeks (I started GW2 on 16-4-2020).I used this build for my build picks: https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/revenant/renegade/condition/I literally have no idea about the rotation and am trying to find a guide on what to use. I understand melee does a lot more damage than ranged, so I am prepared to swap.

I just, simply, do not understand the revenant class and most guides are super outdated.

I leveled up slowly (took me a week or so?) and never switched stance during the leveling.I really liked having a mace mainhand and axe offhand, I actually had a condition damage build back then.

Attached, find my gear set, will this be OK running melee?https://i.imgur.com/sMXVCsY.pngI literally just bought all "valkyrie" set items / bow and have a 2h staff with OK damage (1.111) which I have never used yet.Could you vet rev players please point me in the right directions as for what weapons to run, rotations to use and how to apply this stance switching effectively?

Thanks a million bro's, this is much appreciated :+1:

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Few things you should know that should help;

1) melee is not always better than range. Generally, yes, this is true, but it varies from class to class and weapon set to weapon set. Mace/axe is actually equal to or weaker than shortbow on medium to big hitbox targets, and even when it is better than shortbow, it’s not better by much. However, for condi rev, using both mace/axe and shortbow and swapping back and forth between them results in higher dps, in all situations, than just camping one or the other.

2) Revenant class guides should all be fine as long as they’re talking about the class in general. There haven’t been many massive changes to core revenant mechanics in the past 5 years. Build and rotation guides ofc may not be up to date, but any generalized guides should be fine. As for Condi Revenant on snow crows that you linked, those written rotations and rotation videos are up to date; condi rev rotation hasn’t changed recently.

If you’re confused about how to use Legend Swap, you use it primarily for two reasons: A) reset your energy back to 50 and/or B ) Give you access to different skills for different reasons. And you also use it to a lesser extent C) to proc boons/other “on legend swap” effects (also procs weapon swap sigils if they’re not on CD)

3) Just to clarify ahead of time that this isn’t a judgment or shade against you at all, but I’m confused about what you want to accomplish with your Valkyrie gear. Your whole post mentions shortbow vs mace/axe, but you ended up buying a tanky power damage set that doesn’t have any condition damage on it and you slotted in staff, which is generally a utility/healing weapon that can do slight power damage on the side, so that confuses me a little.

Additionally, I don’t recommend Valkyrie. It guts your power damage and just makes you learn bad habits since it’s tankier. In an attempt to sound as non-elitist as possible, I always recommend, even for new players, that you slot either berserker or viper, depending on if you want to do power or condi damage. Enemies will die faster and you’ll get better at the game faster as well. Also a lot of enemies can kill you in few hits even with tanky gear, so unless you’re taking tanky gear for WvW or a tank slot in Raids, it’s generally not worth it at all. And just to mention it again, it really lowers your damage potential to not take full damage gear.

So my main question and thing you need to figure out is “what do you want your build to do?” Some questions you ask yourself to figure that out are: Do you want to be a Power DPS or a Condition DPS? What Legends do you like? Which Weapon Sets do you like? Answers to these would be really helpful!

If you want to hit me up in game (I’m on NA) or over messages here in the forums, I can help you directly. I’ve played/mained the class since beta Heart of Thorns and play nearly all specs/versions of Rev at a high level across all game modes, so can absolutely get you on your feet and focused with what you want to do with the class

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Most important question is what content you want a build for? Are you going for endgame stuff (fractals, raids, strikes), or open world/story pve?

Snow crows have updates raid build guides, and discretize are the same for fractals. You can safely follow their guides and rotation videos for all things endgame.

Note that Renegade is often player as off-support instead of pure dps, focusing on providing perma alacrity, among other things.

Now for open world, of course you will be fine playing most builds, but I still feel quality of life is a big factor, especially if you find yourself playing solo a lot. Power is usually the better choice due to its burst nature, as opposed to condi's ramp-up damage. Core rev, herald and renegade can all play power, with Dance of Death for added sustain. But if you want to play condi, I actually prefer condi herald overall, both for the QoL, as well as the fact that you can make a very sturdy build with Trailblazer and Dire gear and Tormenting rune, that can solo most anything while still doing solid condi dps.

