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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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I happened to be online on monday, after the server crash. I spent the better half of the day informing people about the situation and what to do about it. I was in Lion's Arch throughout the day just helping people out, easing worries, and correcting any misconceptions.

When the server came back online, it turned out I had literally not lost a second of progress. I was compensated with a free mount skin regardless, which is fine. It is not a big deal. What matters most to me, is my progress, not some gemstore item. Was I deserving of a compensation? You tell me.

And now some people are upset that they missed out on a free item. They thought that perhaps by not logging in, they would prevent any further problems to their account, which they possibly did. So that was very sensible, but it did mean you weren't considered when handing out these free items. But first of all, you didn't lose any progress, so you don't need to be compensated for anything. And second, you did what you did based on no specific instructions by Anet. You did so on your own accord.

If it makes you feel any better, I used my mount license to get the ugliest mount skin available.

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@yoni.7015 said:They can’t check every account that was online individually and check how much was lost. So they decided to compensate every account that was online.

You know what they also can't check individually? Every player that chose not to be online for one single reason only: because they knew there was a problem. There's a group of players that found out by logging on and quickly logging off again, and a group of players who found out indirectly. All these players were affected the same. But here, they didn't decide to treat them all the same. It's a double standard.

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Hi folks,

If like me, you were warned of the rollback and decided not to log in at the time, then you didn't get the mount. You can take the "problem" from different point of view :

  • You were smart enough not to log in and try to prevent your account to be damaged.
  • You trusted Anet to fix the problem and decided that is would be useless to do any progress after the rollback, as it would be more likely be another rollback to restore the state of the game, and so you were smart enough and spared you worthless efforts on the game.
  • You didn't logging to protest or suicide jump in lion arch, as those childishs actions were useless anyway.
  • You were thoughtful and deciced not to log in so you may prevent more stress on the servers.

You can be frustated and no one should tell you otherwise, but you should remember that GW2 is a freemium, with no monthly subscription, so even if you lost something in your account, or you lost play time, you are not entitled to any compensation.On the other way, people saying that you don't deserve it, may or may not be right.For my part, it's not because a person didn't log in that she/he didn't loss something that she/he consider valuable, account-wise or timewise. People should put their Judge Dredd costume away, because they can't estimate how far you may feel frustrated or even betrayed by the situation.

The real issue is that, this mount gift is just an overfed kassadin rifting the community, and it raises the same questions all other again :

  • Why should I not get a mount, I lost something like everyone else.
  • Why should they get a mount, they didn't lost progress like me because I played after the rollback and lost everything from this point!
  • Why did they played after the rollback, it was clear that it would have been fixed after....
  • Why should anybody at all get a mount?
  • Why didn't they give everybody a mount?
  • Etc.

Personnaly, I feel a bit left out by Anet, but honestly since Blizzcon 2018 and Diablo Immortal, I don't expect much from gaming companies anyway.I was wise enough to try to prevent any problems in my account, and I'm confident that it was the right choice not to log in, so I don't really mind the situation, but the outgoing strong atmosphere of injustice we can witness IG or in the forums it was really bothers me.I think the situation was handled poorly overall, but guys, let it go, take a break until your feelings are in the right spot, so you may enjoy playing this game again, not flawless but very enjoyable for sure!!

P.S.:-Syntax errors will be made.-First post, started a month ago.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@yoni.7015 said:They can’t check every account that was online individually and check how much was lost. So they decided to compensate every account that was online.

You know what they also can't check individually? Every player that chose not to be online for one single reason only: because they knew there was a problem. There's a group of players that found out by logging on and quickly logging off again, and a group of players who found out indirectly. All these players were affected the same. But here, they didn't decide to treat them all the same. It's a double standard.

No they were not affected the same. People wo did not log in didn’t have any chance of losing progress. That was the standard Anet took to decide who gets compensation and who won’t. You might not like that decision but you should accept it.

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@yoni.7015 said:

@yoni.7015 said:They can’t check every account that was online individually and check how much was lost. So they decided to compensate every account that was online.

You know what they also can't check individually? Every player that chose not to be online for one single reason only: because they knew there was a problem. There's a group of players that found out by logging on and quickly logging off again, and a group of players who found out indirectly. All these players were affected the same. But here, they didn't decide to treat them all the same. It's a double standard.

No they were not affected the same.You're just plain wrong. There's really no getting through to you so I will stop responding to you.
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@SexyMofo.8923 said:Wow. Just wow. They are rewarding the wrong people. This is like rewarding the people who go out during the corona virus pandemic when it’s more helpful to stay home.

