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What is the top reason for your char’s deaths?

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Top 3 Open World PVE reasons:1.) Curiosity. Where does this hole lead? Can I reach this? Can I go there? Can I block this attack? Can AED counter-heal this lethal attack? Can I dodge it?2.) Thinking I am a tank, because ANet announced Scrapper to be a tank. This becomes really annoying if you die against NPCs you defeated easily before they made you a tank.3.) Lagg.

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More than 10k deaths on my main according to the info I last checked. And I only played from release until end 2013. And from June 2019 until now. If SAB (tribulation mode) and PvP counts to the stats then a lot of deaths might be from there.

Other than that a mix of different stuff in the open world. Trying to solo hard champs or running through a lots of enemies that slow down and kill (while I can't evade) or dying cause I think it is faster than getting "out of combat" to use waypoint.

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Mostly death by getting careless or not paying attention/getting distracted by other things. I also quickly get a few deaths racked up if I switch to any of my alts, as I rarely use them it takes me a while to adjust, I charge into combat expecting to nuke everything with my ele, then go "crap! Why aren't my overloads working?! Where did all my spells go?!", then proceed to get bludgeoned to death while I'm looking at my skill bar trying to remember what does what.

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  • Trying to chat and fight at the same time,
  • Trying to fight and didn't realize I was in chat,
  • Hitting the wrong keybind (if I have a movement ability slotted, I will eventually yeet myself off a cliff with it),
  • Lag Spike o' Death,
  • Didn't realize that was a group event,
  • Mordrem snipers,
  • NSS's Spinny Gears o' Death,
  • Didn't realize that mob had retal,
  • Mordrem snipers,
  • Forgetting I'm not on my mirage and other classes don't dodge in place (see above, re: yeeting myself off a cliff),
  • Hovering just high enough on my skyscale to die to fall damage but not quite high enough to avoid ranged mobs,
  • Trying to mount midair, forgetting I can't mount in combat, and also forgetting I can glide in combat,
  • Splatting during a long (but intentional) fall cos I didn't see a 3 pixel-wide tree branch that has collision for some reason,

But most of all:

  • Discovering that the answer to the question "Can I solo that?" is "No."
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I geuss statistically speaking, raids cus i spend more time in the aerdrome/raid wings than anything else these days, but i guess if i were to dsitll my "deaths per play value" number it would actually be just normal, non hardcore open world lol.

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Voted raids because i didnt see the "being told to /gg" option.Especially in training raids there are a lot of /gg's because we want people to learn the mechanics, not kill the boss no matter what.So we basically /gg whenever a single person dies :smiley:

@xMooseHDx.2457 said:GGing - not because I am told to but because it's efficient.

And a lot of pugs - especially in fractal CMs - have picked up that behaviour without knowing when its actually efficient to gg, so they just gg before every boss lol.Kind of annoying, especially as a FB who has to recast his mantras everytime :smiley:

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