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condi rev is not op, conditions are


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Perma resistance, condi transfer and boon corruption + some condis of his own, what could go wrong here if everyone is running condi build? Condi meta is what makes condi rev op, not the skills he has available.

Conditions should be nerfed, not professions. Right now pvp is condi ping pong, the duel of who can cleanse faster, who can corrupt boons faster and who can get rid of condis faster. The condi meta is stuck with us since I remember, so maybe stop complaining about condi rev and let's focus on reworking condition mechanics, especially in pvp. Another thing is there is too much sustain all over the board, support/bunker/healer builds shouldn't be viable in spvp at all. Actually that's what was being said since the game launched "in gw you don't have class systems" of course we have, there is tank, healer and dps, and very often they are the same character. Buff power builds or nerf condi builds to be on the same level and maybe there will be some balance.

I would love to see back the build diversity we had pre hot. All top pvp builds now are condition based. I remember when conditions where a necromancer's hallmark, now everyone stacks conditions and pvp is dull as hell.

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@vove.2768 said:>I would love to see back the build diversity we had pre hot. All top pvp builds now are condition based.I didn't play alot before hot but from the few things I remember there were: condi trapper ranger, condi mes, condi nec, condi engi, hybrid war, hybrid ele, condi ghost thief

Then we played different games because what was op was cc and everyone was running stab+cc builds. Bunker engineer and bunker guard was the most op thing there was and since then they should be already nerfing bunker builds. Condis were crap, even necromancer was running minion power build.

I am talking hammer+mace shield warrior times. Maybe was too long ago for people to remember :( But they were the best pvp times in my opinion.

Now I am playing condi mallyx build on rev and I don't see it as op. What makes it op is condi meta. Come on, transfer conditions from allies to yourself and then transfer them to enemies? This is like the most mind numbing combo that exists in this game right now. You don't even have to attack people, I usually transfer condis, corrupt boons and the guy is finished. This takes me to my first point I am trying to make here, self buffs and condis should be nerfed.

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@vove.2768 said:

@vove.2768 said:>I would love to see back the build diversity we had pre hot. All top pvp builds now are condition based.I didn't play alot before hot but from the few things I remember there were: condi trapper ranger, condi mes, condi nec, condi engi, hybrid war, hybrid ele, condi ghost thief

Then we played different games because what was op was cc and everyone was running stab+cc builds. Bunker engineer and bunker guard was the most op thing there was and since then they should be already nerfing bunker builds. Condis were kitten, even necromancer was running minion power build.

I am talking hammer+mace shield warrior times. Maybe was too long ago for people to remember :( But they were the best pvp times in my opinion.maybe you meant before PoF? I don't have years in mind but I do remember that bunker turret engi was nerfed in the early beginning of the game. For some reason, I don't have any memories of guard before HoT.
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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@vove.2768 said:All top pvp builds now are condition based.

What about d/p thief, holo, tempest, symbolbrand, reaper, ranger? There are more power builds in the meta than condi right now. Also if condi is op, sustain is op, and crev has better condi and sustain than almost any other build, doesnt that mean crev is op?

Exceptions confirm the rule. But seriously though, tell me conditions are not meta right now in pvp, even though there are some power builds. You cannot say it, we have to admit meta is condi right now. Pistol dagger thief is also condition based build (poison+bleeds stacking) and if you are talking dagger pistol daredevil I don't see how it is meta, thief was always noob stomping char in this game, nothing has changed.

As a sidenote, what you guys post has nothing to do with the topic.

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@vove.2768 said:

@vove.2768 said:All top pvp builds now are condition based.

What about d/p thief, holo, tempest, symbolbrand, reaper, ranger? There are more power builds in the meta than condi right now. Also if condi is op, sustain is op, and crev has better condi and sustain than almost any other build, doesnt that mean crev is op?

Exceptions confirm the rule. But seriously though, tell me conditions are not meta right now in pvp, even though there are some power builds. You cannot say it, we have to admit meta is condi right now. Pistol dagger thief is also condition based build (poison+bleeds stacking) and if you are talking dagger pistol daredevil I don't see how it is meta, thief was always noob stomping char in this game, nothing has changed.

