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ArenaLabs - Guild Wars 2 PvP Podcast!


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Hello everyone!

As we all know, the PvP community isn't in the best of spots right now, so me and some friends decided to make a dedicated platform to talk about PvP. Lets face it, we've all had those players in our games who we assume do not have a clue what they're doing and that is frustrating for everyone. Our hope is to create a discussion with the help of top players sharing their experiences in order to help improve the overall skill level of the community, and have some laughs along the way.We are by no means the best of players, we just want to "git gud" ourselves!

The podcast is still very raw as its something me and the other hosts have never done before so we are learning how to improve it as we go. Episode 1 has just gone live on Spotify and a video version will be on YouTube soon (will post the link when its up).


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@"Broady.2358" said:Hello everyone!

As we all know, the PvP community isn't in the best of spots right now, ...

"Isnt in a gud spot" was after vanilla ... with a short exeption close before pof release. Today it is just a unplayable joke full of drama cheaters hackers kitten balance win traders toxic environment and a company who doesnt care at all ...

mE lOsT aLL H.O.P.E

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