That is a really repugnant comparison and not accurate at all.No one from Anet told you to stay offline, and no harm was done by staying online.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@yoni.7015 said:They can’t check every account that was online individually and check how much was lost. So they decided to compensate every account that was online.

You know what they also can't check individually? Every player that chose not to be online for one single reason only: because they knew there was a problem. There's a group of players that found out by logging on and quickly logging off again, and a group of players who found out indirectly. All these players were affected the same. But here, they didn't decide to treat them all the same. It's a double standard.

No they were not affected the same.You're just plain wrong. There's really no getting through to you so I will stop responding to you.Maybe the best decision so I don’t have to respond to the nonsense.
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I won't say what is wrong with this reward and how it got handed out, theres already several topics about it, but thank you ANet for restoring our progress, and finally received my rewards too.

As a token of appreciation, here is a MYSTERY STEAM KEY for anyone that wants it (please confirm if you take it, so others won't bother trying)


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@Gundahar.2765 said:I won't say what is wrong with this reward and how it got handed out, theres already several topics about it, but thank you ANet for restoring our progress, and finally received my rewards too.

As a token of appreciation, here is a MYSTERY STEAM KEY for anyone that wants it (please confirm if you take it, so others won't bother trying)


I took it, thanks! My daughter will love this game. (Aegis Defenders) <3

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@Suowik.4507 said:Well, I feel pretty bad right now, because I got the skin, but forced my fiancee not to login, so her account won't be messed up, and now she doesn't have same "gift" :disappointed: I need to hide it from her, or she will be VERY disappointed! :anguished:

Ask you girlfriend if she have enough space in inbox (10 mail is the max) as it might be that it is full when ANet autosend out mail with items and that is why she don't see any new mail with those items. I don't know for sure if that is the reason, but it is worth to make sure that it isn't just as simple that inbox is full and mail server have put that on hold until there is space to receive mail.

Unfortunatelly nope. And she got the e-mail with the bonfire, in which I got the skin, so it's not the case here.

Not much to do otherwise then wait and make sure that there is enough space to receive mail.

I removed some mails and after a couple of hours had a mail with both in it, so it is possible that she needs to just clear out space and wait and see if ANet have reconsidered to add mount skin to those that did get just Bonfire in the first wave.

I don't know for sure, but lets hope that it is what is going on right now. With the number of players that where effected of this issue and how complex this rollback where it might be that it take some time.

Just one thought: did you get both mount skin and bonfire or just mount skin and she got bonfire?Read his post again: his girlfriend didn't log in because he told her not to. She will not get a mount skin. Because she didn't log in.

Must be a great feeling: log in, see there's a problem, log off and tell your friends not to bother logging in because it's pointless playing a messed up game. You just talked your friends out of receiving a free mount skin worth 1200 gems. And people wonder why there is bad blood here.

Take your anger issues some where else. No need to act like a jerk in this thread.

I was kicked out without notice from server during rollback and couldn't log in until the day after in the evening, so in anyway I wasn't sure if I would get anything. Now it turns out I got both which I am happy for, but it could also be that ANet have changed their mind and that is why I am posting here. If your only purpose here is to be upset then there is no point in try talking with you.

I have no idea how ANet decide in this matter (*) and that is why I ask about if @Suowik.4507 only got his mount skin or also got bonfire.

If you Souwik share same internet connection as your GF, then you might also have the same IP which ANet can see and that might complicate things as there is two account on the same line. Imagine for one second that ANet try avoid that people abuse NA server for duplicated items while having also EU server that where down (EU is not one server which also means that some people could still have had connection while other where forced offline) then you can understand things like this might take some more time and they can actually send items in different waves. Just because they published their "rules" doesn't mean that they could have had an internal discussion how to handle this and changed their minds after they have seen the reaction.

@Suowik.4507 if your girlfriend doesn't get any mount, then she could at least try to contact costumer service and explain the situation. It isn't impossible that considering the confusion (that you gave her advice to not log in) around this that CS could make an exception. CS are after all human beings and with how this happened without any warning.

(*) Yes I am aware that they put a post about a time which they decided to use for who where to get any compensation at all.

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@yoni.7015 said:

@yoni.7015 said:They can’t check every account that was online individually and check how much was lost. So they decided to compensate every account that was online.

You know what they also can't check individually? Every player that chose not to be online for one single reason only: because they knew there was a problem. There's a group of players that found out by logging on and quickly logging off again, and a group of players who found out indirectly. All these players were affected the same. But here, they didn't decide to treat them all the same. It's a double standard.

No they were not affected the same. People wo did not log in didn’t have any chance of losing progress. That was the standard Anet took to decide who gets compensation and who won’t. You might not like that decision but you should accept it.

