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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:Proper reaction= Congrats to the players that got a cool free item. We are happy for you!

Improper reaction= Why didn't I get a free item?! This is so unfair!

Anet doesn't owe anything to anyone in this situation just like a business that got shut down during the pandemic doesn't owe anything to its customers that were unable to purchase anything while it was down. Try being happy for the players that benefitted from this. Many of you are reacting like improperly raised children.Rather, ANet acted like a terrible parent, giving some of their "children" a pretty new toy and nothing to the rest of them, without rhyme or reason.

Without rhyme or reason as far as you know. What information do you have that qualifies you to judge their parenting abilities?Most likely the same info you have, too.So, you two come to different conclusions. What makes you think your conclusion is the valid one? Maybe you're both not wrong, maybe it's just a matter of perspective.

Empathy is a great thing. Could be used on all sides...

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:Proper reaction= Congrats to the players that got a cool free item. We are happy for you!

Improper reaction= Why didn't I get a free item?! This is so unfair!

Anet doesn't owe anything to anyone in this situation just like a business that got shut down during the pandemic doesn't owe anything to its customers that were unable to purchase anything while it was down. Try being happy for the players that benefitted from this. Many of you are reacting like improperly raised children.Rather, ANet acted like a terrible parent, giving some of their "children" a pretty new toy and nothing to the rest of them, without rhyme or reason.

Without rhyme or reason as far as you know. What information do you have that qualifies you to judge their parenting abilities?

They gave the reckless child a shiny toy and kicked the responsible child in the balls, sounds like some quality parenting to me!

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@"senki.1046" said:there is a reason for the compensationWhat reason is that? No, don't say "lost progress" because many players compensated lost nothing, and most lost less than the worth of the compensation (the exceptions to that weren't very numerous - not a lot of people can earn over 350g in 2 hours, especially not when dealing with earlier problems).In the end, most players got compensated for one of the two things: either being clueless, or being irresponsible. At the same time, the players that were responsible were taught a lesson, that responsibility is a clearly bad choice.

So, i am sure Anet did have a reason for what they did. I just don't think it was a good reason.

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@senki.1046 said:

@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Proper reaction= Congrats to the players that got a cool free item. We are happy for you!

Improper reaction= Why didn't I get a free item?! This is so unfair!

Anet doesn't owe anything to anyone in this situation just like a business that got shut down during the pandemic doesn't owe anything to its customers that were unable to purchase anything while it was down. Try being happy for the players that benefitted from this. Many of you are reacting like improperly raised children.Rather, ANet acted like a terrible parent, giving some of their "children" a pretty new toy and nothing to the rest of them, without rhyme or reason.

there is a reason for the compensation and if you don't accept it... well it's called jealousyReally? Why would I be jealous? I got a mount skin. I don't accept that they gave it to me for a good reason.
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Looking at the amount of threads here complaining, I feel like this needs to be said.

The mount skin "compensation" is for people that logged in on Monday, because the only progress lost was anything done AFTER the rollback happened on Monday until the servers went down for maintenance. If you did not log in on Monday and do something, you did not lose any progress. Yes, there were issues with gold/items on the Trading Post, which I think they should fix separately, and people should get their stuff back. Yes, if people bought gems, I think they should be refunded. Those are both different issues.

You are not entitled to anything just because the game was down for a few hours, you are just mad that you don't get free stuff.

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@"Luranni.9470" said:This is getting disgusting.

Are -some- players of a crappy late-stage MMO seriously acting like the 1% here??? Sure starting to sound like it.

"If you don't have it it's because you don't deserve it! You are feckless and lazy and badly behaved!"

"I got it for logging in for 20s or trying to dupe items, so clearly I worked hard and deserve it!"

"MOUNT ADMIRING EVENT IN LA! Come along if you don't have the mount so we can wallow in your bitter envy!"

You people make me pretty ill.

ANET, PLEASE put a stop to this. This is 100% your doing. You should be ashamed of yourselves for how badly you have handled this. You've done a welcome back event and a discount offer on the game then this is what you show those players. Would really be nice if you could do your jobs properly for once. Look at the mess you've made here and take some time to -seriously- think about how you do things.

wanders off in disgust

Your post is disgusting. All you do is spewing hatred against the people at ArenaNet. This is not their fault that some people react so jealous and greedy because other people got a compensation.

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:Proper reaction= Congrats to the players that got a cool free item. We are happy for you!

Improper reaction= Why didn't I get a free item?! This is so unfair!

Anet doesn't owe anything to anyone in this situation just like a business that got shut down during the pandemic doesn't owe anything to its customers that were unable to purchase anything while it was down. Try being happy for the players that benefitted from this. Many of you are reacting like improperly raised children.Rather, ANet acted like a terrible parent, giving some of their "children" a pretty new toy and nothing to the rest of them, without rhyme or reason.

