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Triggered mes main btw! :)


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TL;DR AT BOTTOM :)I haven't played this game in about a year and a half and coming back (just because unranked is relative fun) and seeing the overwhelming disadvantage playing this class brings is honestly very saddening. The average player ignoring what they want to play as fun and instead thinking in terms of what's viable will always swap off mesmer because of how much of a joke it is. It's damage is mediocre compared to several other specs and due to it not even being able to deal consistent streams of damage NOR having the burst capabilities to hang with those specs, it's almost hard-countered going into every engagement. The fact that I've reduced myself as to being a walking plasma for a random thief is disappointing.

Someone's going to read this and see my name and be like "YoU jUsT mIsS mAnTrA mEsMeR" and you'd be correct, just not for your reasoning. I miss it because it actually compensated for some of power's weaknesses while still being completely outplayable by even semi-competent players, which members of the community were slowly becoming. The build I ran was purely glass canon and provided absolutely nothing else to the table except for damage, and could easily be deleted and made useless by just having a decent thief on them the entire game, let alone the constant streams of condi spams and blitzing by revenants or power guards. Now, I go and see that the 'meta' power mesmer build REQUIRES you to use mantras because you absolutely lack the sustained damage/burst damage to even compete without it (while using mantras that have been nerfed to the ground and are completely subpar btw) (mantra of pain hits for a whopping 1.5k with 25 might but is apart of the build btw). Mantras are absolutely horrendous and are not worth taking because 1) Damage nerf to everything 2) The only stun that it had came from diversion (removed btw :)) and without it, benefitting from certain traits are now pointless because the only time they happen is in impossible scenarios 3) Previously stated traits had their damage nerfed 4) Chronomancer is a shitty abomination of a specialization now. 5) Cannot be used behind you anymore (not that big of an issue, actually reasonable nerf all things considering but is merely stated in order to accentuate previously stated reasons). 6) Mirage is a joke.

By no means am I saying that it did not need balancing; It did, but not in the way that it received. Everything that made power mesmer even relatively good was either reworked or nerfed to the ground such as: mirror blade being changed 3(?) times in the past several years and has now been made to where it does less damage than any of the previous reworks and is primarily used for clone summoning, the odd decision to switch what mind stab and phantasmal berserker used to do, making them less effective by doing so, illusionary wave tickles, power block doesnt crit while also having an interval and while it may provide more "thoughtful gameplay" it's more so that the playstyle that using that trait revolved around was changed and became way less effective as you're no longer able to provide value to your team through it while also being consciously aware that your standard burst doesnt get the average player down to even 50% consistently. I did not mention everything that makes it subpar, I'm more so on a tangent if anything, but I hope that if you even took the time to read this wall of text, you can understand where I'm coming from. This class used to be really fun and enjoyable. It had a skill ceiling (minus mirage) and you could easily distinguish those who were good and those who were lacking. It's sad to see that regardless of any theory-crafting or whatever, nothing could really be done to work around all the changes to the class because you'll always be working with your tantalizing ability to tickle everyone and burst like a wet noodle.

TL;DR Because of previous balance patches and reworks/nerfs done to mesmer, it is no longer a viable class, which is problematic. In no way, shape or form should a CLASS be rendered absolutely useless in solo or team-play because of changes made to it. Everything should have its place, and mesmer currently has none. Thank you for reading

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@Tayga.3192 said:Let's see how they handle mesmer and warrior after MOTA results.

That's reasonable, but I think it's also reasonable to be worried considering what previous installments did to the quality of the game, and I hope that pointing out issues, even if they seem to be overlooked, helps bring about some positive change towards the game/class.

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Soulbeast trade off was pretty well thought through and it’s seeing play in team play, though the build ppl are using is unless in ranked and pretty much anything but against condi rev and thief. There’s also a condition soulbeast build hovering around, is it possible that Mesmer can still see play in some way even with trade off, at least as a counter pick or ranked pick like soulbeast?

