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Ranked PvP Season with all solo queue.

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Can we have a PvP Season with all solo queue to have an even playing field? Not everyone can duo with a guild mate or friend or random. It is faster to solo queue. Allowing duo queue forces people to mostly duo queue to stack odds in their favor. Having a season with all solo queue would even the playing field for everybody.

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@Goosfraba.6901 said:Can we have a PvP Season with all solo queue to have an even playing field? Not everyone can duo with a guild mate or friend or random. It is faster to solo queue. Allowing duo queue forces people to mostly duo queue to stack odds in their favor. Having a season with all solo queue would even the playing field for everybody.

It very seriously would not effect the quality of match making at all. A lot of people who aren't really seeing what's going on, will toss this same suggestion over and over. I'm telling you right now, solo only or solo/duo only will make no difference in match making quality whatsoever.

  1. It wouldn't stop synch queue tactics.
  2. It wouldn't stop the use of hack programs.
  3. It wouldn't stop queue dodging.
  4. It wouldn't stop alt account throw monkeying.

100% guaranteeing you it would not effect the match quality at all. Not one bit.

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