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LAG LAG LAG - Anet please stop ignoring the community on this! - [Merged]

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:I did a few tests in Thunderhead Peaks and what I found is puzzling. my usual ping is 70-80ms but while waiting at the door to the keep I got spikes between 180 and 230ms. The spikes were sudden and made no sense because although I went there when the meta was active game wide, I went 5 minutes later so there was no meta running on my map. Going from 70-80 to 180-230 is very very noticeable, which
reinforces my belief that those saying they don't experience any lag spikes, actually do.

I’ve watched the ping in game and tracked it on Pingplotter at the same time. No spikes. I’ve done this numerous times for that map and others over the course of the past several months.

It's normal not to get issues using an external application if the problem is inside the server itself (pings won't be affected, but in-game performance will)

In-game performance was not affected.

I find it odd that you quote a post about ping and then say it reinforces your belief that everyone experiences lag. You get countered by someone saying that they had no ping issues, and then you do a 180 and say it’s normal for ping to not be affected. It’s as if ping only matters if it fits the narrative.

I wasn't countered though as I find no reason to believe you when you say in-game performance was not affected, given your post history on the subject. Or that you even cared to use pingplotter to verify you aren't affected. I'd rather see numerous pictures confirming it. As for ping, if the server has issues you will find out that you can have good fps/ping and still have a horrible experience, I'm not sure how is that contested.

I’ve stated numerous times in the past that I have gone to Thunderhead Peaks, Sandswept, and other maps, gotten the IP and tracked them as I played on the maps. I played during the same metas on the same map instances of people claiming in map chat about lag and yet I had no issues. All of my skills went off as they should. My ping was stable and normal.

I believe you.

But the fact that you do not experience the problems of others only says something about what you experience and nothing about those other players (and what they experience).

Or do you want to say that the problems of others are caused by themselves (or do not exist), because you do not see/have the same problems?

I find it odd that I’m the one being told to provide evidence when all of those experiencing lag don’t. Why don’t you ask them for their ping traces? Why don’t you ask them for video evidence of their lag? It’s a bit of a double standard, don’t you think?

There are players that have shown proof/evidence, that there is a problem on Anets side that is causing lag.

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@Zok.4956 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:I did a few tests in Thunderhead Peaks and what I found is puzzling. my usual ping is 70-80ms but while waiting at the door to the keep I got spikes between 180 and 230ms. The spikes were sudden and made no sense because although I went there when the meta was active game wide, I went 5 minutes later so there was no meta running on my map. Going from 70-80 to 180-230 is very very noticeable, which
reinforces my belief that those saying they don't experience any lag spikes, actually do.

I’ve watched the ping in game and tracked it on Pingplotter at the same time. No spikes. I’ve done this numerous times for that map and others over the course of the past several months.

It's normal not to get issues using an external application if the problem is inside the server itself (pings won't be affected, but in-game performance will)

In-game performance was not affected.

I find it odd that you quote a post about ping and then say it reinforces your belief that everyone experiences lag. You get countered by someone saying that they had no ping issues, and then you do a 180 and say it’s normal for ping to not be affected. It’s as if ping only matters if it fits the narrative.

I wasn't countered though as I find no reason to believe you when you say in-game performance was not affected, given your post history on the subject. Or that you even cared to use pingplotter to verify you aren't affected. I'd rather see numerous pictures confirming it. As for ping, if the server has issues you will find out that you can have good fps/ping and still have a horrible experience, I'm not sure how is that contested.

I’ve stated numerous times in the past that I have gone to Thunderhead Peaks, Sandswept, and other maps, gotten the IP and tracked them as I played on the maps. I played during the same metas on the same map instances of people claiming in map chat about lag and yet I had no issues. All of my skills went off as they should. My ping was stable and normal.

I believe you.

But the fact that you do not experience the problems of others only says something about what you experience and nothing about those other players (and what they experience).

Or do you want to say that the problems of others are caused by themselves (or do not exist), because you do not see/have the same problems?

I’ve never once claimed that others were not experiencing lag.

I find it odd that
the one being told to provide evidence when all of those experiencing lag don’t. Why don’t you ask them for their ping traces? Why don’t you ask them for video evidence of their lag? It’s a bit of a double standard, don’t you think?

There are players that have shown proof/evidence, that there is a problem on Anets side that is causing lag.

That’s just you that has and maybe one or two others. The majority of people claiming lag do not back their claims up. Just to re-emphasize what I said above, I’m not disputing people who state they’re experiencing lag. The whole thing about proving came about due to a double standard being imposed.


I’ll just add that I have no desire to get in another discussion in regards to lag itself like in previous threads. My only intent, with my recent post in this thread, was to correct an incorrect assumption that a poster made.

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@Spook.5847 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:there is no way around the technology limitationThere is ALWAYS a way around technological limitations. The only issues are time, money, and the smartness of the people working on fixes.

then Atlantis would not have sunk, we would have been on Mars 5 millenniums ago, colonised space, people piloting Gundams, wars fought between countries are with spaceships the size of imperial star destroyers, and my descendants would have time travelled to make me a sextillionnaire.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:there is no way around the technology limitationThere is ALWAYS a way around technological limitations. The only issues are time, money, and the smartness of the people working on fixes.

then Atlantis would not have sunk, we would have been on Mars 5 millenniums ago, colonised space, people piloting Gundams, wars fought between countries are with spaceships the size of imperial star destroyers, and my descendants would have time travelled to make me a sextillionnaire.

