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Opinions on Stats?


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You have a few options, I tend to swap based on what the enemy comp is. When facing teams with little condi, I use zerker with divinity and Marauder's Resilience trait. When facing condi heavy teams, I use marauder with scholar and Escapist's Fortitude trait. Depending on how comfortable you are using stealth and utility to survive, you might find that the shadows embrace trait, hide in shadows heal, and signet of agility is enough cleansing. The zerker setup does do more damage, with around 100 more power and 15% more crit damage.

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If I don't find my opponents always (or too often) escaping me by a thin margin or if I find I would have survived better if only I had a tiny little bit more defense/HP, OR if slightly longer fight feel more controled, or if length of fight do not really change by using one stat combination or the other (wether dying or but especially killing roughly within the same time frame regardless of the stats) I prefer studier stats to have more wiggle room.

In my own case, I never really find myself saying "if only I had 100 more power, he would have died and I would have survived", but I more often find myself saying "crap, I almost survived when that 2nd guy who showed up"... So I opt for slightly studier stats.

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