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Is weaver dead in pvp?


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Hey guys, returning player here, before quitting i was in love with few weeks of playing weaver, many skills to press, attunement complexity, sustain and decent damage if comboed right, only a great executed combo to get kills (and not 3 spammed buttons off cooldown like mirage or warrior were).Now I see stability of Stances was completely removed, and overall I see just nerfs.

If i still wanna pvp with it a sword/dagger water-arcane is it still viable? Or fire weaver running fire-arcane is better?

I see everyone running tempest support, I tried it and i get instanuked and i do crap healing and zero support, maybe because i am bad and because i don't like it.

If i wanna go damage what could be viable? Lighting rod? Fresh air? Or condi using sage etc.?


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It is kinda viable. Those builds all lack damage, but you can hold points. Fire is better if your opponent really lacks cleanses, water is better for stalling/kiting. They are overshadowed by other classes for these jobs though - and bring almost nothing to team fights.

And this is only talking about conquest, 3on3 is much worse because Weaver lacks impact in those team fights. For conquest I'd say it is like the situation after PoF hit - can work in some situations, but is clearly subpar. But if you have fun with it, go for it - just don't expect being carried by the build aiming for nice titles.

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It's not dead but its just the same gameplay in PvP that has been since HoT began with bunker/support specs.. and when other builds come where Ele can actually do some type of damage, it gets nerfed and we go back to where it began from HoT

Basically it's not dead but it's boring to play bunker for 2 years and I think people are just bored of it.

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Weaver is currently a mixture of dead and niche. (In terms of actual meta.) The uses for Weaver is currently on par with that of Reaper.

Weaver is primarily used for Lightning Rod and CC-chaining with Magnetic Shield/Tornado due to the amount of consistent damage and Weakness, which increases the critical hit chance.

Fire Weaver is still a thing, however it got hit in the face with a nerf to the lack of burn duration currently- it's still functional but you're better off playing Lightning Rod due to the amount of pressure and how much stability got removed from the meta.

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Dead? No, but definetly not meta.LR Weaver is in best position of them all, lost of dodges/evades from dagger MH and highest range because of OH focus. And of course lots of good CC.Sw/fc (fireweaver) is 2nd best, because of stupidity of condi and how it carries all condi builds. You dont need to hit anything, your passive damage will do that for you.Sw/d (avatarsword) is niche, lacks damage, average sustain, as sidenoder and teamfighter its...not bad, but definetly not the best, others will do it better. If played good, still works, but wouldnt try it if u dont know limits. Especially after what happend to dagger OH.d/d idk, just use d/fc LR instead

So overall, if youre good its gonna work, one way or another. If youre not good and dont know class, then you wont get carried by build itself. Ive seen too many bad weavers after patch that even in mirror matchup couldnt get me below 95% hp while they were already dying.

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Sage S/D Waterweaver still has fairly good sustain and fine condi cleanse. It doesn't really work that well in 3v3s but it never was a teamfighter to begin with. Stability loss does hurt but it opens up more damage or more cleanse so it's not the end of the world. Imo the change that hurt the most was (air dagger 5) updraft. Water weaver always relied on getting a cc chain to get a churning earth or sword Fire/Air 3 off to establish pressure. I can still defeat players that waste their dodges/stunbreaks rather easily but defensively you're more reliant on timing your evades so as not to blow twist of fate early. I would suggest looking into Mirage runes as they can help with power dmg and apply cover torment to protect that precious burning.

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