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As mentioned you are gimping yourself pretty hard with that Valk gear. Are you sure you didnt mean to choose Viper's?Also I see you are using trinkets from a level 80 boost and those, I believe, are soldier's stats and gimping you even harder.

If you want a simple renegade build for Story/Open world to learn the class, try this:

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For now, try to get yurself into full Berserker's gear if yu still intend to play with a Power build.

It will increase yur DPS by a huge amount compared to Valkyrie, and Battle Scars in PvE is very good for both sustain and damage, which lets yu run Berserker with little risk.

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Gawd, a 50-min video from wooden potatoes, ain't nobody got time fo dat ^^

This http://gw2skills.net/editor/?Pm1AwyJlxQLMPaj1RaMOKjRSjMCygJ/l9rG-zRIYR0xPG1ThKVglZJiZA-e is pretty close to my power renegade build. I say pretty close because my char is slobbing around in his wvw gear (not full zerker) and i can't remember what combination it is (he has around 1700 toughness). The only reason the hammer is there is because it's a ranged power weapon.

Rationale:Set-up is hammer/shiro and sword/sword Kalla.

I like to give a little group support hence assassins' presence and righteous rebel (which you could swap out for heroic command for more burst).

The opening strikes get a 44.5% damage buff until the enemy hits 80% hp then it drops to 19.5% for the rest of the fight. You do however gain fury (40% crit chance traited) when the enemy hits 50% for another 5 stacks of might. I'm not counting Targeted Destruction as it's variable up to +12.5% damage. Bear in mind that Incensed Response has no cd, so you gain might every time you gain fury.

You could also swap Dance of Death for Swift Termination to alleviate the damage drop once the foe is below 80%hp, but i like the sustain of Dance and that it's a siphon.

Knowing where your 'disables' are is important to get the most out of this build, so hammer #5 makes a decent fury source mid-fight as you'll be in shiro. As a lot of people will be mounted, starting in kalla with sword/sword is a quick way to get the fury, might and vuln generation going. Just remember where your stuns/dazes etc are and you'll be golden.

It's a fun little build for OW, I haven't considered doing anything else with it.

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@"Funky.4861" said:You could also swap Dance of Death for Swift Termination to alleviate the damage drop once the foe is below 80%hp, but i like the sustain of Dance and that it's a siphon.

Dance of Death is actually stronger than Termination anyway, just doesn't show up on ArcDPS because it's lifesteal

Edit: Might as well leave the 34k Power Ren Raid/Fractal build here for those that haven't seen it

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@"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:Dance of Death is actually stronger than Termination anyway, just doesn't show up on ArcDPS because it's lifesteal

Edit: Might as well leave the 34k Power Ren Raid/Fractal build here for those that haven't seen it

Its weaker if you have an outside damage modifier. Low toughness bosses like VG and KC, Bosses that can get the exposed debuff. Stuff like that.The damage doesnt scale so in those cases Swift Termination is actually better.

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@RaidsAreEasyAF.8652 said:

@"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:Dance of Death is actually stronger than Termination anyway, just doesn't show up on ArcDPS because it's lifesteal

Edit: Might as well leave the 34k Power Ren Raid/Fractal build here for those that haven't seen it

Its weaker if you have an outside damage modifier. Low toughness bosses like VG and KC, Bosses that can get the exposed debuff. Stuff like that.The damage doesnt scale so in those cases Swift Termination is actually better.

True! Thanks for pointing that out! Definitely an important distinction and nuance

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My power rene is pretty similar, only I'm not using Roiling Mists (Kalla minor already caps your crit% if you have full end), and I'm also using a shortbow instead of hammer. Runes are also different, I'm using Rune of the Fireworks.

For base rev, I was using this build.Currently I'm mostly playing a tanky condi herald. I actually started playing it for PoF for RP reasons (Glint is obvious, and Mallyx was a Nightfall boss and who better to use against Balthazar than an agent of another rogue god?), but it's load of fun and my go-to build when I don't feel like being pressured by spike damage.

Edit: A cheaper variantYou can get full dire exotic armour on TP for like 2g, and trinkets for map currency of course, so the only expensive things are 1 Trailblazer mace and the runes, which are ~7-8g each.Edit2: Posted the wrong link for the cheaper variant. You need 1 Sigil of Malice on your mace (8-9g, the last expensive part of the build), and 2 Geomancy on your axe/shield.

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