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Forging Steel achievements and the Steel & Fire meta

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Currently, to complete the Steel & Fire meta achievement, you need 36 out of a possible 37 achievements. There are four difficult achievements that you might theoretically "skip" as your lone gimme:

Clad for the North (expensive, or you can get it eventually very slowly doing strikes)Heavy Rival (FS instance, requires group dedicated to doing it because the event will not give credit if you don't specifically attempt this achievementMoving Up the Ranks (FS instance, requires an organized group to perfectly complete the mission with at least 3 challenges active)Mission Challenge: Tank Escort (FS instance, the most difficult challenge, and fails the mission entirely if it fails)

The main problem is the Forging Steel instance. At this point, you cannot get a group together to do anything but "quick" or "speed" runs for the weekly chest credit. I have tried making groups for achievements and waited for hours - I get one or two people here and there who eventually get sick of waiting and drop out. Everyone who regularly does the strike and cares about those achievements already has them done, and there is no incentive to do them again. There's no good (or, at least, clear) reason to do the Challenge modes again and again, unlike fractals. And it's very unclear both how you attain different ranks (other than "doing more stuff") and what benefit, if any, you get from it (i.e. there's no clear reason to strive for Imperator again and again).

Obviously they're not going to change the credit requirements for the meta, so could I suggest these other improvement options:

  1. Fix heavy rival so it's possible to get credit at any time if your kill count is above Cinder's when the tank moves on. That way you can get credit for these during "normal" runs.
  2. Ease up the success requirements for Tank Escort - make it so it doesn't kick you out if you fail it, make it so that the tank has to be broken down to fail it (not 10%), maybe buff the tank defense a little.
  3. Make it much clearer what rank you're on track to earn, and what benefit earning a higher rank gets you. Having it be a surprise at the end is annoying, and currently the only rank with any clear meaning is Imperator (for the achievement).
  4. Provide incentive to do Challenge Mode aside from the achievements.
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@"Kunzaito.8169" said:Heavy Rival (FS instance, requires group dedicated to doing it because the event will not give credit if you don't specifically attempt this achievement

No it doesn't. This can easily be soloed during a normal solo run. All it takes is just focusing the adds in the back during both phases and killed them. It's in fact easier to get this solo, because no other players will interfere with advancing the event early.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:No it doesn't. This can easily be soloed during a normal solo run. All it takes is just focusing the adds in the back during both phases and killed them. It's in fact easier to get this solo, because no other players will interfere with advancing the event early.

Soloing this seems like it would be painful - it's a 10 person instance after all. I'd be stuck trying to kill the mobs and the champ at the first sniper stop long before getting to the tar elementals (where the mobs would also instantly kill me). Is there something I'm missing or are you just speaking as someone who has the build/time/skill to solo a strike mission?

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@"Kunzaito.8169" said:Soloing this seems like it would be painful - it's a 10 person instance after all. I'd be stuck trying to kill the mobs and the champ at the first sniper stop long before getting to the tar elementals (where the mobs would also instantly kill me). Is there something I'm missing or are you just speaking as someone who has the build/time/skill to solo a strike mission?

The Strike Mission scales with the number of players, if you go solo it's MUCH easier than going with 9 others, even the Champions are not regular Champions (like in the rest of the game) but die really quickly, more like those Champion mobs you fight in story instances. Don't compare the 10-man version with what you'll get if you go solo, going solo is a completely different experience.

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@"Kunzaito.8169" said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:No it doesn't. This can easily be soloed during a normal solo run. All it takes is just focusing the adds in the back during both phases and killed them. It's in fact easier to get this solo, because no other players will interfere with advancing the event early.

Soloing this seems like it would be painful - it's a 10 person instance after all. I'd be stuck trying to kill the mobs and the champ at the first sniper stop long before getting to the tar elementals (where the mobs would also instantly kill me). Is there something I'm missing or are you just speaking as someone who has the build/time/skill to solo a strike mission?

The strike scales to amount of players.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Kunzaito.8169" said:Soloing this seems like it would be painful - it's a 10 person instance after all. I'd be stuck trying to kill the mobs and the champ at the first sniper stop long before getting to the tar elementals (where the mobs would also instantly kill me). Is there something I'm missing or are you just speaking as someone who has the build/time/skill to solo a strike mission?

The Strike Mission scales with the number of players, if you go solo it's MUCH easier than going with 9 others, even the Champions are not regular Champions (like in the rest of the game) but die really quickly, more like those Champion mobs you fight in story instances. Don't compare the 10-man version with what you'll get if you go solo, going solo is a completely different experience.

I did not know that, thanks. All of the strikes aren't like that, are they? 'Cause I did solo Boneskinner for the keep the lights on achievement and he hit just as hard as ever.

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@"Kunzaito.8169" said:

@"Kunzaito.8169" said:Soloing this seems like it would be painful - it's a 10 person instance after all. I'd be stuck trying to kill the mobs and the champ at the first sniper stop long before getting to the tar elementals (where the mobs would also instantly kill me). Is there something I'm missing or are you just speaking as someone who has the build/time/skill to solo a strike mission?

The Strike Mission scales with the number of players, if you go solo it's MUCH easier than going with 9 others, even the Champions are not regular Champions (like in the rest of the game) but die really quickly, more like those Champion mobs you fight in story instances. Don't compare the 10-man version with what you'll get if you go solo, going solo is a completely different experience.

I did not know that, thanks. All of the strikes aren't like that, are they? 'Cause I did solo Boneskinner for the keep the lights on achievement and he hit just as hard as ever.

Only Forging Steel scales with the number of players.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Kunzaito.8169" said:

@"Kunzaito.8169" said:Soloing this seems like it would be painful - it's a 10 person instance after all. I'd be stuck trying to kill the mobs and the champ at the first sniper stop long before getting to the tar elementals (where the mobs would also instantly kill me). Is there something I'm missing or are you just speaking as someone who has the build/time/skill to solo a strike mission?

The Strike Mission scales with the number of players, if you go solo it's MUCH easier than going with 9 others, even the Champions are not regular Champions (like in the rest of the game) but die really quickly, more like those Champion mobs you fight in story instances. Don't compare the 10-man version with what you'll get if you go solo, going solo is a completely different experience.

I did not know that, thanks. All of the strikes aren't like that, are they? 'Cause I did solo Boneskinner for the keep the lights on achievement and he hit just as hard as ever.

Only Forging Steel scales with the number of players.

OMG! I had absolutely no idea. Maybe I'm blind but nowhere did I see it signposted that it scaled down for 1-2 players. I looked at it, assumed it required me to tangle with LFG (which I hate), thought "F this then" and ignored it entirely...

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Pretty much with any achievement in this game that requires multiple players, it’s best to do them right away otherwise it’s going to be very difficult to find players to help. This is something a lot of people learned years ago. These are also the achievements that I try to prioritize first.

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