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Do something about revenant or some of your PvP community will give up this season

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@xWiroo.3841 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:The thing you don't understand is that Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.

Someone should make some kitten mugs or tshirts with that quote and then mail them to arena HQ lmao.

It might be their new motto thats engraved in metal, right above the main entrance

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@mortrialus.3062 said:The thing you don't understand is that Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.You guys need to grow up and stop quoting someone without mentioning the context in which the quote was made because this is at best lying, at worse manipulation.It's like posting a video of chronomancer then complain about how broken it is, whithout mentioning that the video was filmed in 2016.

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:The thing you don't understand is that Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.You guys need to grow up and stop quoting someone without mentioning the context in which the quote was made because this is at best lying, at worse manipulation.It's like posting a video of chronomancer then complain about how broken it is, whithout mentioning that the video was filmed in 2016.

Ummm ur a poo poo face!

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:The thing you don't understand is that Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.You guys need to grow up and stop quoting someone without mentioning the context in which the quote was made because this is at best lying, at worse manipulation.It's like posting a video of chronomancer then complain about how broken it is, whithout mentioning that the video was filmed in 2016.

that would make sense but you know, rev is even more broken then it was before, its not like they left it as it is since its "good" they also nerfed everything else to the point where rev became even better. Where the fast patches at? every single team runs rev and untill rev becomes a CHOICE for a comp and not absolute must the quote will be posted and laughed at, and its not like rev brings some unique aspect that no other class can bring like thief.Thief has mechanical reasons to ALWAYS be 1 in each team, rev is just busted.So ya, untill then, buckle up buckaroo cuz Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:The thing you don't understand is that Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.You guys need to grow up and stop quoting someone without mentioning the context in which the quote was made because this is at best lying, at worse manipulation.It's like posting a video of chronomancer then complain about how broken it is, whithout mentioning that the video was filmed in 2016.

that would make sense but you know, rev is even more broken then it was before, its not like they left it as it is since its "good" they also nerfed everything else to the point where rev became even better. Where the fast patches at? every single team runs rev and untill rev becomes a CHOICE for a comp and not absolute must the quote will be posted and laughed at, and its not like rev brings some unique aspect that no other class can bring like thief.Thief has mechanical reasons to ALWAYS be 1 in each team, rev is just busted.So ya, untill then, buckle up buckaroo cuz Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.

Let's not pretend thief being mandatory is acceptable, though. It's all about enabling player choice, right? So until thief becomes optional, something still isn't quite right. This doesn't necessarily mean thief itself is the issue, just it being mandatory is. :)

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@Allarius.5670 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:The thing you don't understand is that Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.You guys need to grow up and stop quoting someone without mentioning the context in which the quote was made because this is at best lying, at worse manipulation.It's like posting a video of chronomancer then complain about how broken it is, whithout mentioning that the video was filmed in 2016.

that would make sense but you know, rev is even more broken then it was before, its not like they left it as it is since its "good" they also nerfed everything else to the point where rev became even better. Where the fast patches at? every single team runs rev and untill rev becomes a CHOICE for a comp and not absolute must the quote will be posted and laughed at, and its not like rev brings some unique aspect that no other class can bring like thief.Thief has mechanical reasons to ALWAYS be 1 in each team, rev is just busted.So ya, untill then, buckle up buckaroo cuz Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.

Let's not pretend thief being mandatory is acceptable, though. It's all about enabling player choice, right? So until thief becomes optional, something still isn't quite right. This doesn't necessarily mean thief itself is the issue, just it being mandatory is. :)

maybe if thief had competition for roaming role it wouldnt be mandatory, but as it stands whos gonna do it?ranger/holo too slow and too easy to escape from +1, mesmer is hardcountered by thief so thats out of the gate too.the only thing that can compare is rev but thief is just faster,safer and more fool proof.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:The thing you don't understand is that Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.You guys need to grow up and stop quoting someone without mentioning the context in which the quote was made because this is at best lying, at worse manipulation.It's like posting a video of chronomancer then complain about how broken it is, whithout mentioning that the video was filmed in 2016.

that would make sense but you know, rev is even more broken then it was before, its not like they left it as it is since its "good" they also nerfed everything else to the point where rev became even better. Where the fast patches at? every single team runs rev and untill rev becomes a CHOICE for a comp and not absolute must the quote will be posted and laughed at, and its not like rev brings some unique aspect that no other class can bring like thief.Thief has mechanical reasons to ALWAYS be 1 in each team, rev is just busted.So ya, untill then, buckle up buckaroo cuz Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.

