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A rollback of 2 days just happened

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Yes, it seems to be 3 days of rollback. My progress from doing the strikes since Friday is also gone. Weird thing is, if it was a proper rollback, everything would be rolled back, but the 60g I spent on the Trade Post yesterday is still missing (along with the items I bought).

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@Sinis.1495 said:I lost huge Progress which I made during the weekend. Skins, Purchases for GEMS, and Gems are gone :-(. I am a returning player who has been playing for 3 weeks. I haven't expected such technical issues with this game. Is this normal here around? If so, I ll probably be gone quicker then I had come back.

Come on think about it before you post... If this was normal do you think they would have the player base they have and don't you think it would be documented everywhere?

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This is a very VERY rare occurance for Guild Wars 2. I don't remember anything of this magnitude ever happening. Be sure that they are probably already working on it as we speak. Just be patient. While you wait, why not join in on the fun we are having in Lion's Arch? But I would hold off with making progress today until this issue is addressed.

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@"HawkShade.1958" said:I've lost for sure this things.Yesterday at 1am i had:

-Desert Highland 100% complete-Crystal Oasis 100%-Elon Riverland (only "heart" left)-10 piles of crystalline dust-2 elonian leather square-3 bolt of damask-2 ascended ring dropped

literally this morning i shoulded craft my zojja shoulderguards for my daredevil.What should i do now?

I earned a Ascended selectable weapon and now I lost it

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@kentb.9041 said:

@"Raedwulf.3712" said:For crying out loud, folks,


I am no great fan of Anet & haven't posted here for several years, because I'd only get in trouble if I did! :) Nevertheless...

1) The problem is only an hour or two old. Give them a chance to look at it.2) Yes, by now, someone
be aware of it, and we ought to have an Official post up saying, at the very least, "Yes, there is a problem, we are looking into it, please be patient." But Anet's record on clear communication with its customers has never been that great, so it's no great surprise.3) The dev's aren't up 24/7, no matter what your unreasonable expectations are; helpdesk staff will be. Some dev's should be on call, however, and have probably long since been woken up & will be trying to figure out what the heck just happened.4) If you are EU (the problem seems to be confined to the EU, given comments from NA players above),
. Whatever fix they apply will return us to the most recent backup before the problem; anything you do from there will be lost.5) Yes, there is a backup. I don't work for Anet and, as I've said, I'm no great fan of the way they conduct themselves. Nevertheless, they aren't amateurs, and I
an IT professional. Their databases will replicate themselves regularly (though I am in no position to guess at how frequently). You will lose some in-game progression, probably. You will not lose out an any real money spent, because those transaction details will be available from outside the EU game servers.

In short, it will probably take a while for them to work out what happened & how to fix it, and probably a bit longer to sort out the ramifications of things like Real Money transactions having gone up in smoke. In the meanwhile,

Be Patient, Keep Calm, Go Do Something Else!

Quoting that.

I am a systems administrator. Depending on the database they are running, incremental intervals and personnel availability, restoring backups take time (since this is a manual task). It shouldn't take longer than 2 to 3 hours, depending on timezone and when they get up. Systems administration tasks are not affected by Covid-19 mostly, because everything can be done remotely.

Right now - it's just waiting for the admins to wake up and getting the right people into conferencing calls. One thing is sure, you will lose progress - but it'll be only hours or minutes, right down to seconds, depending on their incremental backup strategy.

Being an IT too, seems sort of db corruption and maybe a rollback to the first Full backup instead of the entire Full+Incremental restore. Maybe the automatic procedure choose to reduce downtime restoring (more attaching) a full backup instead of restoring all (more time consuming). So a manual restore is needed and we've just to wait. I firmly believe that a MMO DB should have several daily incremental backup.Let's wait and see.

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@Mad Queen Malafide.7512 said:For now I would advise everyone to be patient, and to wait for a response from Anet. This may have been an automatic rollback. Bare in mind that the company is for the most part working from home right now. As a precaution, you might want to hold off with making any progress today. They may rollback the rollback if possible. So don't panic and don't be angry just yet. Just wait.