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Mesmer is fine. Of course it's relatively weak compared to other classes right now, but i expect it to be decent again once some of the overperforming stuff gets nerfed. It has winning matchups against some of the meta classes, good mobility and a good +1. You can easily play it in ranked and get to p3+ solo q with it if you are a good player.

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@pacwax.3402 said:Mesmer is fine. Of course it's relatively weak compared to other classes right now, but i expect it to be decent again once some of the overperforming stuff gets nerfed. It has winning matchups against some of the meta classes, good mobility and a good +1. You can easily play it in ranked and get to p3+ solo q with it if you are a good player.

winning matchup into meta classes? o.O like what classes specifically?roaming its against thief, so it auto loses.on sides there is rev and holo and rangers so it auto loses, and teamfights its against tempests, 25k+ hp necros or reapers, firebrands and revs.who does it counter? heck mes used to counter warrior, power rev and necro preety good, now it doesnt mean jack since necro can facetank all dmg you throw at it, your dmg is burst oriented so IL just eats it even if you somehow land it.

PSpeeps will come here and say mesmer is fine and that we need to nerf other OP classes and leave mesmer as it is.Its their effort to keep mesmer garbage and not sound stupid by asking for nerfs lol

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@pacwax.3402 said:Mesmer is fine. Of course it's relatively weak compared to other classes right now, but i expect it to be decent again once some of the overperforming stuff gets nerfed. It has winning matchups against some of the meta classes, good mobility and a good +1. You can easily play it in ranked and get to p3+ solo q with it if you are a good player.

winning matchup into meta classes? o.O like what classes specifically?roaming its against thief, so it auto loses.on sides there is rev and holo and rangers so it auto loses, and teamfights its against tempests, 25k+ hp necros or reapers, firebrands and revs.who does it counter? heck mes used to counter warrior, power rev and necro preety good, now it doesnt mean jack since necro can facetank all dmg you throw at it, your dmg is burst oriented so IL just eats it even if you somehow land it.

PSpeeps will come here and say mesmer is fine and that we need to nerf other OP classes and leave mesmer as it is.Its their effort to keep mesmer garbage and not sound stupid by asking for nerfs lol

It has decent matchups against condi thief, condi rev, power rev, warriors, lr weaver, reapers and even core necros. It can win against holos if you play well and the holo misplays once. It can beat soulbeast aswell. The thing with mesmer is that it doesn't straight up hardcounter any class. Most of these matchups are between like a 30-70% and misplaying on mesmer is punished way more than it is on other classes. It can also decently pressure tempests and fb in teamfights.The main problem for mesmer is that d/p thief still counters it and that it competes with thief for the roaming/decap role.If they nerfed the mesmer stolen ability from thief and increased portal duation to like 45 sec mesmer would be viable again.I am a mesmer main btw and i am playing mesmer pretty much exclusivly.

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@pacwax.3402 said:It has decent matchups against condi thief

Mesmer decent matchup against condi thief LOLWUT? Whenever a thief sneezes on one side of the map, a mesmer on the other side of the map starts screaming in panic.Revenants other than renegades have straight up both more sustain and damage output than mesmer, while the reveal effectively shuts half of mesmer's damage mitigation, the stealth -the other is movement, but there's no gap big enough a core rev\herald can't close anyway. Only renegades are at a disadvantage because they intensely use pulsing AOEs, from which the mesmer can just move away.About agree with the necromancer; if you stun+full bomb as soon as the necro gets out of shroud, you can oneshot him, provided he doesn't wurm away. In teamfights, waiting for a necro to drop the shroud may take a while.I can't see how a mesmer could beat any half competent soulbeast, some builds are just incredibly strong in the right hands.Good tempests have such an insane sustain I don't see how any half decent player would lose. Stun aura fucks up even phantasms and bypasses distortion ffs lol

Agree about the counter to fb, that much is big true.

