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POF/LWS4 Maps are still lagging during meta events - [Merged]

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@Randulf.7614 said:When other MMOs have these issues, we get regular updates

When GW2 has ongoing issues, we get one communication if we are lucky and then silence.

Anet - if the issue is identifying, then we are offering to help with any info you need. If it's a hard problem to fix, then just tell us. Stop with the moody silences please!

Open communication and admitting a problem? No no no, we can't have that. Our playerbase or NCSOFT would HATE US if we admit that something is wrong with the game. Everything is fine and dandy, there is no lag and OH LOOK AT THAT BEAUTIFUL FLOWER!

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Please ArenaNet, August was the last time we heard from you.Game is unplayable right now. Got killed 10 Times by the same lightning-turret because 2838 lightningbolts hit me at the same time. "Destroy it before you're dead"? Hahaha :*D Auto Attack Skills need 5-10 Seconds to cast...

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I had to farm for my skyscale in sandswept isles... What a nightmare. But it wasn't just that map. Thunderhead was terrible too. 1 to 3 sec of lag... I'm glad I am done with those maps for now. :-( Hope they fix it before the Steam folk swarm the servers.

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Now it's beginning to affected HoT maps. i was trying to do Verdant Brink last night with no one around, and I could see the skill freeze, then it would quickly catch up fast forward like, and then freeze again. Just like the PoF maps. So as much as I hate to do it, I feel this has gone on too long, and have decided to not buy the upcoming expansion on all 3 account. I can't even play Bjora because of this on going issue. I'm not going to buy anything until they fix what I already paid for (PoF). WoW is twice as old and it runs very smooth for me. SWTOR also smooth, as does ESO.

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@mercury ranique.2170 said:

@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:Try upgrading your pc, sounds like it is too weak to play properly. You can also lower your graphics down some

my pc is 2700$ and got the best internet u can get .. i can run all other games on ultra whit zero lag .. this game is 8 years old is nothing to do whit my pc

Although Chyanne could state things better, she has a point. If this was an issue at Arenanet, this forum would be filled with complaints about the PoF maps. There are some, but it is marginal and always pinpointed at other issues.

So it does seem that there is a technical issue at your end.A few questions:Do you only have this on the 6 PoF maps? or also on the newer living world maps like dragons end?Do you also have some lag on older maps?

What are you actually experiencing? e.g.
  • You press a skill and it takes a few seconds before my character starts casting. You see people glitchning around youThis has most likely to do with your internetconnection
  • You see issues with rendering things around you and the quality is very poorThis has most likely to do with your computer. It helps if you state all your specs here.

We are here to help, so please help us in helping you!

Go to the PoF and lw4 maps, and most of the time you'll see complains about lags, especially during the meta... ofc, if you yourself would be lucky enough not to get freezes all the time ;)

Core maps are fine. Hot maps are fine. raids and fractals are fine, but even the empty Elon Riverdale or thatdwarwenmapiwontvisiteverahainbecauseoflags or even Bjora are a lag feast for tons of people using it.

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Agree... I figured it's being report lots, but this is the first thread I have found.
I was not experiencing MASSIVE LAG in Thunderhead Peaks, but every time I go to the map it's there. Was nearly unplayable just now 12/7/20
Targeting things that are already dead, getting hit when nothing around to attack. Experienced similar yesterday in Sandswept Isles (not quite as bad).
THP is the WORST. When I logged in I thought it was fixed, all was fine for about 10 mins, then middle of the Thunderhead Keep meta.......... massive lag. Mission failed too :( Trying to complete hearts.......... terrible persistent lag on map travel, gathering, and the scanning dig sites.

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