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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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@Sigerk.2897 said:Posting it here again, I logged in after the accidental rollback, stayed for about an hour, semi-afk, didn't do anything really, and I did NOT get the mount skin. Some people say they logged in and out, got the skin. I don't know if I'm the only one that didn't get it, but did log in. But this tells me that maybe we don't have all the information. I'm not complaining by the way. I got my progress back, happy with just that. Just saying this to say that it might not be so simple as it seems.

You're not the only one. I was online in the time frame and didn't get anything on my main. My two alts on the other hand weren't even online at the time at all and both got the license and the bonfire.

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@coso.9173 said:

@coso.9173 said:They gave the compensation to everyone who could have lost progress by being online at a time that was later deleted. We didn't log in, so we didn't lose any progress, for sure.

they didn't lose anything, they had the fun they bought this game for. anyone who refused to log in to help actually lost something, those people lost the possible fun.

You keep on seeing it as punishment or reward. It's not. It's compensation to people who DID lose progress. They had to include everyone online also because they can't know for sure who got actual progress and who didn't. But they know that people who weren't online, didn't lose progress.

i don't see it as punishment or reward, i see it as compensation adn when i look at the word "compensation" there needs to be 2 things: first thing is that you need to actually lose something which imo is not the case since valuable things and story progress are restored anyways. the second thing is the relation between loss and compensation and this point is also far off since we're talking about a game and not being able to play a game is a far bigger loss than losing progress in that game because a game is there for playing (and having fun doing so) and not for advancing in your life.

so giving a compensation is surely a nice thing and it happened like that, done. but this just tells me i rather watch out for any trouble and get involved to get some fun and a "compensation" for having fun as well!

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@Solanum.6983 said:

@Solanum.6983 said:A lot of the complaints are not about the reward itself but the way it's distributed.By Rewarding only the players who stayed logged in while there's blatant server issues they've sent a message that for the future when a server issue happens again that everyone should jump on it to not miss out again. That's bad.Realistically it should've been everyone who played during the rollback period to receive the mount or to make everyone happy a smaller reward for all of EU like a booster or something.

If they give the item to all of eu, then na will also complain, since they didn't get it. And apparently people can't have others get something if they don't.

NA didn't have their servers disrupted, all of EU did.

Players who weren't online in EU didn't lose anything at all either and here they are asking for an equal opportunity compensation item.

That's the thing though you can't tell who was going to log in or not, and you definitely shouldn't reward people for staying on a broken server. The best option would to have compensated Everyone with something small since everyone lost the day.

I lost the day because at first people didn't know it was only in EU. So I didn't log in from NA. According to many in these topics I should get mine too since I didn't log in to not complicate things further for anet and not risk losing something from my account.

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@coso.9173 said:

@coso.9173 said:They gave the compensation to everyone who could have lost progress by being online at a time that was later deleted. We didn't log in, so we didn't lose any progress, for sure.

they didn't lose anything, they had the fun they bought this game for. anyone who refused to log in to help actually lost something, those people lost the possible fun.

You keep on seeing it as punishment or reward. It's not. It's compensation to people who DID lose progress. They had to include everyone online also because they can't know for sure who got actual progress and who didn't. But they know that people who weren't online, didn't lose progress.

Except, you know, those that didn't?Like there's people in these forums saying they logged in, logged out and got the mount skin.That's a ton of progress...

While i can be here, and unknowingly HAVE lost stuff from the rollback, but didn't notice, because who the hell has a snapshot of their gamestate by memory. They said it themselves, there's people who might not have gotten everything fixed. And yet nothing.

It was poorly handled, you can rationalize all you want, but the fact that this thread exists is in itself evidence that it was poorly handled.Instead of having a mass of threads thanking arena net for how they handled the issue (which is what usually happens when things are handled correctly) you have this.

So rationalize all you want, you're still just fooling yourself.