Without rhyme or reason as far as you know. What information do you have that qualifies you to judge their parenting abilities?

I only need to know the circumstances of two different people to rightly judge their action in this situation. My own, a "one-minute logger" who got a skin, and a "non-logger" who didn't get one. I actually know this happened on a far, far larger scale than just two people. Obviously, they made a mess of things, witness the whole kerfuffle going on on the forums right now.

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@TheDudeWhoRules.3150 said:I logged in during this but didn't get anything?I played during the weekends, on monday the server was down for the entire day and how come i didn't get anything? :/

Because the server wasn't down all the time on Monday. During the early part of Monday, players weren't really sure what was happening and rollback reports started coming in. Unfortunately whilst this was being discovered in game, players were playing the game not knowing what was happening and making progress.

Eventually it hit the forums, reddit and map chat that a rollback had occurred, but no one knew what was going to happen as Anet weren't communicating and players were sending out mixed messages about what may or may not happen heightening the confusion. Eventually Anet pulled the servers later in the day. Because a day later Anet restored the whole weekend, but couldn't restore beyond a certain point on Monday, a time window existed where progress for players was wiped and thus Anet compensated them for playing and losing their time

Compensation packages haven't fully gone out yet and are still going through the system in what is a very large scale mail out. This will include the communal bonfire for everyone who was played in last 30 days as well as the compensation for those in that window who played the game and their time wiped.

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Just putting it out there that it seems like they don't just give anyone who logged in that day free stuff. I went online, just after the roll back happened. Found out then that it happened, stayed in game for a bit, but didn't do anything. Mostly map chat/forum reading while tabbed out. After about 30/60min logged off to wait and see what Anet would do. I got the bonfire, no license. So maybe its not as black and white as; ''those who logged in for just a minute get a free skin.''

I understand some of the reactions, don't necessarily agree with the amount of vitriol though. I'm just glad I didn't lose 2/3 days of progress.I'm not sure Anet can do anything right now in the eyes of some players. Either they cave, give everyone a free mount, or they stick with their current approach, people are gonna have a fit regardless it seems.

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@Tiilimon.6094 said:

@"Manasa Devi.7958" said:Rather, ANet acted like a terrible parent, giving some of their "children" a pretty new toy and nothing to the rest of them, without rhyme or reason.

We're customers, not children tho. This analogy doesn't really work.

Which makes it worse? Since people who paid the same amount are getting different rewards.Arena Net just has a terrible track record of poor consumer relations, and this is the latest instance of it.We're wallets with eyes, and they expect us to take their crap and eat it.And we (as a community) have been doing that for ages, so it doesn't really surprise anyone that has played GW2 since the beginning that they do this.Their attitude towards the players has been a roller-coaster, but mostly in a downward tendency.

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@Sigerk.2897 said:Just putting it out there that it seems like they don't just give anyone who logged in that day free stuff. I went online, just after the roll back happened. Found out then that it happened, stayed in game for a bit, but didn't do anything. Mostly map chat/forum reading while tabbed out. After about 30/60min logged off to wait and see what Anet would do. I got the bonfire, no license. So maybe its not as black and white as; ''those who logged in for just a minute get a free skin.''

I understand some of the reactions, don't necessarily agree with the amount of vitriol though. I'm just glad I didn't lose 2/3 days of progress.I'm not sure Anet can do anything right now in the eyes of some players. Either they cave, give everyone a free mount, or they stick with their current approach, people are gonna have a fit regardless it seems.

I, for one, don't care about compensation items. It would've been nice to keep some of the new and returning players though. If I'd come back to the game, or newly picked it up this weekend. I'd be gawn and not looking back, ezpz.

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Thank you for making me feel like I've done something wrong by not spending 2 minutes to log into a broken game. Really glad for the people who did and got compensated with a free 1200 gem item. Maybe I'll even get a free bonfire later if I'm lucky enough, not that I expected any compensation in the first place.Off to Sorrow's Furnace in GW1 now, hopefully it'll be taken by the end of the day.

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@"Sigerk.2897" said:Just putting it out there that it seems like they don't just give anyone who logged in that day free stuff. I went online, just after the roll back happened. Found out then that it happened, stayed in game for a bit, but didn't do anything. Mostly map chat/forum reading while tabbed out. After about 30/60min logged off to wait and see what Anet would do. I got the bonfire, no license. So maybe its not as black and white as; ''those who logged in for just a minute get a free skin.''My wife did log in just to check if the info we've just heard about the rollback was true, and to see whether she lost the achievements she got on Friday. After we saw the rollback didn;t affect those (which took us just few clicks and less than a minute) she logged off, and we decided to stay away from the game until Anet says everything is fixed. She just got the license.

