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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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@Damash.2754 said:

I didn't get one because I didn't log in. Your right tho ty anet for not rewarding me with a mount skin because I wasn't affected at all and I'm not jealous of anyone who got one because I'm not 12 years old.

Cool Story, many who logged ir doesn't get affected and guess what. They get a skin. Now explain this, my 8 year young friend.

Why should he explain or defend your argument?

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@deadlyjoker.4907 said:

@deadlyjoker.4907 said:I tried logging in on monday, not knowing anything about the server issues, I just got the message that it is not possible. Tried a few more times, because I thougth its just temporarily but without any successful login on monday. At 22:00 German Time I gave up and went to bed.Does this now mean I don't get a compensation? Just because I wasn't actually ingame? If so it would be an extremly weird act of anet.

You will get the bonfire not the mount skin. Those who logged in during the window will have had any playtime, achievements, loot, gold etc gained wiped from their account. That’s who they aimed the compensation at

so my full monday where I was about to farm and get my weekly black lion key will not compensationed? I really hope for this:

@Illumine Sparkler.6019 said:There is also the group of people that stayed online to play for the fun of it and didn’t get anything.

The compensation is still in progress as far as I can tell. It can take a long time for things to filter through such a massive mail out

You will get the bonfire

If you had logged in, got your key and then it got wiped then you would have got the licence.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@deadlyjoker.4907 said:I tried logging in on monday, not knowing anything about the server issues, I just got the message that it is not possible. Tried a few more times, because I thougth its just temporarily but without any successful login on monday. At 22:00 German Time I gave up and went to bed.Does this now mean I don't get a compensation? Just because I wasn't actually ingame? If so it would be an extremly weird act of anet.

You will get the bonfire not the mount skin. Those who logged in during the window will have had any playtime, achievements, loot, gold etc gained wiped from their account. That’s who they aimed the compensation at

so my full monday where I was about to farm and get my weekly black lion key will not compensationed? I really hope for this:

@Illumine Sparkler.6019 said:There is also the group of people that stayed online to play for the fun of it and didn’t get anything.

The compensation is still in progress as far as I can tell. It can take a long time for things to filter through such a massive mail out

You will get the bonfire

If you had logged in, got your key and then it got wiped then you would have got the licence.

till now, I got nothing. Will wait what it actually will be. if it is like you say and it is just the fire, I'll be gone, because it shows me anet gives a * about me as a player.Because, how should I know I had to log in a bit earlier, when it was still possible. The loss is still there, because I didn't have the chance to get what I usually get in that time.

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@Funky.4861 said:

I didn't get one because I didn't log in. Your right tho ty anet for not rewarding me with a mount skin because I wasn't affected at all and I'm not jealous of anyone who got one because I'm not 12 years old.

Cool Story, many who logged ir doesn't get affected and guess what. They get a skin. Now explain this, my 8 year young friend.

Why should he explain or defend your argument?

No one has to defend his argument... I mean, the post just above yours is a shiny example among plenty of others who prove him right.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Xsa.3702 said:All this situation shows how anet respects their player base. Instead of giving all EU players something they prefer divide players on two opposite camps and make some ppl (most, lel) feel bad for receiving nothing. Its seems not like they feel sorry for troubles, it feels like they just wanna troll community after all.Not to mention, they were always very good at introducing all those little and big jokes and memes of the community, so i doubt it's an incident we got a bonfire. For all that burn.I've been wondering if maybe all this drama was kind of a compensation for the PvP players. ^^ Think about it, they can't really make use of the bonfire or the mount in sPvP and they, too, missed out on 2 days of playtime... Maybe this is indeed all part of the plan. @_@

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Let's get all of Anet's staff on this. Pause all development and assign everyone to research all player's accounts so we can determine exactly what everyone lost and restore it. We MUST be fair at all costs after all. This is the way.... (Sarcasm intended in case you missed it)

Those of you that chose not to play because you were aware of the problem were compensated with whatever you used that time for instead. I hope you spent it wisely. I don't recall reading anything in the fine print when I purchased this game promising any compensation for server issues. Can someone link that please. It must be there with this many people demanding compensation.

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I wish I could be compensated for the daily Tequatl I had to miss when I came home and found the servers down. Not so black and white on what people lost beyond things getting rolled back. Being patient or logging in for the heck of it wasn't even a choice. To me, it feels like the compensation to those players was a reward for logging in at the right time.

