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Do you agree that rings should have skins like backpacks?


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I've wanted trinkets (accessories, rings, amulets) to be transmutable for a long time, despite the fact that most of them do not have any effects. I have multiple sets of the same stat select-able trinkets with different stats. I'd love to be able to transmute them so I can differentiate them by their icons. Prior to build templates, I would occasionally mess up my build when "changing" in a hurry.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:yes I want backpack skins for my rings so I can have boulder hands and throw trash at people

Just equip Grenade Kit and scratch that itch

To the OP: you don't need to 'reskin' the effects of Conflux et al, we simply need the little 'checkbox' we have on our equipment tab for helm, gloves, back piece and shield.

ANET recently added a toggle allowing us to hide our shield when stowed so it doesn't hide our back piece* - don't tell me adding a checkbox to hide the effects of legendary trinkets is outside of their coding capabilities.

*of course many back pieces are gem store skins, so maybe this is just ANETs priorities on full display.

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