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i was hyped


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before feb 25 patch hit i was hyped for it. looking forward for the new changes and a slash to everything in game to curb the powercreep pof had introduced.it all sounded great, small regular hotfix patches to fix what was broken so we could get pvp back in buisness .now 3.5 months later i barely play the game anymore because everytime i log in and have a match im met with bunker's vomitting condi and cc all over the place.turns out Anet didnt curb all the powercreep , condi is king now and will likely continue to be since covid is a great excuse to do nothing ;)

im surprised ppl arent more vocal about this , then again, most vets that used to play this game are already long gone and we now only got the cesspool left \o/

i guess my question to u guys is do u enjoy current meta? if so pls explain why so i maybe can get some reason back to still play this game

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@"toxic.3648" said:before feb 25 patch hit i was hyped for it. looking forward for the new changes and a slash to everything in game to curb the powercreep pof had introduced.it all sounded great, small regular hotfix patches to fix what was broken so we could get pvp back in buisness .now 3.5 months later i barely play the game anymore because everytime i log in and have a match im met with bunker's vomitting condi and cc all over the place.turns out Anet didnt curb all the powercreep , condi is king now and will likely continue to be since covid is a great excuse to do nothing ;)

im surprised ppl arent more vocal about this , then again, most vets that used to play this game are already long gone and we now only got the cesspool left \o/

i guess my question to u guys is do u enjoy current meta? if so pls explain why so i maybe can get some reason back to still play this game

The fact arena usually has like 5 people initially, the pvp section here has like 10 regular posters kinda answers ur question. The new dev and "plans" they had changed little for health of the game. Anets still anet and still managed the same. Pvp isnt dead but it is dying fast and from what we've seen theres no way their up for putting in the needed work to revive it, not even a question at this point. When expac comes out ull see a temporary surge but will fafe fast. Just enjoy game or its pvp while u can for what it is, if not enjoyable at all for anyone I'd say just move on, not gonna get any better.

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@DanAlcedo.3281 said:Im ok with the fact that we dont see much because of Covid.

Its the radio Silence thats the problem.

Honestly content requiring advertising,trailers etc I could see but as far as balancing going covid would prob be a situation where we coulda seen more progress than norm considering the restrictions on life in general it shouldered on people.

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@toxic.3648 said:im surprised ppl arent more vocal about this

because the problem is only with those who don't understand the game, or don't play at a high enough level. condi and power builds are perfectly balanced. power builds still dominate in the high brackets. with the exception of condi Rev, which is very close to balanced mind you, there are no OP condi specs. of course, if you're a silver or gold 1 player, everything will seem OP to you.

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@mistsim.2748 said:

@toxic.3648 said:im surprised ppl arent more vocal about this

because the problem is only with those who don't understand the game, or don't play at a high enough level. condi and power builds are perfectly balanced. power builds still dominate in the high brackets. with the exception of condi Rev, which is very close to balanced mind you, there are no OP condi specs. of course, if you're a silver or gold 1 player, everything will seem OP to you.

Someone's ranger is finally meta again eh lmao.

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@DanAlcedo.3281 said:Im ok with the fact that we dont see much because of Covid.

well i would direct ur attention to other game devs then. they can make whole new games even tho corona is a thing yet anet cant make a single balance patch happen

@mistsim.2748 said:

@toxic.3648 said:im surprised ppl arent more vocal about this

because the problem is only with those who don't understand the game, or don't play at a high enough level. condi and power builds are perfectly balanced. power builds still dominate in the high brackets. with the exception of condi Rev, which is very close to balanced mind you, there are no OP condi specs. of course, if you're a silver or gold 1 player, everything will seem OP to you.

well enlighten me what these hightier powerbuilds are then, so far everything ive seen the past few weeks have consisted of burnguard(fb/core/DH, no matter all running burn)/burnwarrior(funnely enough, the ONLY type of warrior ive seen, no power sb)/core condi necro/condi rev/condi thief/condimirage(even tho mirage deserves their own whole topic #bring second dodge back)and tempest because they are match made in heaven for this meta, condicleanse galore + cc spam ftw.

only power builds ive seen is holo/ranger/reaper and some power revs that didnt get the condi memo yet.

also i know everyone in this forum is legendary ranked according to themselves so this is the mandatory spiel about me being legendary ranked and not silver/gold pleb etc etc...