And again, i don't care about the items. And i'll tell you what i care about:

I care about the fact that my guild used to have 100+ players in it, and now there's 4 of us that play daily. All of them left due to Arena Net's management of the game. Some left because of how disconnected the early episodes of Living World felt, and how they felt burn out from having to farm achievements every couple weeks, others left due to poor releases, or questionable balance changes.And 3 of the 4 that do play now (including me) were just coming back to the game and starting to play regularly. And i was trying to get others to come back as well, and some were meaning to.After this, most of the people that i had talked to about coming back won't, and i've heard some noises form those that were playing that they don't feel like palying again.

That's the shit i care about.

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@coso.9173 said:

@Solanum.6983 said:A lot of the complaints are not about the reward itself but the way it's distributed.By Rewarding only the players who stayed logged in while there's blatant server issues they've sent a message that for the future when a server issue happens again that everyone should jump on it to not miss out again. That's bad.Realistically it should've been everyone who played during the rollback period to receive the mount or to make everyone happy a smaller reward for all of EU like a booster or something.

If they give the item to all of eu, then na will also complain, since they didn't get it. And apparently people can't have others get something if they don't.

NA didn't have their servers disrupted, all of EU did.

Players who weren't online in EU didn't lose anything at all either and here they are asking for an equal opportunity compensation item.

That's the thing though you can't tell who was going to log in or not, and you definitely shouldn't reward people for staying on a broken server. The best option would to have compensated Everyone with something small since everyone lost the day.

I lost the day because at first people didn't know it was only in EU. So I didn't log in from NA. According to many in these topics I should get mine too since I didn't log in to not complicate things further for anet and not risk losing something from my account.

It was said from the beginning on reddit and the forums that it was EU specific and later by anet themselves.

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I find this whole affair seriously insulting. There are multiple issues:

  1. Anet should have sent the compensation to everyone. Don't presume you know why people didn't log in. Some people stayed away from the game because they have been told to
  2. The mount licence is a really dumb idea in the first place. There are people who have ALL skins already. That's not a good compensation. They SHOULD have given players something that can include future releases as well
  3. Giving a single mount license is pretty much worthless for ANYONE buying the 15 package ones as buying 2x5 and 4x1 costs 5200 gems while straight up 15 costs 5100 gems and i have never seen anet do discounts on mounts you already have.

I think they should have just given us no compensation instead of showing favoritism to specific people.

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@Solanum.6983 said:

@Solanum.6983 said:A lot of the complaints are not about the reward itself but the way it's distributed.By Rewarding only the players who stayed logged in while there's blatant server issues they've sent a message that for the future when a server issue happens again that everyone should jump on it to not miss out again. That's bad.Realistically it should've been everyone who played during the rollback period to receive the mount or to make everyone happy a smaller reward for all of EU like a booster or something.

If they give the item to all of eu, then na will also complain, since they didn't get it. And apparently people can't have others get something if they don't.

NA didn't have their servers disrupted, all of EU did.

Players who weren't online in EU didn't lose anything at all either and here they are asking for an equal opportunity compensation item.

That's the thing though you can't tell who was going to log in or not, and you definitely shouldn't reward people for staying on a broken server. The best option would to have compensated Everyone with something small since everyone lost the day.

I lost the day because at first people didn't know it was only in EU. So I didn't log in from NA. According to many in these topics I should get mine too since I didn't log in to not complicate things further for anet and not risk losing something from my account.

It was said from the beginning on reddit and the forums that it was EU specific and later by anet themselves.

When I woke up I saw 1 post on the forums, with people complaining that they had lost their stuff . The first few posts with no server info was all there was before I decided to not log in until it was fixed. I didn't check the forums until the afternoon, when it was already down.I lost exactly the same as EU players who chose to not play. Nothing. I just decided to do something else. But some think they should be rewarded for that.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:Anet couldn't restore beyond a certain point on Monday, a time window existed where progress for players was wiped and thus Anet compensated them for playing and losing their timeAlso, they split the rest of the community along the most vapid of criteria: "Did you log on during a certain period? Great, you're a winner!" When is splitting the community ever a good idea? Might not be what they intended, but it is what they accomplished.