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@Terrorhuz.4695 said:

@pacwax.3402 said:It has decent matchups against condi thief

Mesmer decent matchup against condi thief LOLWUT? Whenever a thief sneezes on one side of the map, a mesmer on the other side of the map starts screaming in panic.Revenants other than renegades have straight up both more sustain and damage output than mesmer, while the reveal effectively shuts half of mesmer's damage mitigation, the stealth -the other is movement, but there's no gap big enough a core rev\herald can't close anyway. Only renegades are at a disadvantage because they intensely use pulsing AOEs, from which the mesmer can just move away.About agree with the necromancer; if you stun+full bomb as soon as the necro gets out of shroud, you can oneshot him, provided he doesn't wurm away. In teamfights, waiting for a necro to drop the shroud may take a while.I can't see how a mesmer could beat any half competent soulbeast, some builds are just incredibly strong in the right hands.Good tempests have such an insane sustain I don't see how any half decent player would lose. Stun aura kitten up even phantasms and bypasses distortion kitten lol

Agree about the counter to fb, that much is big true.

Condi mirage destroys condi thief.Power rev is a pretty skillful matchup but i feel like if the condi mirrage plays perfect he should win. Condi rev is a pretty favourable matchup for mirrage cause of the boonrip. You can play arround the reaveal easiliy as they use it as a stunbreak aswell and you usually are trying to stealth right when they are casting sword 3, so even if they reveal you you get enoguh value out of ur stealth.The soulbeast matchup depends a lot on which build the souldbeast runs.Tempest can't outsustain condi mirrage without terrain. If you use your boonrip and interrupts smartly he can't outsustain you.

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Cmirage can shit on cthief IF you go inspiration signets for disorts and SoM for full cleanse against every steal, if you dont do it you get autolose to good condi thief.most of you think its fine since you played against shit condi thiefs that just do 3->steal and thats all they do, but the moment you meet a good one you will realise how fucked you are and how little you can do.

the only thing I can agree on is that you can apply heavy pressure onto FB/Necro, you CAN'T actually kill them yourself, but heavy interrupts with sword ambushes and confusion shatter makes them so much easier to kill for the rest of the team, so the value is there. Holo and soulbeast dont lose to mirage.They CAN lose, but if both parties play their classes right mesmer loses. It all really depends on the build alot.There are power core, mirage glass, and mirage inspiration.

EDIT. switched can with can't. its what I ment to write but mistyped it, bolded it so its visible where the mistake was made.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:Cmirage can kitten on cthief IF you go inspiration signets for disorts and SoM for full cleanse against every steal, if you dont do it you get autolose to good condi thief.most of you think its fine since you played against kitten condi thiefs that just do 3->steal and thats all they do, but the moment you meet a good one you will realise how kitten you are and how little you can do.

the only thing I can agree on is that you can apply heavy pressure onto FB/Necro, you can actually kill them yourself, but heavy interrupts with sword ambushes and confusion shatter makes them so much easier to kill for the rest of the team, so the value is there. Holo and soulbeast dont lose to mirage.They CAN lose, but if both parties play their classes right mesmer loses. It all really depends on the build alot.There are power core, mirage glass, and mirage inspiration.

normal condi mirrage does well enough against condi thief, even against good ones, you can easily survive the initial burst without blowing too many cds. You can either distort and then arcane thievery or wait wait 2 sec then dodge ambush jaunt shatter and iimmediately counterpressure them while removing all condis, from that point on all you have to do is to don't let the thief cloak and dagger a clone, interrupt their heal and just keep pressuring him. If they shadowrefuge and reopen you just repeat the same process.Holo shouldn't lose to mirrage but it can loose. I have beaten many good holos in duels but you have to play better than the holo to win the duel.All my analysis of the matchups are from the point of view of dominance/illusions condi mirrage.I feel like a lot of the complaining about mesmer being so bad and unplayable comes from people not knowing how to play against certain builds. It's definitely one of the weaker classes and on top of it, it's also harder to play than most other classes but it's not bad.

