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AFK in the Dragon Bash arena

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Hi, I'd like to know if being AFK (or pretending to be AFK) in the Dragon Bash arena is fine or not.I don't want to start a discussion whether it's fair or not, just to know (possibly from ArenaNet) if it's allowed. All the threads that I found about this topic (with official replies, not from other players), talked about farming in open world, where a minimum of action is required. Things like:_1. Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

  1. AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at
  2. Unresponsive to interaction with GMs_However this doesn't apply to instances like Dragon Bash or the Celestial Challenge, where players can stay there without any "brick" on the autoattack. If I missed some post with an official reply from ArenaNet, please link it.

If it's not allowed, then how can I report AFKers? If it's allowed then fine, I'll put my character there while eating, without being afraid of a ban.This is the second day of the events, we still have 3 weeks, so just to know the rules...Thanks

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I very much doubt anything will be done about it. By the time Anet pick up the report and pm the player, the instance will be over.

Doesn't mean you necs shouldn't report and it is there to be used if you feel like like the persons are breaking the rules, but realistically I don't think there will be any gain or change

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The arena got changed this year in a way that will likely cut back on people loitering.

Dragon Arena has been updated to end after one set of champions rather than repeating after an intermission delay.

So people can no longer sit there for nine years while the event endlessly cycles through enemies and bosses, they now have to leave and come back. To answer your question, AFKing in any group instance is poor manners and if you obtain loot during it, you risk being reported by other players who perceive you to be exploiting in some manner. Most people won't care if you hop up for a second, but if you're gone during the whole event or if you make a habit of it, people will start to know your name.

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:The arena got changed this year in a way that will likely cut back on people loitering.

Dragon Arena has been updated to end after one set of champions rather than repeating after an intermission delay.

So people can no longer sit there for nine years while the event endlessly cycles through enemies and bosses, they now have to leave and come back. To answer your question, AFKing in any group instance is poor manners and if you obtain loot during it, you risk being reported by other players who perceive you to be exploiting in some manner. Most people won't care if you hop up for a second, but if you're gone during the whole event or if you make a habit of it, people will start to know your name.

They can still do it but if they are actually AFK it means they will be spending hours where nothing happens.

They could make it autoclick the spot to move to a new instance but that turns into botting which is definitely not okay

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I think there's some other problem here, I was in this arena today, and we finished all the bosses. After the Eye champ I sorted my inventory, unpacked some chests, and suddenly the next mobs appeared while other players started fighting them. That means, if you really go afk after the last boss, this afk'ing could be accidently.

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@Galmac.4680 said:I think there's some other problem here, I was in this arena today, and we finished all the bosses. After the Eye champ I sorted my inventory, unpacked some chests, and suddenly the next mobs appeared while other players started fighting them. That means, if you really go afk after the last boss, this afk'ing could be accidently.

You may have accidently clicked on the change map for special bonus message when unpacking and sorting. This will send you in a map with other players, with a started event (even halfway ones) or one that can be started.

AFKing is not fine but I have also stepped aside towards next to the repair tool inside to sort my bags or get me a tissue and similar. I just didn't attack anything and it never took longer than the time to kill some trashmobs. If someone has to pick up a phone call I am fine with it as well.. As long as ppl are not actively abusing the system to leech loot.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Urud.4925" said:Hi, I'd like to know if being AFK (or pretending to be AFK) in the Dragon Bash arena is fine or not.
  1. Unresponsive to interaction with GMs_Nope. Not fine.

If it's not allowed, then how can I report AFKers?Like any others. Use the report function

I have reported many painfully obvious botters with at least 5 bots and nothing is done about them, it's utterly pointless. All the main cities have them standing in trading post every day, every single day all day and they will be there forever.Why the story? To make sure everyone knows that nothing will be done about anything, least of all some AFKers.

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Anet will never publicly disclose any action taken against accounts that are reported by players as bots. If nothing is done about them, then in my opinion, that is tacit agreement by Anet that the account reported has been checked and is not in violation regardless of what other players may think.

So, report them if they appear suspicious. After that, it's ANet's decision.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Lumikki.1725 said:I haven't played all classes so I ask.

Why when I see characters standing middle of enemy spawn area very long time, they are allmost everytime necromancer class?Aren't they minions in any timers like elementalist?

No the are premanent untill killed, ranger pet is permanent and revive out of combat.

Yes, I did know about ranger, but it's only one pet and while it's strong and can kill one or two small enemies by it self easyly. I haven't seen rangers stand afk middle of spawn areas.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Check my history. I have NEVER advocated botting. EVER. I agree with people who would like them stopped and have said so many times.I too am part of that history and I tend to disagree, I simply do not understand why the continuous effort to whitewash botters whenever there's a similar thread coming up, but it can be so convenient when a thread gets deleted.

But there's a point here, there's nothing we can do as players. This game's management system has grown so weak to even make a decision against those obvious bots that's been rampant in pvp for months. Let alone the PvE ones.

We'll just have to accept that Afk Farm, Botting, and PpT is the new type of norm. While any forms of competitive play, whether in Raid, Fractal, sPvP and WvW is on their way out.

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