They were, it is called opportunity cost. So in the end is the same as the people who just logged in and out.

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@yoni.7015 said:

@yoni.7015 said:Maybe the best decision so I don’t have to respond to the nonsense.

The only real nonsense here is your trolling in each of the threads.I’m not trolling because I have a different opinion. Maybe you should learn to accept and tolerate different opinions.

if That is your statement then why pushing so much in other's conversation on all these posts? You keep on pushing and pushing your opinion like we all must agree with your point of view. on every post regarding the rollback you tell the same story. People react to you and try to share opinions but all you do is being a brick wall and now with this statement you are a controvery to yourself.

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@MonkyTales.2098 said:

@yoni.7015 said:Maybe the best decision so I don’t have to respond to the nonsense.

The only real nonsense here is your trolling in each of the threads.I’m not trolling because I have a different opinion. Maybe you should learn to accept and tolerate different opinions.

if That is your statement then why pushing so much in other's conversation on all these posts? You keep on pushing and pushing your opinion like we all must agree with your point of view. on every post regarding the rollback you tell the same story. People react to you and try to share opinions but all you do is being a brick wall and now with this statement you are a controvery to yourself.

I express my opinion just like everyone else :) This is a forum right? Isn’t that the purpose of a forum?

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I don't mind talking to wrong people. Dear Yoni, even if you didn't log in you were rollbacked anyway. The decision such as mine ( to log in even though I knew there is a problem ) was based a some experience with databases and software in general (since I work in IT). I knew it probably won't make matters worse if I just log in and log out. But I couldn't be sure. Many things could had been happening, it could had been some hacker attack, or virus in the system, or some hardware issue. So I totally understand the people who were standing before the same decision as me but decided NOT to log in at all (not even to check their stuff is gone). So please yoni, stop being a.... you know what

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@"Gopaka.7839" said:

@"Gopaka.7839" said:Hi ! I am one of those guys who decided not to enter the game after the rollback of the server so his data of his account won't get corrupted. I am sure many of us did the same. Many of my guildies did so as well. We kept talking "Don't enter because it can mess up your account", "Don't enter, you'll make the developers job even harder to retrieve your data". I was at work during the rollback, observing whole day what's the status and is it safe to enter, missed my SAB daily, missed my normal daily, missed strikes, and all the dailies I'm usualy doing. I just wanted to tell my opinion about the free Licence that I won't get because of me wanting to help and help myself not losing my account and for this others get free stuff for entering the game for retrieving his/her daily login reward and then exit the game.

WELL, i did connect all the time the rollback was on and i didnt recieve anything

You will get it, don't worry about it! ;)

i did :D

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@Mortifer.2946 said:I don't mind talking to wrong people. Dear Yoni, even if you didn't log in you were rollbacked anyway. The decision such as mine ( to log in even though I knew there is a problem ) was based a some experience with databases and software in general (since I work in IT). I knew it probably won't make matters worse if I just log in and log out. But I couldn't be sure. Many things could had been happening, it could had been some hacker attack, or virus in the system, or some hardware issue. So I totally understand the people who were standing before the same decision as me but decided NOT to log in at all (not even to check their stuff is gone). So please yoni, stop being a.... you know what

Now the insults come again. This is your way to behave with other people? That’s low.

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Personnaly, I feel a bit left out by Anet, but honestly since Blizzcon 2018 and Diablo Immortal, I don't expect much from gaming companies anyway.

That my friend is Activision-Blizzard, that has nothing to do with ArenaNet nor NCSoft, but I get what you trying to say.I do really hope ArenaNet learns from those mistakes, I don't believe they did it to split the Community, but that doesnt change the fact that it did split the Community now even harder then before, people's Account Worth skyrocketed by 1200 Gems thanks to merely logging in and losing a bit of progress mostly not even worth 400 Gems.

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@ShadowCatz.8437 said:

@Manasa Devi.7958 said:Read his post again: his girlfriend didn't log in because he told her not to. She will not get a mount skin. Because she didn't log in.

Must be a great feeling: log in, see there's a problem, log off and tell your friends not to bother logging in because it's pointless playing a messed up game. You just talked your friends out of receiving a free mount skin worth 1200 gems. And people wonder why there is bad blood here.

Take your anger issues some where else. No need to act like a jerk in this thread.

I was kicked out without notice from server during rollback and couldn't log in until the day after in the evening, so in anyway I wasn't sure if I would get anything. Now it turns out I got both which I am happy for, but it could also be that ANet have changed their mind and that is why I am posting here. If your only purpose here is to be upset then there is no point in try talking with you.I have no idea where you got the ridiculous notion that I'm either angry or upset.

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