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@pacwax.3402 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:Cmirage can kitten on cthief IF you go inspiration signets for disorts and SoM for full cleanse against every steal, if you dont do it you get autolose to good condi thief.most of you think its fine since you played against kitten condi thiefs that just do 3->steal and thats all they do, but the moment you meet a good one you will realise how kitten you are and how little you can do.

the only thing I can agree on is that you can apply heavy pressure onto FB/Necro, you can actually kill them yourself, but heavy interrupts with sword ambushes and confusion shatter makes them so much easier to kill for the rest of the team, so the value is there. Holo and soulbeast dont lose to mirage.They CAN lose, but if both parties play their classes right mesmer loses. It all really depends on the build alot.There are power core, mirage glass, and mirage inspiration.

normal condi mirrage does well enough against condi thief, even against good ones, you can easily survive the initial burst without blowing too many cds. You can either distort and then arcane thievery or wait wait 2 sec then dodge ambush jaunt shatter and iimmediately counterpressure them while removing all condis, from that point on all you have to do is to don't let the thief cloak and dagger a clone, interrupt their heal and just keep pressuring him. If they shadowrefuge and reopen you just repeat the same process.Holo shouldn't lose to mirrage but it can loose. I have beaten many good holos in duels but you have to play better than the holo to win the duel.All my analysis of the matchups are from the point of view of dominance/illusions condi mirrage.I feel like a lot of the complaining about mesmer being so bad and unplayable comes from people not knowing how to play against certain builds. It's definitely one of the weaker classes and on top of it, it's also harder to play than most other classes but it's not bad.

you said you destroy thief, all I see you giving me a way to survive the 1shotif you need to have specific cooldowns to not get blown up instantly from stealth then its not you "destroying condi thiefs" but you saving everything to not get blown up.thief doesnt even have to go for bursts against you, but rather poke you from range and dance around you, and only burst you down after you dont have disort.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Cmirage can kitten on cthief IF you go inspiration signets for disorts and SoM for full cleanse against every steal, if you dont do it you get autolose to good condi thief.most of you think its fine since you played against kitten condi thiefs that just do 3->steal and thats all they do, but the moment you meet a good one you will realise how kitten you are and how little you can do.

the only thing I can agree on is that you can apply heavy pressure onto FB/Necro, you can actually kill them yourself, but heavy interrupts with sword ambushes and confusion shatter makes them so much easier to kill for the rest of the team, so the value is there. Holo and soulbeast dont lose to mirage.They CAN lose, but if both parties play their classes right mesmer loses. It all really depends on the build alot.There are power core, mirage glass, and mirage inspiration.

normal condi mirrage does well enough against condi thief, even against good ones, you can easily survive the initial burst without blowing too many cds. You can either distort and then arcane thievery or wait wait 2 sec then dodge ambush jaunt shatter and iimmediately counterpressure them while removing all condis, from that point on all you have to do is to don't let the thief cloak and dagger a clone, interrupt their heal and just keep pressuring him. If they shadowrefuge and reopen you just repeat the same process.Holo shouldn't lose to mirrage but it can loose. I have beaten many good holos in duels but you have to play better than the holo to win the duel.All my analysis of the matchups are from the point of view of dominance/illusions condi mirrage.I feel like a lot of the complaining about mesmer being so bad and unplayable comes from people not knowing how to play against certain builds. It's definitely one of the weaker classes and on top of it, it's also harder to play than most other classes but it's not bad.

you said you destroy thief, all I see you giving me a way to survive the 1shotif you need to have specific cooldowns to not get blown up instantly from stealth then its not you "destroying condi thiefs" but you saving everything to not get blown up.thief doesnt even have to go for bursts against you, but rather poke you from range and dance around you, and only burst you down after you dont have disort.

you only need a dodge a jaunt to negete his initial burst after that the has no dmg and he has to go melee or invis if he wants to keep doing dmg. You have many ways to gap close to the thief and condi thief doesn't really have a lot of evades or insta invis to keep himself alive. He basically needs to use shadowstep or heal immediately after your first burst. In a 1v1 the mirage shouldn't loose to condi thief, the only times you die to condi thief is when you have neither a dodge+ jaunt or distort available even a weapon swap with energy cleansing sigils is enough most of the time to negate his initial burst if you have neither a dodge or distort up.

