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Please require approval for squad to squad merges

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The problem of unwanted squad merges is one that affects most commanders at one point or another, but I will describe mine to start. I organize a run of the TD meta every day. We often suffer from unwanted squad merges to our LFG that consist of hp trains, people not in TD, etc. Moreover, because the meta requires 4 commanders and somewhat even distribution we much prefer people join individually so we can delist squads from LFG as they get enough people. Our only solution to merges atm is to kick these people or ask them to leave, which can cause misunderstandings and other salt. It would be much better overall if approval was required from the commander of the squad receiving the merge so that he/she can deny the incoming request. An option to automatically deny all merges would be even better. Thanks!

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Yes sometimes it changes the title, which is even more confusing for people trying to join us. This would be a huge QoL fix for those of us who organize/participate in squad content.

Just now I was doing TT and someone merged a DS squad into the TT taxi. Most of those people didn't leave DS and had to be kicked, which was a bad experience for everyone all around.

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It's not just squad merges, the whole grouping is kinda weird. In parties, there's no party leader to speak of, you make a party and put it in LFG. Someone joins then quits a second later, and your party of one is removed from LFG, you have to add it again. Then there was the thing with squad trolling. Now people troll fractal parties, they see a party of one in the LFG, join then quit. And the party is removed from LFG.

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yall already said what i wanted to say. this has to be fixed or else no one would want to organize such events in the future.

cuz people would just try to troll you and your squad. my temporary fix at the moment is put down lfg and block my squad. without my invite, nobody could go in, so no one could merge. i'm so tired of people on a fail DS or fail TD merged with me. while they could have disband the squad, they did not. or worse is that some drama happening in DS, com left, someone tagged up merging with a TT squad. and i had to force myself to kick them to clean the squad as well as manually fix my own lfg description.

i was previously asking the community for a system to rate commanders but then we all realized it's a bad idea from the start. cuz it'll be easy to be abused by guildies and friends. but squad organization and other features of squad need to be looked at seriously. we all need squads for metas, we need commanders to organize stuff better. we can't let them feel irritating every time they want to tag up. that's not all when you're in a fractals putting up some lfg, someone merged a squad with you kicking everyone in the fractals out. the longer this is alive, the longer more people will suffer.

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Yeah agree, existing squad commander or party creator should accept or decline and apparently there are squad and party trolls who have a gang and merge with you and may or may not say unwelcome things but not enough to report, nevertheless the system is being abused or at best, creating chaos

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Some suggestion:

  • Make a checkbox "Allow Member to Merge" and disable it by default
  • Allow member to invite should be disabled by default (this is what makes member from your squad can merge to another squad I think, when I disable this, people can no longer merge, but people from another squad can still merge to my squad, therefore it should be disabled by default since many comm creating squad will forget to disable it manually)
  • Show the name of people who use the merge feature (this is not optimal solution since there's a lot of troll that do not care to show their name while trolling people)
  • When a merge happen, commander should receive a prompt notification aproving or canceling the merge

.I hope at least one of it can be implementedHaving a good squad then suddenly a merge happen is frustating

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@Jephery.8915 said:I think you're underestimating trolls (300g is not that hard to get) or have too high an opinion of commanders or long time players.

From all of the commanders I've seen ( many) there is one who've I've met that's a troll. Everyone knows that they're a troll and they're based in WvW.

Everyone else has been awesome or tried their best =)

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And as with many good things, it only takes a few bad actors to ruin it for everyone.

99% of humanity are good people, but we still need police for the 1%. (Then police for the 1% of police that are bad police, and so on)

(these percents are out of the air but are for illustrating a point)

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@Lunarlife.5128 said:

@Jephery.8915 said:Sure its fine if everyone is using it with good intentions. But as always, the problem is making it so trolls can't abuse systems.

At worst you get 10 random people since commanders that have spent 300g don't usually troll pointlessly.

10? no, normally like 20-30 people who don't belong in the squad, are in a totally different map trying to do a totally different event.

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:

@Lunarlife.5128 said:

@Jephery.8915 said:Sure its fine if everyone is using it with good intentions. But as always, the problem is making it so trolls can't abuse systems.

At worst you get 10 random people since commanders that have spent 300g don't usually troll pointlessly.

10? no, normally like 20-30 people who don't belong in the squad, are in a totally different map trying to do a totally different event.

Yes, this happened at the Serpent's Ire we did with Trindine the other day!

Anyway, adding an approval function doesn't impair the useful functions of the merge command. It simply limits the damage from bad merges.

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