You overlooked that "time" was mentioned as an issue as well. Maybe mankind will do all the things you mentioned sometime in the distant future if mankind and the universe still exists then.

The only thing we can not get around are the Laws of Physics. But because we do not yet understand the Laws of Physics completely, our understanding of the Laws of Physics could (and will) change in the future.

But I guess this discussion becomes a little off-topic now. ;)

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I dont understand where the difficulty of this issue lies : Take all the maps, look at the common trend and you can propose a solution. I'm not behind your servers, but it shouldn't take you the better part of 6 months to diagnostic the issue. And -no-. Lowering player count is not a fix. It's a shameful workaround.

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Lag on PoF maps is excruciating, everything freezes for a few secs and then comes back. This happens especially in Vabbi, Desolation and Desert Highlands. Seems like those servers can't handle the load or something? Might want to add more resources to those EC2 Instances :P

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Hi ArenaNet, I am on Desolation server, and for the last 3 days have experienced the worst lag, which means I am stuttering and suddenly I am in a different place to where I started running from. I have run speed tests, checked fps and ping on my PC. I have also checked other International links, and the speed is within acceptable limits, but in WvW a short while ago, I had a 30 second freeze. I am unsure if this is server related, but at the moment, the game is unplayable, and similar to when patch is being loaded on the servers and you get that lag, its similar to that, but 3 days of the same game play.

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The lag is getting is reaching epic proportions. Sometimes it's only skills that lag behind (or chat), upwords of a minute delay in some cases. Other times chat works at real time speed, yet you realize your character isn't where you think you are. Seeing huge desyncs, of both myself and other players, and then hear 40 + people in chat from all over the world saying the same thing about how bad the lag is.

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I'm going to leave this here


Basically, keep reporting it in game through the bug reporting tool. If we keep doing that every time it pops up, it will help them identify a fix (although it's deeply worrying they can't find the solution after 6 months, but it is what it is)

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@"masterbill.2658" said:if they stay like we are right now when the game comes out in steam is going to get a lot of bad reviews they NEED TO FIX this before that

Calling it here, I think we can already brace ourselves for the storm, that message more or less makes it clear they Dont know how to address the issue to it's root. They're mostly mitigating the issue. They would probably have a better handle on the issue if the pandemic and general worldwide chaos would stop, as it seems the EU side is far more impacted than the US side, and they dont have a dedicated team for EU when it comes to fixes and content. So anything has to be done remotely when it comes to infrastructure and server nodes management, which I suspect is where the core of the problem lies. Right now we should probably count ourselves lucky the problem hasn't expanded to the oldest or newest maps.

It's cantoned to the POF and immediate living story maps. However those instances are handled, or have been implemented, something broke on those instances. I imagine the best possible solution I could think of is if we consider those maps as "alpha testing" maps, and see if we can knowingly induce lag, and how. Doing so may narrow down the issue enough for them to attempt a more accurate fix. The problem with that is most players dont want to alpha test a content that is supposed to be working already, and many just want to get the stuff they need done out of the way, meaning some players are going to play (or attempt to play) as usual, and may induce lag without knowing, which may trump the effort of people actively trying to test the instance.

The problem is identifying the common thread, without "contamination". Such testing is best handled in closed instance, with a finite number of individuals in constant contact with each other. I honestly think Anet could benefit from gathering a group of players (5-10) and place them in a closed instanced version of the map to see if they can trigger the lag intentionally. That's how we did it when I worked in QA on another game.

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There is still lag even in dead maps or instances so clearly its not just a player count issue and GW2 has never lagged like this before 2020 that I remember except the early days of WvW. Something happened on their end for sure, game didn't even lag like this on RELEASE.

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Just hopped on for first time in almost 3 years and figured I'd work on the Skyscale collection. Got to the part where I need to defeat the Grand Djinns in Vabbi but can't even do that since when I'm fighting the veteran djinn (or anything else in the area) I get 2-3 seconds of lag inbetween skill activations and thus get rekt. Other games/applications function without lag currently. Guess I'll come back in another 3 years and see if this thread is still around, seeing that people have been noticing this for months.

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I actually never had experience in the lag that a lot of people have been talking about for awhile until this last week.

I was working through my Skyscale Collection (I had been working on it slowly for the past few weeks without any lag whatsoever), and in Thunderhead Peaks while I was farming Branded Mass, I joined a North Meta run. It was only slight lag initially of maybe half a second or so, but once we got to the finale of the run, we started getting insanely high lag spikes that would lag for almost 10-15 seconds consistently. Others in the squad with me confirmed that they were also experiencing the same lag, so that confirmed it wasn't on my end.

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@Zok.4956 said:

@"JohnnyBoy.2314" said:Hopefully GW2 won't get review-bombed to death on Steam. With all the current issues that is very likely.

I hope it does so they fix it. Or if they cannot fix the issue postpone the Steam release until they fix it.

Well, I guess, they heard you. The steam release is postponed.

Their announcement clearly said that they want to focus on the upcoming expansion and that’s the reason they’re postponing it indefinitely. There was absolutely no mention that the reason was because some players are having connection issues and they’re delaying it in order to resolve that.

In case you want to refresh your memory on what they actually said:


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