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Have you ever purposely lost or gave in to encourage anyone?

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For example you are in a unranked 1 v 1 and you got it locked but feel bad and just go potato mode to not discourage a player?

Been on a loaded team against a team of noobs and made it a 6 v 4?

What have you done to encourage the newer players?

Give any compliments to greens?

Are you being short and toxic because you think its the culture or cool?

I mean, you want pvp, but is the community really the kind of people you believe it to be? (rude and crude and short?)

How have you fostered a better game?

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I remember a while ago i was 1v1 on slb (mega meme one shot melee build) vs a spellbreaker. I actually liked the guy, won a 1v1 already within 4seconds. i was holding in on purpose, just to not make him feelbad etc. then i got +1'd by thief and died and this warrior started jumping on me and trash talking me.Hahaha felt so stupid after that, but its alright, im an ill tempered annoying person anyway so i deserve that karma

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No but when I win in arena I kill my self insta razing the other player.In conquest if my team in spawn camping I say in chat cmon guys not sportsman like.If a team is down a player but rest of their team is still trying I dont out number them as often as possible.But I'm also guilty of feeding when were getting stomped and it's clear my team is not having fun or even if the teams just severely out matched as delaying match is a waste of time imo. I could care less and some of the most enjoyable matches were losses but stomps when team is severely out matched or with afks are a waste of time

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I've had many times where someone has continuously come to try to take a base from me or even 2v1/3v1 and just not been able to do it; and at first I don't hold back because I think going easy on someone right away is rude as fuck; but after a few rounds I'll slow down and go very easy to give them a long fight and help show them how to react to stuff.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:For example you are in a unranked 1 v 1 and you got it locked but feel bad and just go potato mode to not discourage a player?

Been on a loaded team against a team of noobs and made it a 6 v 4?

What have you done to encourage the newer players?

Give any compliments to greens?

Are you being short and toxic because you think its the culture or cool?

I mean, you want pvp, but is the community really the kind of people you believe it to be? (rude and crude and short?)

How have you fostered a better game?

Does it count when im matched with 4 bot users vs........less bot users and give up? If yes then every day 80% of my games.

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@"Crab Fear.1624" said:For example you are in a unranked 1 v 1 and you got it locked but feel bad and just go potato mode to not discourage a player?

Been on a loaded team against a team of noobs and made it a 6 v 4?

What have you done to encourage the newer players?

Give any compliments to greens?

Are you being short and toxic because you think its the culture or cool?

I mean, you want pvp, but is the community really the kind of people you believe it to be? (rude and crude and short?)

How have you fostered a better game?

I tell people welcome to PvP if it becomes known theyre new and occasionally Link them skills if they express incredulity at any fights.More often than not I tell them some variant of "this is the hardest content this game has to offer. youll die a lot, but you'll get it eventually, keep at it."

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I have actually dialed down a bit in unranked when I was farming profession wins. Back before they started making changes pre-PoF and power Rev was pretty much god-tier in 1v1s you could toy around and simulate giving people an edge without really doing so. I've also wrote countless food-for-thought essays in map chat while waiting for q's. Given plenty of compliments to some newer players who made a good rotation or clutched a fight with a res/stomp.

The only time I start getting ragey is when I start fighting dual-duoq's vs 5 soloq. Luckily those are usually rare, but still sets you a few matches back.

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