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@toxic.3648 said:

@DanAlcedo.3281 said:Im ok with the fact that we dont see much because of Covid.

well i would direct ur attention to other game devs then. they can make whole new games even tho corona is a thing yet anet cant make a single balance patch happen

@toxic.3648 said:im surprised ppl arent more vocal about this

because the problem is only with those who don't understand the game, or don't play at a high enough level. condi and power builds are perfectly balanced. power builds still dominate in the high brackets. with the exception of condi Rev, which is very close to balanced mind you, there are no OP condi specs. of course, if you're a silver or gold 1 player, everything will seem OP to you.

well enlighten me what these hightier powerbuilds are then, so far everything ive seen the past few weeks have consisted of burnguard(fb/core/DH, no matter all running burn)/burnwarrior(funnely enough, the ONLY type of warrior ive seen, no power sb)/core condi necro/condi rev/condi thief/condimirage(even tho mirage deserves their own whole topic #bring second dodge back)and tempest because they are match made in heaven for this meta, condicleanse galore + cc spam ftw.

only power builds ive seen is holo/ranger/reaper and some power revs that didnt get the condi memo yet.

also i know everyone in this forum is legendary ranked according to themselves so this is the mandatory spiel about me being legendary ranked and not silver/gold pleb etc etc...

just watch mota

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@toxic.3648 said:before feb 25 patch hit i was hyped for it. looking forward for the new changes and a slash to everything in game to curb the powercreep pof had introduced.it all sounded great, small regular hotfix patches to fix what was broken so we could get pvp back in buisness .now 3.5 months later i barely play the game anymore because everytime i log in and have a match im met with bunker's vomitting condi and cc all over the place.turns out Anet didnt curb all the powercreep , condi is king now and will likely continue to be since covid is a great excuse to do nothing ;)

im surprised ppl arent more vocal about this , then again, most vets that used to play this game are already long gone and we now only got the cesspool left \o/

i guess my question to u guys is do u enjoy current meta? if so pls explain why so i maybe can get some reason back to still play this game

condi? did you say condi? WHAT?? I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER ALL THE CC!! did he say con- CC! CC! CC! CC! CC! CC!

I think he said condi but I'm not sure

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I don't care if they have a small team. I don't care if they make errors on patches creating an non-enjoyable meta. What bothers me the most is the false promises (regular updates) and then a serious lack of communication from Arenanet. They NEED to talk to the community and create a dialog. Silence from developers only creates toxicity among the community. Does anyone even know which developers are on the PvP team? It would be great if they replied on the forums!

I still think GW2 has the BEST combat mechanics of any MMORPG and a great entry system for new players to get into PvP, having access to everything straight away and encouraging player skill of mechanics over grinding gear.Just look at the MOTA Tournament recently, I haven't heard a bad word about it! It shows that with the right rules (no class stacking) PvP can be exciting. I know PvP failed at launch with GW2 but that was because it was not supported well. Put in some love into the PvP community please!

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@Broady.2358 said:They NEED to talk to the community and create a dialog. Silence from developers only creates toxicity among the community. Does anyone even know which developers are on the PvP team? It would be great if they replied on the forums!

Yes, Transparency on highly debated topics that define what their stances are would be fine, but people keep using lack of communication as the excuse for their blunders. CMC has on numerous occasions spoke to the community, and provides more than enough insight as to what he wants and plans to do.

Communication is not the big problem. Don’t try to use it as a crutch.

