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"Echoes of the Past" Achievement Bug

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I am playing through LWS2 for achievements and currently finishing "Echoes of the Past". On the Facet of Darkness' "Exposed Weaknesses" the achievement doesn't seem to work. I read the guides, applying the 1 HP boon to all 8 vortexes and kill them under 15 seconds. I defeated the Facet of Darkness 3 times in row like that under 15 seconds but I am not getting the achievement. The Achievement icon over my utility skills remains until the end of the mission and remains uncompleted.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm having the same issue. I have submitted a ticket. I hope there is a resolution to this. I want to finish my Luminescent Armor set =) Every time I replay the story I also have icons for all the achievements again like I have not completed any of them even though I have received completion for all except "Exposed Weakness".

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I finally got it! What I did was run through the story up until this point, and then I played through the boss (unsucessfully), but I read that you can try again by going back to the Challenge Mote before the boss and "retry". I did this twice. The third time was the charm. I was careful not to hit the boss in any way while I was putting fragility on the vortexes, and I also kept him within the circle of vortexes (which I had not tried before). When I had fragility on all 8 vortexes, I stood in the middle and ranged all of them within the 15 seconds, and I got the achievement. Hope this helps anyone who is having trouble. Good luck!

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