Well they could be better in communication skill, but yes, You're right :D

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OK, it's not just me. I thought I was hacked or something, except I still have most of my gold. This is awful. I had a LOT, like hundreds of gold worth of items in my delivery box from canceled auctions and they are now gone. The auctions were not restored, the items are simply gone, along with the 70g I had waiting for pickup. I canceled this morning, was going to pick up and relist when I had time later. So much for that.

...looking again I have a ton of 3-4 year old auctions that weren't there this morning when I was cleaning them out...?? Like I have stuff for sale that I either sold or delisted months or years ago? What the heck?

Is there even a reason to play right now or would the new progress be lost when they fix this?

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@Mad Queen Malafide.7512 said:Server leader is a big word, but YES, I still organize parties and large community events in Lion's Arch (together with Daniel Frozenwind).

Yeah sorry, it's been a while (4 years I think) since I was last active. I forgot what the official term was for that program ANet rolled out back then, but you and a few others were community (social) server leaders of sorts. I remember a big pink Norn (wanna say something-something-hobo-something) and you specifically.

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@leftis.7649 said:Are we on safe mode? Should we progress or should we wait? We need answers Anet.

Logic dictates that you wait. You don't want to progress only to be rolled back to this morning's status quo later in the day, right?

@"Finn.7890" said:Боже за что!

"God, why?" - The answer is: Because. ;) Just be patient, they will let us know soon enough... I hope

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@Lalocat.6793 said:OK, it's not just me. I thought I was hacked or something, except I still have most of my gold. This is awful. I had a LOT, like hundreds of gold worth of items in my delivery box from canceled auctions and they are now gone. The auctions were not restored, the items are simply gone, along with the 70g I had waiting for pickup. I canceled this morning, was going to pick up and relist when I had time later. So much for that.

...looking again I have a ton of 3-4 year old auctions that weren't there this morning when I was cleaning them out...?? Like I have stuff for sale that I either sold or delisted months or years ago? What the heck?

Is there even a reason to play right now or would the new progress be lost when they fix this?

I have stopped playing for now, no use doing anything until Anet respond we don't know how much can be saved, best to wait to see what they can do and go from there.

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@KyreneZA.8617 said:Yeah sorry, it's been a while (4 years I think) since I was last active. I forgot what the official term was for that program ANet rolled out back then, but you and a few others were community (social) server leaders of sorts. I remember a big pink Norn (wanna say something-something-hobo-something) and you specifically.

We were an entirely player organized group called the Fun-sig. And yes, you are referring to the pink norn called Angry Bearded Hobo. I haven't seen him in a while, but we still host events every year. We were never part of something Anet created. Instead, we aim to create new content for Anet and GW's community in the game.

Nowadays we work together with the GOTD guild to continue our annual events. It is all made possible by the community.

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LOL this is both tragic and comedic: I've been playing this game very actively since its release, never found anything of value in all those years. Yesterday I found my first precursor (Leaf of Kudzu) and now because of the rollback it's gone again.

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Account & Character Rollback Issue (5/11/2020)

We've received many reports of account rollbacks, and are aware of the issue. We've alerted the server team at ArenaNet, and they are working on a resolution.We will provide updates as soon as we receive more information.In the meantime, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.

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Now > @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:


Account & Character Rollback Issue (5/11/2020)

We've received many reports of account rollbacks, and are aware of the issue. We've alerted the server team at ArenaNet, and they are working on a resolution.We will provide updates as soon as we receive more information.In the meantime, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.

Now why in the Sam Hill can't they manage to put up an actual forum post that says that? Daft! You know you have an issue; you know your customers have several different ways of seeing your announcements. Yet you don't cover all of those avenues with your message... sigh

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@Charlie.1726 said:LOL this is both tragic and comedic: I've been playing this game very actively since its release, never found anything of value in all those years. Yesterday I found my first precursor (Leaf of Kudzu) and now because of the rollback it's gone again.

you want tragic and comedic? all accounts rolled back to August 28, 2012 and someone poured water on their servers and their backup servers after 15 minutes and all the solid state massive backup usb drives were thrown to the garbage bin coz they're put in a black plastic bag when they decided to disinfect their data offices versus COVID-19.

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