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Dyeable Fire Breath for Skyscale Mount

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Just bought the Dark Monarch skin for my skyscale and I'm really liking it.. But it would be perfect if the Fire Breath could somehow become dyeable for all the skyscale skins mainly for the immersion. It's just somewhat disappointing how (just an example) I have my skyscale dyed as Black and White then it does the fire breath animation plus when I use skill 1 the flames don't match the dye themed of my skyscale. It's not a big deal much but it would be nice if the Fire Breath was somehow dyeable like how the flame'ish effect on the wings of my Dark Monarch is Black using the Shadow Abyss dye but then the flames that comes out is still green.. But again not a big deal. Would be nice to have the fire breath be dyeable still though. Especially since everything from equipment to outfits to gliders to mounts and to backpieces (some backpieces) in the game is all dyeable.

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It's a nice idea and one I'd like as well, but it is pretty much unlikely to see light of day. The mounts are coded for 4 dye channels. Unless they change a dye channel to be the breath, I can't see a fifth channel being added and then retro applied to all skyscale skins

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I kinda wish that the premium mounts give special effects instead.

Skyscale being the obvious one based on it's animations.Would be cool if instead of a fire field the Shimmerwing made an ice field instead and likewise with the new Dark Monarch making a Poison field.Considering these only have uses in PvE I doubt it would cause any real issues, besides it'll give them just a little more of a special feeling if the premium skins give just a small change to their attacks to make them unique.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Hrm, not feeling likely to happen. As colored firebreathing is clearly part of the expensive 2000gems mounts with all the extra zing added to them.

Why not. The smoke that follows you as you walk changes color. It originally had the same color as the breath before you dye it. I think they could update this rather easily. It would be fantastic and make the mount more desirable. It is still a good suggestion for future mounts. :-)

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