Let's not pretend thief being mandatory is acceptable, though. It's all about enabling player choice, right? So until thief becomes optional, something still isn't quite right. This doesn't necessarily mean thief itself is the issue, just it being mandatory is. :)

maybe if thief had competition for roaming role it wouldnt be mandatory, but as it stands whos gonna do it?ranger/holo too slow and too easy to escape from +1, mesmer is hardcountered by thief so thats out of the gate too.the only thing that can compare is rev but thief is just faster,safer and more fool proof.

So whats the problem with rev if thief is simply better?Besides nerf rev so its becomes a choice, keep thief as mandatory cuz muh mechanics? Typical double standards

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@Scoobaniec.9561 said:So whats the problem with rev if thief is simply better?Besides nerf rev so its becomes a choice, keep thief as mandatory cuz muh mechanics? Typical double standards

i wont interpret his words, but saying that thief>rev is stupid, the ONLY thing thief can outplay rev in, is sidenoding due to thief utilities and shortbow wich lets thief move around stupidly easy.Actually, i think rev shines almost in every aspect against other classes, except of course healing teammates lmao.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@"DragonFury.6243" said:By giving up I mean either we change to rev or play 1 match every dayreduce its damage or sustain or mobility not all make it playable but not a God

Specify. What do you want shaved from damage, sustain or mobility?

We talking Condi, power, or both? We talking any specific legend/spec?

I would hazard a guess and say Revenant as a whole is pretty much busted at the moment in every respect.

Given Anets turtle like responses to fixing something obviously broken i would wager they may fix it by the end of the year after multiple "fractional changes". Maybe by mid 2021 who knows?

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@DragonFury.6243 said:By giving up I mean either we change to rev or play 1 match every dayreduce its damage or sustain or mobility not all make it playable but not a God

Specify. What do you want shaved from damage, sustain or mobility?

We talking Condi, power, or both? We talking any specific legend/spec?
  • Condi herald
  • Damage department
  • Mallyx F2: it s fine on its own but since it s almost the same as permeating pestillance, they both can be stacked. That's how we end up with a build which transfers 2 conditions each ~7secs.Remove might from mallyx f2 because this is purely and simply power creep. Rework the skill so it either reduces 2 damaging conditions duration for 2 secs for 5 allies, either increase 2 damaging conditions for 2 secs for 5 ennemies.
  • Sustain department
  • Draconic echo: Need to be completely deleted. The point of upkeeps is you have to keep them up if you want any benefits from them and this trait allow revs to bypass this rule. Without this trait, double-tapping glint's elite will no more give 6+ secs of protection.
  • Crystal hibernation: reduce base healing to 200 per pulse but increase healing coefficient. This way you can't have block + heal at the same time unless you invest in healing stat.
  • Infuse light: Completely rework this skill. Rev is the only class that should not have access to this kind of healing skill. Give it a flat 5k heal + 3 secs of resistance.
  • Power Herald
  • Damage department:
  • Shiro F2: instant 3.5k out of nowhere is too much. Increase cast time, and reduce the damage
  • sword #2: 3.5k - 4.5k for such a low energy cost, low cd is IMO too much. Damage should be reduced.
  • Burst of strength: Having damage + damage modifier is called power creep. One of those 2 need to go.
  • Sustain department
  • Same as Condi herald, specially infuse light.

There might be other ideas of nerfs/changes, but these are the ones I think should be addressed first.

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Be interesting to see the win rate of Rev verse say Guardian and necro. Maybe Anet hasn't nerfed it for this reason?For every 10 necro's there might be 1 rev on the games I play. Condi rev likely needs a shave but power rev is in an excellent spot. I personally suck at Rev, but its refreshing to see a build that has the ability to dominate if your good enough. To many builds are easy mode and people get carried by the build and not their gameplay. Rev is more pronounced with this aspect that other builds, hence the whinging.

Remove power rev and you will all be on here whinging within a day about bunker meta.

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:The thing you don't understand is that Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.You guys need to grow up and stop quoting someone without mentioning the context in which the quote was made because this is at best lying, at worse manipulation.It's like posting a video of chronomancer then complain about how broken it is, whithout mentioning that the video was filmed in 2016.

Lol. Okay. The context was "The MAT Final had Double Rev on both teams. I thought balance was supposed to increase class diversity and representation?" to which CMC replied with that.

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