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cmirage wins hard vs condi thief, probably easiest out of all meta specs and definitely one you can kill in 10 secsit has lots of losing matchups, but pretty much all barely but has good roaming capabilities and good dmg

in ranked mirage or core mes is just fine, and nerfs to other strong specs are expected so it will be even strongerevery class had to adapt to the new meta i guess just mirages are struggling leaving their brainless ih builds behind

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@"Koen.1327" said:cmirage wins hard vs condi thief, probably easiest out of all meta specs and definitely one you can kill in 10 secsit has lots of losing matchups, but pretty much all barely but has good roaming capabilities and good dmg

in ranked mirage or core mes is just fine, and nerfs to other strong specs are expected so it will be even strongerevery class had to adapt to the new meta i guess just mirages are struggling leaving their brainless ih builds behind

you had me untill you said you can kill cthief as cmirage in 10s kekWjust what I thought" nerf everything else so mesmer is fine " argument, since mesmer is so shit that even the biggest haters realize how dumb they would sound if they asked for nerfs more

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@pacwax.3402 said:

@pacwax.3402 said:Mesmer is fine. Of course it's relatively weak compared to other classes right now, but i expect it to be decent again once some of the overperforming stuff gets nerfed. It has winning matchups against some of the meta classes, good mobility and a good +1. You can easily play it in ranked and get to p3+ solo q with it if you are a good player.

winning matchup into meta classes? o.O like what classes specifically?roaming its against thief, so it auto loses.on sides there is rev and holo and rangers so it auto loses, and teamfights its against tempests, 25k+ hp necros or reapers, firebrands and revs.who does it counter? heck mes used to counter warrior, power rev and necro preety good, now it doesnt mean jack since necro can facetank all dmg you throw at it, your dmg is burst oriented so IL just eats it even if you somehow land it.

PSpeeps will come here and say mesmer is fine and that we need to nerf other OP classes and leave mesmer as it is.Its their effort to keep mesmer garbage and not sound stupid by asking for nerfs lol

It has decent matchups against condi thief, condi rev, power rev, warriors, lr weaver, reapers and even core necros. It can win against holos if you play well and the holo misplays once. It can beat soulbeast aswell. The thing with mesmer is that it doesn't straight up hardcounter any class. Most of these matchups are between like a 30-70% and misplaying on mesmer is punished way more than it is on other classes. It can also decently pressure tempests and fb in teamfights.The main problem for mesmer is that d/p thief still counters it and that it competes with thief for the roaming/decap role.If they nerfed the mesmer stolen ability from thief and increased portal duation to like 45 sec mesmer would be viable again.I am a mesmer main btw and i am playing mesmer pretty much exclusivly.

Trying pull a rabbit out of your kitten and calling it facts about how good mesmer is, doesnt mean kitten. Lets see some clips of you showing off how this is true or some data to show that you know what are talking about and are not literally making it up as you go. Cause it seems allot like you are just making it up as you go hoping to convince people mesmer is ok, but its in a shit place rn and we all know it.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Koen.1327" said:cmirage wins hard vs condi thief, probably easiest out of all meta specs and definitely one you can kill in 10 secsit has lots of losing matchups, but pretty much all barely but has good roaming capabilities and good dmg

in ranked mirage or core mes is just fine, and nerfs to other strong specs are expected so it will be even strongerevery class had to adapt to the new meta i guess just mirages are struggling leaving their brainless ih builds behind

you had me untill you said you can kill cthief as cmirage in 10s kekWjust what I thought" nerf everything else so mesmer is fine " argument, since mesmer is so kitten that even the biggest haters realize how dumb they would sound if they asked for nerfs more

ye you just need to hit 1 burst and interrupt heal and then thief is forced to port out or will die very fast unlike other specsit's not nerf everything else, mes is fine vs anything but a few specs that are overperforming, mostly revbarely noticed the difference before and after the patch in ranked last season, only playstyle much more fun