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:Let's get all of Anet's staff on this. Pause all development and assign everyone to research all player's accounts so we can determine exactly what everyone lost and restore it. We MUST be fair at all costs after all. This is the way.... (Sarcasm intended in case you missed it)

Those of you that chose not to play because you were aware of the problem were compensated with whatever you used that time for instead. I hope you spent it wisely. I don't recall reading anything in the fine print when I purchased this game promising any compensation for server issues. Can someone link that please. It must be there with this many people demanding compensation.

I get your point. But what we did with our time was no different to the people who logged in once or twice, realised they couldn't and did something else. Most of us are on lock down after all. Anets idea is basically like a car company dealing with all their cars breaking like, hey sorry all your cars broke, for those of you who aimlessly turned the key in the ignition, heres a prize worth 400 Gems. For those of you who chose not to incase it did further damage, and instead followed social media, have a mini toy worth a few silver. We all sat there, we all wanted to play, some of us chose not to try just in case until told otherwise.

The reason people are dissapointed is because we are ALL effected the same if you logged in, you didn't play if you didn't, well you didn't. Going by who logged in is a poor plan. Going by who logged in 48 hours around that period? Maybe better, maybe not. I don't feel its entitlement, after all I spent quite a bit on gems most months as I put so many hours into this game, I feel they are due it.

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:Let's get all of Anet's staff on this. Pause all development and assign everyone to research all player's accounts so we can determine exactly what everyone lost and restore it. We MUST be fair at all costs after all. This is the way.... (Sarcasm intended in case you missed it)

Those of you that chose not to play because you were aware of the problem were compensated with whatever you used that time for instead. I hope you spent it wisely. I don't recall reading anything in the fine print when I purchased this game promising any compensation for server issues. Can someone link that please. It must be there with this many people demanding compensation.Yeah, it's just so damn unfortunate that there was absolutely no alternative whatsoever other than to make a lot of people feel bad about the situation, including quite a few who were gifted with a valuable item for doing nothing at all. Them's the breaks.

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@Bish.8627 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:Let's get all of Anet's staff on this. Pause all development and assign everyone to research all player's accounts so we can determine exactly what everyone lost and restore it. We MUST be fair at all costs after all. This is the way.... (Sarcasm intended in case you missed it)

Those of you that chose not to play because you were aware of the problem were compensated with whatever you used that time for instead. I hope you spent it wisely. I don't recall reading anything in the fine print when I purchased this game promising any compensation for server issues. Can someone link that please. It must be there with this many people demanding compensation.

I get your point. But what we did with our time was no different to the people who logged in once or twice, realised they couldn't and did something else. Most of us are on lock down after all. Anets idea is basically like a car company dealing with all their cars breaking like, hey sorry all your cars broke, for those of you who aimlessly turned the key in the ignition, heres a prize worth 400 Gems. For those of you who chose not to incase it did further damage, and instead followed social media, have a mini toy worth a few silver. We all sat there, we all wanted to play, some of us chose not to try just in case until told otherwise.

The reason people are dissapointed is because we are ALL effected the same if you logged in, you didn't play if you didn't, well you didn't. Going by who logged in is a poor plan. Going by who logged in 48 hours around that period? Maybe better, maybe not. I don't feel its entitlement, after all I spent quite a bit on gems most months as I put so many hours into this game, I feel they are due it.

No, we are not all effected the same. There are people who did world bosses, or got a mastery, or progressed with his characters, nor got a rare item, or bought something with gems, and a long list. and others that didn't. Those of us who didn't log in weren't as affected as them at all.

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@deadlyjoker.4907 said:Because, how should I know I had to log in a bit earlier, when it was still possible. The loss is still there, because I didn't have the chance to get what I usually get in that time.

But if you didn't log in earlier, you were not affected by the rollback the same way as people who did.Why do you feel entitled to the same kind of compensation as them?

They surely should have given something better than that bonfire to compensate for the downtime, tho.

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Just give everyone who was affected by the issue the same compensation. Either all bonfire alone, or all mount and bonfire. What is the meaning of receiving only the bonfire? Like "you've been affected, didn't login because we told you not to, but well, here is a bonfire, ok?".While for others it's like "you've been affected (or not), played while we were fixing servers because you didn't see our posts, well, here is a mount and a bonfire, congrats".

It makes no sense to differenciate the two cases imo. Especially when most engaged players certainly were aware of the issue, while less engaged, who by definition do less stuff, were not.