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Yes I enjoy the current meta.

I am a pacifist in real life so i'm glad I finally have a competitive outlet to harmlessly bap people until the match timer runs out. I am currently roleplaying a hybrid between Mahatma Gandhi and Batman with a CC-spam Spellbreaker bunker build.

You will have more fun when you abandon silly ideas like Damage = Effectiveness

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@toxic.3648 said:before feb 25 patch hit i was hyped for it. looking forward for the new changes and a slash to everything in game to curb the powercreep pof had introduced.it all sounded great, small regular hotfix patches to fix what was broken so we could get pvp back in buisness .now 3.5 months later i barely play the game anymore because everytime i log in and have a match im met with bunker's vomitting condi and cc all over the place.turns out Anet didnt curb all the powercreep , condi is king now and will likely continue to be since covid is a great excuse to do nothing ;)

im surprised ppl arent more vocal about this , then again, most vets that used to play this game are already long gone and we now only got the cesspool left \o/

i guess my question to u guys is do u enjoy current meta? if so pls explain why so i maybe can get some reason back to still play this game

power builds are still the strongest meta

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I'm willing to accept covid as a legitimate excuse, however a lot of their balancing is discussion and intentions. There is no reason for the lack of communication, even if things are "subject to change" any sort of back and forth would be better than nothing.

A-net, Cohen, Karl, whomever or whatever team, should openly talk about hard stats, where they want the classes to go, and intentions for players. List that out for everyone to see. But unlike last time where they pretty much made up their mind and were like "This is pretty much what we're doing, get over it." Actually discuss changes, and directly address critical arguments, and only THEN make changes based on the feedback.

Because if everyone's hands are tied over covid- fine.If we cannot, for 8 years now, for whatever reason have a test server- fine.The least we can get is proper discussion to make a healthy pvp scene, where everything isn't decided in some back room, only fueled by feedback that goes unchallenged by any critical standard. Where it's left to stew in it's echo chamber before telling the public, so then they've already convinced themselves they are correct; and no amount of feedback will change anything they intend to set in motion.

This is why, after all these years this is where we still are.

Even if at the end of the day the big patch did some good, Ever patch we've ever had has always been trading one evil for another, and a lot of it was obvious and we called it well in advance.

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Yeah, meanwhile the devs are probably working on keeping the game alive and in good financial health.

Shocking news, but Q1 of 2020 was not to hot after a disastrous Q4 2019 and last I checked, going by player numbers and actual spending opportunities: spvp contributes by far the least to revenue, likely even less than WvW, and that says something.

So is it unfortunate that balance patches are not on time? Sure. Then again there just might be more important things to work on at the moment from home: most importantly keep the game financially viable for NCSoft.

That's without even getting into the usual cycle of:

  • whine whine whine, "balance is off"
  • balance changes happen to stuff
  • "oh these changes are great, this is so much better"
  • 2 weeks in: "ah balance sucks, anet is clueless, my class of choice is not top tier any more"
  • whine whine whine

Which is a regular occurrence for part of the spvp crowd.

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Yeah. WvW - while technically boring (and probably with a lower playerbase if they even needed to "link" servers) it is more tied to PvE. And PvE gets the money and people buying skins.

For PvP the stuff is just missing. Why would anyong that purely cares about the gameplay buy any skins and stuff? They had custom arenas and they seem to be "dead" now and still sold for ingame gold.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@Broady.2358 said:They NEED to talk to the community and create a dialog. Silence from developers only creates toxicity among the community. Does anyone even know which developers are on the PvP team? It would be great if they replied on the forums!

Yes, Transparency on highly debated topics that define what their stances are would be fine, but people keep using lack of communication as the excuse for their blunders. CMC has on numerous occasions spoke to the community, and provides more than enough insight as to what he wants and plans to do.

Communication is not the big problem. Don’t try to use it as a crutch.

Lack of action is the issue, they can talk all they want they follow with nothing

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