If you were against splitting the community you wouldn't be in here all day about how you got the mount with only logging in for a short while. Your comments help to increase the split and upset the one's that assume most got the mount just for a quick log in they didn't do when most probably played for a while. The longer you played the higher the chance you would crash or get rolled back and I guess "deserve" the mount. If you didn't log in you couldn't lose anything so that was smart not knowing if everything would be restored. They should of just gave everyone on EU the 400 gem random mount skin and there would be less of a split but still I lost achieves gold stuff progress and got the same as someone who didn't log in crowd.I don't think things would be any better if I hadn't posted. And it's a nonsensical statement that the split can be increased. It was complete before I said anything. The only thing we can now accomplish is making ANet see reason and fix it. And for that we need to voice our opinions.

Of course it can be increased. Someone might not be upset then see 8 times you say I got it for 3 minutes and go wait all I had to do is log in/out and get the mount and then be upsetThe split I'm talking about is that some people got a skin for no good reason, and others didn't. That was pretty clear from my post I think. People's individual reactions don't change a thing about that.

Ok, I thought you meant those upset they didn't log in. But still should anet analyze 50k accounts individually and determine case by case which gets a mount? That seems to be labor intensive so they just blanket time date it. So some players who don't deserve it get one while every player who lost progress gets one. Or everyone gets one and the players who didn't log in get the same as someone who lost progress and gold which is unfair too. Every solution except spending months combing thru every account to make sure they lost something to get the mount will be unfairAnd now you're almost seeing my point. Yes, fairly compensating individual players is unfeasible. Casting a wider net like they did though, and scooping up many other players based on, well, luck, that split the community and left a sizable segment unhappy about the situation.

They should've just bitten the bullet and given everyone the mount. People would be singing their praise far and wide instead of what we're looking at now.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Every solution except spending months combing thru every account to make sure they lost something to get the mount will be unfair

no. the best solution is waiting for tickets, restoring valuable items and doing their best to make it as if the rollback never happened.throwing out a random item is the worst solution and this exact thing was funnily posted before the announcement by several people. ANet didn't read it i guess.

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Same happend to me. I created transactions on sunday. The items were sold on Monday between Rollback and Servershutdown. When i logged in at tuesday i could see in my TP-History that the items were sold, but i did not get the money from the transaction nor the items back. My ticket is still pending.

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@coso.9173 said:

@Solanum.6983 said:A lot of the complaints are not about the reward itself but the way it's distributed.By Rewarding only the players who stayed logged in while there's blatant server issues they've sent a message that for the future when a server issue happens again that everyone should jump on it to not miss out again. That's bad.Realistically it should've been everyone who played during the rollback period to receive the mount or to make everyone happy a smaller reward for all of EU like a booster or something.

If they give the item to all of eu, then na will also complain, since they didn't get it. And apparently people can't have others get something if they don't.

NA didn't have their servers disrupted, all of EU did.

Players who weren't online in EU didn't lose anything at all either and here they are asking for an equal opportunity compensation item.

That's the thing though you can't tell who was going to log in or not, and you definitely shouldn't reward people for staying on a broken server. The best option would to have compensated Everyone with something small since everyone lost the day.

I lost the day because at first people didn't know it was only in EU. So I didn't log in from NA. According to many in these topics I should get mine too since I didn't log in to not complicate things further for anet and not risk losing something from my account.

It was said from the beginning on reddit and the forums that it was EU specific and later by anet themselves.

When I woke up I saw 1 post on the forums, with people complaining that they had lost their stuff . The first few posts with no server info was all there was before I decided to not log in until it was fixed. I didn't check the forums until the afternoon, when it was already down.I lost exactly the same as EU players who chose to not play. Nothing. I just decided to do something else. But some think they should be rewarded for that.

But you had the option to log in as an NA player, It was on you that you misread and never thought to check back.EU didn't loose nothing, they lost the day of playing. The problem is Anets decision to compensate only those players who played even though it was obvious the servers were messed up. This sends the message that everyone should try to take advantage of situations like this in the future. It should have been everyone on the Server getting compensated with something small instead in my opinion.