So, yeah, people did get "compensated" for not doing anything.

I guess next time we'll know that adding to chaos is definitely the best option in such a situation. Apparently, Anet does not want us to act responsibly, after all.

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@"Randulf.7614" said:Anet couldn't restore beyond a certain point on Monday, a time window existed where progress for players was wiped and thus Anet compensated them for playing and losing their timeAlso, they split the rest of the community along the most vapid of criteria: "Did you log on during a certain period? Great, you're a winner!" When is splitting the community ever a good idea? Might not be what they intended, but it is what they accomplished.

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@ReaverKane.7598 said:

@"Manasa Devi.7958" said:Rather, ANet acted like a terrible parent, giving some of their "children" a pretty new toy and nothing to the rest of them, without rhyme or reason.

We're customers, not children tho. This analogy doesn't really work.

Which makes it worse? Since people who paid the same amount are getting different rewards.Arena Net just has a terrible track record of poor consumer relations, and this is the latest instance of it.We're wallets with eyes, and they expect us to take their kitten and eat it.And we (as a community) have been doing that for ages, so it doesn't really surprise anyone that has played GW2 since the beginning that they do this.Their attitude towards the players has been a roller-coaster, but mostly in a downward tendency.

People were affected in different ways, if you did not play during monday, you didn't lose game progress >> you're not eligible for the same compensation as the people who did.

You guys seem to be very angry.

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@yoni.7015 said:This is not their fault that some people react so jealous and greedy because other people got a compensation.

I find people that don't want the others to get it more jealous and greedy - what is the problem for the others to get it too? I got mine, but it's left a sour taste on how it was handled. There is absolutely no harm that others get it. All this situation does is bolster more animosity towards anet, unintentionally. Again, what is the problem if they get it? We should want things for those less fortunate. In the end, everyone experienced this in different ways but it should have been resolved equally. I see nothing wrong in trying to make players happy after what happened. It really sounds spiteful to hear that people don't want others to get it. Anet should reconsider.

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@"Lottie.5370" said:Looking at the amount of threads here complaining, I feel like this needs to be said.

The mount skin "compensation" is for people that logged in on Monday, because the only progress lost was anything done AFTER the rollback happened on Monday until the servers went down for maintenance. If you did not log in on Monday and do something, you did not lose any progress. Yes, there were issues with gold/items on the Trading Post, which I think they should fix separately, and people should get their stuff back. Yes, if people bought gems, I think they should be refunded. Those are both different issues.

You are not entitled to anything just because the game was down for a few hours, you are just mad that you don't get free stuff.

You didn't get the core of the complaints. Some of those that didn't log, did so because they expected problems, if there wasn't a rollback they'd be playing the game on Monday. Second, it's not only players who "lost something" that are being rewarded, simply logging in, doing one 5 second daily or moving a few items into storage makes you eligible for the compensation. Third, it sets a precedent for similar events in the future, for everyone to try to log in and do at least some really fast activities just to register as being online (in case just logging in doesn't work). And this last one is the biggest problem. Setting the wrong expectations

It reminds me a lot of that situation with the "sigil of nullification" fiasco where they made a trash item very expensive, creating the precedent to rush content in order to see if another trash item will increase in value 100 times.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Tiilimon.6094 said:People were affected in different ways, if you did not play during monday, you didn't lose game progress >> you're not eligible for the same compensation as the people who did.Losing game progress was
however the basis for compensation (and i'm quite sure not many players lost as much as 350+g in those 2 hours).

Their announcement says this:“ We understand that this has been a frustrating experience, and we'd like to welcome players whose progress was impacted back to the game with a free Curious Creatures Mount Select License. You can use this to select and unlock your favorite mount skin from the newest collection.”They are writing about progress.Of course they can’t check every account individually how much that account lost.

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Hello, first post ever for me in this forum haha.

I'm usually that one person that stalks the forum but, I guess I have a need to voice my opinion. As a new player that joined this lovely game just a few months ago, this did leave a bad taste in my mouth. Not because I'm mad or jealous over people that got the mount skin but, rather how it was handled. I left the game as soon as I realized rollback happened in fear I'll loose more of my progress. Later on, I decided to follow daily updates from Arena on Twitter. Didn't log in for the whole day in hopes that'd make their job easier.
I honestly didn't expect any compensation, I was simply glad all my hours didn't go to waste. The only issue I have with this whole thing is how it feels like it's encouraging people's bad behaviour (eg. if such issue was to ever happen again, it is to be expected that many people will try to log in to get some compensation). Whether those people that logged in during Monday were aware of the issue or not, I don't think their "lost progress" can match the price of a mount skin.

This is simply my opinion though. I still have high hopes for the game but, this one kind of hit too close to home.Peace. ♥

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