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@pacwax.3402 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Cmirage can kitten on cthief IF you go inspiration signets for disorts and SoM for full cleanse against every steal, if you dont do it you get autolose to good condi thief.most of you think its fine since you played against kitten condi thiefs that just do 3->steal and thats all they do, but the moment you meet a good one you will realise how kitten you are and how little you can do.

the only thing I can agree on is that you can apply heavy pressure onto FB/Necro, you can actually kill them yourself, but heavy interrupts with sword ambushes and confusion shatter makes them so much easier to kill for the rest of the team, so the value is there. Holo and soulbeast dont lose to mirage.They CAN lose, but if both parties play their classes right mesmer loses. It all really depends on the build alot.There are power core, mirage glass, and mirage inspiration.

normal condi mirrage does well enough against condi thief, even against good ones, you can easily survive the initial burst without blowing too many cds. You can either distort and then arcane thievery or wait wait 2 sec then dodge ambush jaunt shatter and iimmediately counterpressure them while removing all condis, from that point on all you have to do is to don't let the thief cloak and dagger a clone, interrupt their heal and just keep pressuring him. If they shadowrefuge and reopen you just repeat the same process.Holo shouldn't lose to mirrage but it can loose. I have beaten many good holos in duels but you have to play better than the holo to win the duel.All my analysis of the matchups are from the point of view of dominance/illusions condi mirrage.I feel like a lot of the complaining about mesmer being so bad and unplayable comes from people not knowing how to play against certain builds. It's definitely one of the weaker classes and on top of it, it's also harder to play than most other classes but it's not bad.

you said you destroy thief, all I see you giving me a way to survive the 1shotif you need to have specific cooldowns to not get blown up instantly from stealth then its not you "destroying condi thiefs" but you saving everything to not get blown up.thief doesnt even have to go for bursts against you, but rather poke you from range and dance around you, and only burst you down after you dont have disort.

you only need a dodge a jaunt to negete his initial burst after that the has no dmg and he has to go melee or invis if he wants to keep doing dmg. You have many ways to gap close to the thief and condi thief doesn't really have a lot of evades or insta invis to keep himself alive. He basically needs to use shadowstep or heal immediately after your first burst. In a 1v1 the mirage shouldn't loose to condi thief, the only times you die to condi thief is when you have neither a dodge+ jaunt or distort available even a weapon swap with energy cleansing sigils is enough most of the time to negate his initial burst if you have neither a dodge or distort up.

You sounds like maybe you havnt played in a while. Seriously, many patches ago I would agree that condi thief can be countered by Mesmer, but seriously that is a joke rn.

In fact, in WvW you will run into thiefs you NEVER BECOME VISIBLE. They sit in stealth, then appli condi via ground target skills that give stealth and are never seen. You just have 3 condi ticking away with no target, nothing. At best you maybe see a little shadow animation ground ring with no player. Seriously just go away with this bullshit.

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Think about mesmer, its archetype and playstyle, it is very similar to teef and naturally generates popularity due to the same reasons teef does yet thief remains very present but mesmer not. That's telling of the state of mesmer cuz when it's in a great state it's a class that's crazy popular and has strong numbers in every game mode. If it doesn't see a lot of play than somthing is wrong. This is coming from some one who puts mes on top of the list of classes I don't like fighting but personal feelings on such bare little regarding health of the game. If a class like mes isn't seen often then that doesn't bode well for it's current state.

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