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hi can we talk with about what w can chage at better at pvp?

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The attitude in general. Here's a few ways it can be done ^^

By anet:

  • Stricter enforcements of the CoC. This means frequent banwaves, longer dishonor and punishing harsh language. All this takes is a few dev members to monitor reports every day.
  • Removing unranked. By f.ex making unranked permanent 2v2, we'd get a huge chunk of players usable by the matchmaker. This is the single biggest boost we can do for improved matchmaking, even if it's short term. We still have hotjoins to revive.
  • More dev attention and hype towards community events. We need easy access to streams which can showcase good plays in order to teach the general population how to play the game proper.
  • Frequent balance. So far they are extremely careful doing anything in case it destroys something, yet at HoT and PoF release it was total mayhem followed by quarterly balance to reign it in - this seems to be the right way to go.
  • Drawing in new players. This can be done in a multitiude of ways, but I believe we should look to old dungeons who were somewhat weaved into the PvE content. Maybe have unranked be a league for new players you progress from into ranked tied to some overarching achievement required for something useful. You can make tutorials here that explains conquest instead of relying upon the kindness of old players.
  • Longer ques. By this I mean the matchmaker waits 5 more minutes before it searches far from your mmr. This might sting for some, but should create more balanced matches overall since it allowes more matches to end over it's duration freeing up closer players in ranking.
  • Make division dependent tournaments (you can only enter if you are bronze, silver, gold etc) and do with the gizmos what you did with holographic weapons/titles or aura. This alone would be a HUGE motivator for incredibly many that have no hope of ever winning a tournament currently while creating closer matches (at the cost of fewer teams, but these also can queue ranked again way faster). You want this buzzing activity througout the day.
  • Sell 2-week passes of the exclusive lobby on gemstore. Big revenue and quality of life for those who play pvp regularly. Right now it's barely being used.
  • Always show rank badge in matches. This is a controversial one, and some players will use it to name and shame but it also help better players to easily identify weak links and tell them where to go and what to do. It will also expose the matchmaking which I think alot of people complaining about it would enjoy to see. Maybe the other team wasn't all legends and yours bronze after all.
  • There are several changes we could do for duo-q, but I think I'll leave that for another post.

By players:

  • Community driven inhouses with the aim at teaching. There should be one unified sponsored discord with scheduled events and links at which anyone can participate. This is probably the most important point so far, we need something to unify rather than divide which the rating system and lush leaderboard positions currently do.
  • Adopt a scrub: A platform where players in gold and below can sign up to get a thoroughly vetted and recognized plat + duo on a new alt in order to mentor and coach. This will pull more players towards the plat border and leave the more casual ones behind which ideally will improve match quality.
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@rng.1024 said:

By players:

  • Community driven inhouses with the aim at teaching. There should be one unified sponsored discord with scheduled events and links at which anyone can participate. This is probably the most important point so far, we need something to unify rather than divide which the rating system and lush leaderboard positions currently do.
  • Adopt a scrub: A platform where players in gold and below can sign up to get a thoroughly vetted and recognized plat + duo on a new alt in order to mentor and coach. This will pull more players towards the plat border and leave the more casual ones behind which ideally will improve match quality.

Teaching and official discord i think is a great idea!

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1.Change the format to 2v2s2.Add in casual gamemodes like 20v20 attack defend, payload, battle royal, CTF, deathmatch, ect3.Hire a dedicated PvP team.4.Sponsor grassroot efforts.

  1. Remove the ranked que and introduce a powerful LFG tool instead
  2. Incentivise PvP guilds in some way

Then the big one:Start the balance over from scratch. Strip every class down to the bare basics: Core only, and work the way back up to what we have now.Making new spells and fixing inherent problems along the way.

