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Crafted Sunspear Weapons


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What purpose do they actually serve?They do not count for the Specialization collections, so no one is going to craft any of the 6 required.On the other hand if it's for the skins then it's also not going to happen, as the remaining 10 can be acquired for a fraction of the cost of crafting them by buying the "named" versions.Crafting 1 of them costs on average 20g, while the "named" versions can be bought for 2-6g. Currently it would cost about 50g to buy all 10, so thats less than the cost of 3 of the crafted versions.Not to mention the Mordant weapons which are also required for the Specialization collections also use oiled crafting components, so who would waste linseed oil on them?So who is actually going to craft them? Only players that don't know they don't count for the collections, but they would only craft 1 and after that they will know they don't work.I see only 2 solutions either make them count for the collections or just remove them.

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I don't think they need to be removed, even if they don't count for the collection, but I agree that they are pretty senseless. I regret the few recipes I purchased (and I only purchased them under the assumption that they could be used for the specialization collections). They could kill 2 birds with1 stone by making the sunspear recipes craft the named weapons (the 2 birds being no way to target farm named weapons, and no use for the recipes).

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