As a sidenote, what you guys post has nothing to do with the topic.

you claim conditions are op and that top pvp builds are condi, this is not truethe top team is power holo, reaper, d/p daredevil and then support tempest and condi herald - so only 1 out of 5 is condiif you don't see how it is meta, you can watch the latest tournaments

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@vove.2768 said:

@vove.2768 said:All top pvp builds now are condition based.

What about d/p thief, holo, tempest, symbolbrand, reaper, ranger? There are more power builds in the meta than condi right now. Also if condi is op, sustain is op, and crev has better condi and sustain than almost any other build, doesnt that mean crev is op?

Exceptions confirm the rule. But seriously though, tell me conditions are not meta right now in pvp, even though there are some power builds. You cannot say it, we have to admit meta is condi right now. Pistol dagger thief is also condition based build (poison+bleeds stacking) and if you are talking dagger pistol daredevil I don't see how it is meta, thief was always noob stomping char in this game, nothing has changed.

As a sidenote, what you guys post has nothing to do with the topic.

https://www.godsofpvp.net/ was updated after MOTA and has the base meta builds.

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@vove.2768 said:Ok, you were all right, I was wrong, Jesus Christ. The point is condi rev is not op. Why people always choose to focus on one thing that has nothing to do with anything.Condi herald is not even that OP. It's just way too much noob friendly/carry. Power herald is waaay much more op, but less noob friendly.People are usually complaining about the noob friendly part of condi herald aka passive sustain.

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@vove.2768 said:Ok, you were all right, I was wrong, Jesus Christ. The point is condi rev is not op. Why people always choose to focus on one thing that has nothing to do with anything.Condi herald is not even that OP. It's just way too much noob friendly/carry. Power herald is waaay much more op, but less noob friendly.People are usually complaining about the noob friendly part of condi herald aka passive sustain.

Yes, thank you, this guy gets it.

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I think people are under this concept of "Power was nerfed, conditions are better now". Which is not true at all, there needs to be something to motivate players to stop thinking that way. Condition Amulets have vitality/toughness because those players have to fight you overtime, how would it be they had to kill you slowly with less health? I've heard the "Oh but they can burst you just as hard with conditions!" then bring some clears and cleanse at the peak of their burst, you'll see how useless they are for a while, this is why Power doesn't need vitality to exceed because everything is god darn direct and can be over way faster than conditions can do so.

It's another issue we had, "We die too quickly! Power meta busted!" now you're given the chance to fight back and are asked to properly outplay people and that's not good enough? Scream "BUNKER META CANCER". It's bad that people wanted 3v3 or 2v2 to stay when they're highlighting the problems about not having an objective even more into the game.

Finally the concept of "SAGE IS OP, HEALING POWER CONDITION KEK", have you know that there's many ways around it. People that play Sage are often if not always gonna be the last one standing after their whole team died. Is it stalemate? Then, why complain? Are stalemates not indication of GOOD balance in the first place? If not, then why should you as whatever type of damage should always kill Sage that is supposedly been having a bit more sustain than whatever damage always lose? Makes no sense given the stats, the results are as expected.

Also glad that someone understands that any form of condition revenant is fair because if someone is going to use what one profession playstyle exceed against, of course it's going to overperform. Should people bring variety or the tools to deal with it, not whine on forums about it which would make the situation WAY worst if there was no way for Revenant to deal with conditions.

PS: People that push build diversity are often reprimanded, which is another reason why we don't see it enough. I feel like Anet has to actually babysit the community with some form of meta template scan where if something used is not meta, it rewards the player. Because the majority of players are just off to judge those who do. I remember when I was playing Mallyx when it was irrelevant nearly 4 years ago, most of the time I've had people just pinging my Legend saying that we lost, then when we won those players would just vanish without a word, if we lost, the whole entire team would diss me even if I had 4 top stats. Something really needs to be done.

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