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The thing is, from a technical standpoint, Arenanet doesn't actually care if you logged in to Guild Wars 2 while the servers were having problems. If they need the servers empty to fix the problem, they shut down the servers, which is what they eventually did. People being logged in during that 5 hour period didn't have any impact on how quickly they could fix the issue. The initial reason why people on Reddit and Twitter were telling players not to log in was because if you did, and you made progress it would be overwritten when the servers were rolled back, which only affected the people in that 5 hour period. Arenanet themselves never told players to stop logging in to the Guild Wars 2 until after the servers were shut down, at which point no one on was able to anyways. The process of rolling back server data is the same regardless of how many people logged in during the time they are rolling back. The only difference for them is how many support tickets they have to deal with after the fact, which is why they are giving away the Mount Skin as a blanket attempt to placate everyone who could have possibly filed a support ticket. Admittedly this is pretty ham-fisted and maybe giving them a stack of baubles and the end of the month log in chest would be more suitable. As for everyone who missed out on playtime, I assume Arenanet wanted to compensate for that with the bonfire. They did sort of overestimate the value of a bonfire, but it's pretty much in line with the freebies they give when servers are shut down on other days and to them it's still technically worth 300 gems. Therefore, if they are implicitly incentivizing people to log on when they are having server troubles like these, it doesn't really matter to them. If you manage to log in during server issues and all you do is sit in Lions Arch, you won't be filing a support ticket for you losing any progress or corrupted data.

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Thats what makes this whole disaster even more funny.I just talked to a guild mate who initially was pretty angry because he did a W1-4 raid clear during said 5h period.Guess what, he got the mount skin AND got all his LI etc. back after opening a support ticket.Now tell me again how "people who didnt lose any progress shouldnt get a compensation" :)

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@coso.9173 said:No, we are not all effected the same. There are people who did world bosses, or got a mastery, or progressed with his characters, nor got a rare item, or bought something with gems, and a long list. and others that didn't. Those of us who didn't log in weren't as affected as them at all.

can you please just once read and understand??ANet stated that they wait for tickets and restore rare items and progress that happened during that time. they also said that gems are automatically restored (as they should because money transactions happen in a totally different environment). all those things you just mentioned are not lost progress! those people didn't lose progress (normally) so they aren't affected any more than people who just couldn't log in.

edit: your argument could be said the other way round: while those people lost no progress the people that didn't log in lost their potential progress and even more: the people that get their progress restored cause additional work for ANet that has to be done case-by-case, essentially the thing you said is not feasable.

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@WorldofBay.8160 said:

@coso.9173 said:No, we are not all effected the same. There are people who did world bosses, or got a mastery, or progressed with his characters, nor got a rare item, or bought something with gems, and a long list. and others that didn't. Those of us who didn't log in weren't as affected as them at all.

can you please just once read and understand??ANet stated that they wait for tickets and restore rare items and progress that happened during that time. they also said that gems are automatically restored (as they should because money transactions happen in a totally different environment). all those things you just mentioned
are not lost progress
! those people didn't lose progress (normally) so they aren't affected any more than people who just couldn't log in.

Yes they did. People lost progress inside that 6 hour window on Monday - they had things wiped from their account that could not be restored. This was explained in the official statement. They restored what they could from Sat- Monday morning, but after that gameplay progress was lost. Yes they encouraged tickets to be submitted, but there are things Support and the server team cannot restore - hence the compensation

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@Randulf.7614 said:Yes they did. People lost progress inside that 6 hour window on Monday - they had things wiped from their account that could not be restored. This was explained in the official statement. They restored what they could from Sat- Monday morning, but after that gameplay progress was lost. Yes they encouraged tickets to be submitted, but there are things Support and the server team cannot restore - hence the compensation

but there has also been no denial, has it? so whatever happens the compensation was at the very least too early, they should have waited until it is clear if they can or can not restore it.

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@WorldofBay.8160 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Yes they did. People lost progress inside that 6 hour window on Monday - they had things wiped from their account that could not be restored. This was explained in the official statement. They restored what they could from Sat- Monday morning, but after that gameplay progress was lost. Yes they encouraged tickets to be submitted, but there are things Support and the server team cannot restore - hence the compensation

but there has also been no denial, has it? so whatever happens the compensation was at the very least too early, they should have waited until it is clear if they can or can not restore it.

There's no denial because the statement clarified it

We regret that we can't restore all gameplay progress made during the rollback period

So taking out any support tickets for precursors or gems or whatever, there are things they confirmed they could not restore

That is why they compensated those players extra

If people disagree with it then fine, but lets not remove the facts from the official statement either

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i just want you people to reflect about your posts because it seems that too few people here do so. there are often the same arguments from people that don't say anything if they're involved or not and a lot of posts of people that were involved that just deny it. look at Hyrai.8720 's post saying that there has been no progress lost in a specific case yet a compensation. please add your personal story or else stop assuming and only refer to official statements as i just did.

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