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@"Gopaka.7839" said:

@"Gopaka.7839" said:

@"KlayOut.4937" said:i guess their logic here is giving compensation only to people who logged in = less people that don't deserve it

imagine this irl :D all the people staying home getting arrested or being fined while the people going out to the parks, mountains etc. getting high fives and free icecream xD but the icecream is actually a car...

i want to know the logic behind comparing not receivning anything(=nothing lost) to being arested, u made me curious now

The guild wars 2 community that actually reads the forums, reddit, twitter, gw2 discords felt arested for one day not being able to play the game of fear not losing their accounts, of fear they can twist the new and the old data, the pure reason many people didn't logged in. We lost progress during this day as well as the players who did logged in after the rollback. I even think the percentage of players who really play the game and enjoy and dedicate their time to the game is bigger than the players who went inside the game after the rollback. Those who logged in are people who a) don't care about their accounts, b) don't care about the servers melting infront of their eyes, c) people who aren't enough enlightened about the game and cannot fact check that there is some problem behind their playing during the day.

arested? u were sitting, looking at gw2 icon and shaking? it was 2 days rollback, how do u call it "melting server", and who on earth was worried of losing account? there were 2 possibilities: they wont do anything about it, and ull just lose 2 days, OR they had backup, and they would restore everything to the proper moment.ur suggestions about ppl who logged in: a) -lmao, b) -lmao, c) yes, d) ppl who just wanted to play the game and didnt panic for no reason

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@Solanum.6983 said:

@Solanum.6983 said:A lot of the complaints are not about the reward itself but the way it's distributed.By Rewarding only the players who stayed logged in while there's blatant server issues they've sent a message that for the future when a server issue happens again that everyone should jump on it to not miss out again. That's bad.Realistically it should've been everyone who played during the rollback period to receive the mount or to make everyone happy a smaller reward for all of EU like a booster or something.

If they give the item to all of eu, then na will also complain, since they didn't get it. And apparently people can't have others get something if they don't.

NA didn't have their servers disrupted, all of EU did.

Players who weren't online in EU didn't lose anything at all either and here they are asking for an equal opportunity compensation item.

That's the thing though you can't tell who was going to log in or not, and you definitely shouldn't reward people for staying on a broken server. The best option would to have compensated Everyone with something small since everyone lost the day.

I lost the day because at first people didn't know it was only in EU. So I didn't log in from NA. According to many in these topics I should get mine too since I didn't log in to not complicate things further for anet and not risk losing something from my account.

It was said from the beginning on reddit and the forums that it was EU specific and later by anet themselves.

When I woke up I saw 1 post on the forums, with people complaining that they had lost their stuff . The first few posts with no server info was all there was before I decided to not log in until it was fixed. I didn't check the forums until the afternoon, when it was already down.I lost exactly the same as EU players who chose to not play. Nothing. I just decided to do something else. But some think they should be rewarded for that.

But you had the option to log in as an NA player, It was on you that you misread and never thought to check back.EU didn't loose nothing, they lost the day of playing. The problem is Anets decision to compensate only those players who played even though it was obvious the servers were messed up. This sends the message that everyone should try to take advantage of situations like this in the future. It should have been everyone on the Server getting compensated with something small instead in my opinion.

Some EU people also CHOSE to not play on Monday morning. That's why they didn't get a compensation so it's the same.If the compensation was because of downtime then that could be a solution. But the compensation isn't because of downtime, it's because of losing progress from the rollback.About setting an ugly precedent, it's true. But if they compensated everyone for server downtime, it would also set up an ugly precedent. People in the future always expecting a 1200 gems item, each time the servers go down unexpectedly.

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@coso.9173 said:

@Solanum.6983 said:A lot of the complaints are not about the reward itself but the way it's distributed.By Rewarding only the players who stayed logged in while there's blatant server issues they've sent a message that for the future when a server issue happens again that everyone should jump on it to not miss out again. That's bad.Realistically it should've been everyone who played during the rollback period to receive the mount or to make everyone happy a smaller reward for all of EU like a booster or something.