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Just a few ideas:

  1. Less neglect and more open communication between developer and the PvP players. Something as simple as "we're aware of X issue and we're currently working to fix it" would mean a lot.
  2. Harsher punishments for people and bots actively ruining the game for other players. That includes bots, hackers, wintraders(retroactively), afkers(Not DCs but people who sit in spawn whining.)
  3. Reward pips become a reward solely for winning and not just for being there.
  4. Remove or split DuoQ into its own separate queue. Do something to make playing SoloQ less boring and unfair because that's how most people queue in this game and the more that leave, the more you feel the consequences in the matchmaking which in turn causes more people to leave.
  5. Rework the way rating is rewarded in ranked to be based loosely around personal performance so that ranked is more rewarding and less harsh against those who actually try rather than it being totally RNG like it is now.
  6. Keep the balance updates frequent, but be more hands-off with balance. What I mean by that is minor tweaks that overall have meaningful impacts on the meta while keeping everything somewhat viable. Maybe focus on buffing the weak in minor ways rather than spending months on polarizing mega-nerf patches that break too many things to be updated consistently as promised.
  7. Prioritize content patches that add actual new stuff to PvP. An example would be stuff like 2v2/3v3 and more different mini-seasons. They're great, and they're the best content in a while. There's a lot of QoL changes we've been asking for and waiting on for years though, and the rate at which maps get released are like 1 a year, if we're lucky. Would be cool if those things were added, and on a better schedule.

Reading through these, one thing I definitely don't agree with and am wholeheartedly opposed to is trying to revive hotjoins. Like why? What is the point?

Most people playing Unranked don't want to bother with Ranked for personal reasons. Removing Unranked would probably just lead to those people quitting, or yes; moving to hotjoins, but if hotjoins are just being used to farm dailies, test builds, and have fun... Then there's really no difference between them and Unranked. Completely pointless.

If you really want to bring over Unranked players, then maybe work on fixing the issues gatekeeping them from Ranked in the first place. That would be an actual meaningful use of dev-time.

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In no particular order

  1. Rework traits so they encourage fundamental gameplay change and can be later balanced without the need to add internal cooldowns (remove all ICDs)
  2. Remove Skill stacking from skills, traits, runes, and sigils (Instant-cast Skills, and skills that have a significant effect delayed from when the animation takes place. Ex: Teleports while in the middle of a skill, persistent skills like wells and symbols, and weapons like guard focus)
  3. Tune skill animations/effects to scale with the skill's strength/value
  4. Remove all traits that reward CC-ing foes. CC is more than rewarding enough by default Edit: (greatly reduce access to CC across the board too)
  5. Turn ranked into free-for-all or 5-man (remove duo queue)
  6. Allow ranked matches to be spectatable (even if on a delay to prevent cheaters)
  7. Incentivize HJ again (let people who want to play for fun not clog up the ranked queue)
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Meaningful balance changes instead of minuscule condition stack reductions, reworks of weapons and traits that do nothing to the existing problems, and maybe a balance patch more than twice a year.

It’s a lost cause. Just play the game for living story.

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Actually listen to the community instead of making an abyss for people to scream into but only in language you approve of with absolutely zero criticism of your company image.

Everything Anet does is to save face and your ideas will end up being a waste of your time and energy. They stopped caring about anything but saving face and gem store sales.

*Que hamfist moderation instead of serious rebuttals

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@Undertaker.4368 said:

@rng.1024 said:

By players:
  • Community driven inhouses with the aim at teaching. There should be one unified sponsored discord with scheduled events and links at which anyone can participate. This is probably the most important point so far, we need something to unify rather than divide which the rating system and lush leaderboard positions currently do.
  • Adopt a scrub: A platform where players in gold and below can sign up to get a thoroughly vetted and recognized plat + duo on a new alt in order to mentor and coach. This will pull more players towards the plat border and leave the more casual ones behind which ideally will improve match quality.

Teaching and official discord i think is a great idea!

There’s already discord’s and groups set on some of these, though it’s gonna be impossible to get mentors for every new player as teaching someone is a choice not an expected thing and just having a plat1 coach or something for a new player probably won’t teach ppl much at all since even new players can get plat.Edit: also having an official discord is gonna be impossible as plenty of discord’s have tried being the source for these things and always falls short and adopts coach’s that are just well known toxic meme players

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