If they give the item to all of eu, then na will also complain, since they didn't get it. And apparently people can't have others get something if they don't.

NA didn't have their servers disrupted, all of EU did.

Players who weren't online in EU didn't lose anything at all either and here they are asking for an equal opportunity compensation item.

That's the thing though you can't tell who was going to log in or not, and you definitely shouldn't reward people for staying on a broken server. The best option would to have compensated Everyone with something small since everyone lost the day.

I lost the day because at first people didn't know it was only in EU. So I didn't log in from NA. According to many in these topics I should get mine too since I didn't log in to not complicate things further for anet and not risk losing something from my account.

It was said from the beginning on reddit and the forums that it was EU specific and later by anet themselves.

When I woke up I saw 1 post on the forums, with people complaining that they had lost their stuff . The first few posts with no server info was all there was before I decided to not log in until it was fixed. I didn't check the forums until the afternoon, when it was already down.I lost exactly the same as EU players who chose to not play. Nothing. I just decided to do something else. But some think they should be rewarded for that.

But you had the option to log in as an NA player, It was on you that you misread and never thought to check back.EU didn't loose nothing, they lost the day of playing. The problem is Anets decision to compensate only those players who played even though it was obvious the servers were messed up. This sends the message that everyone should try to take advantage of situations like this in the future. It should have been everyone on the Server getting compensated with something small instead in my opinion.

Some EU people also CHOSE to not play on Monday morning. That's why they didn't get a compensation so it's the same.If the compensation was because of downtime then that could be a solution. But the compensation isn't because of downtime, it's because of losing progress from the rollback.About setting an ugly precedent, it's true. But if they compensated everyone for server downtime, it would also set up an ugly precedent. People in the future always expecting a 1200 gems item, each time the servers go down unexpectedly.

That's what I'm saying. There shouldn't have been any kind of compensation for playing on a broken server at all. The only kind of compensation that should have been given was a small reward for the server mishap and downtime, like the bonfire.But since they went and did exactly that they've open this can of worms and the only way I see it going away is to extend the license to players who played during the rollback period.

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Really, it should be a bigger time zone. I played until 2am the night before, wanted to play that day of down time, but saw on twitter it was down so sat refreshing twitter, even posted. Waited till there was a tweet saying its up as I didn't want roll back. I have logged in every day for months, the day before, the day after. I was effected exactly the same as someone who did not see the social media warnings.

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I had read that there were server issues but I didn't know that they were isolated to EU so I stayed away as I have been frustrated on prior instances. That being said, Anet didn't have to give anything to anyone. Server crashes and roll backs happen. They probably should have given a license to everyone who has an account though just to mitigate these types of posts.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Stormcrow.7513" said:They probably should have given a license to everyone who has an account though just to mitigate these types of posts.

I disagree. Entitled players should not be rewarded for that kind of behavior.

I agree, far better to blindly fire "compensation" bullets at the community, sit back and watch the carnage.

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I don't think there is any solution that won't have any backslash by the community.

if they give nothing to anyone, people were already complaining and demanding compensation when this first started, so people would get angry.

The way they did it now, give it to everyone who has online when the issue happened, people is complaining that it wasn't given to everyone, no matter if they were online or not.

If they give the item as a compensation from actual server downtime to everyone on it, people would start to ask for compensation each time the server goes down unexpectedly.

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All this situation shows how anet respects their player base. Instead of giving all EU players something they prefer divide players on two opposite camps and make some ppl (most, lel) feel bad for receiving nothing. Its seems not like they feel sorry for troubles, it feels like they just wanna troll community after all.

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@Xsa.3702 said:All this situation shows how anet respects their player base. Instead of giving all EU players something they prefer divide players on two opposite camps and make some ppl (most, lel) feel bad for receiving nothing. Its seems not like they feel sorry for troubles, it feels like they just wanna troll community after all.Not to mention, they were always very good at introducing all those little and big jokes and memes of the community, so i doubt it's an incident we got a bonfire. For all that burn.

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