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Support/ranged wari help


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Hey guys, my main is engi and I played wari a long time ago and now would like to play the class again too sometimes and looking for a berserker longbow/banner support hybrid condi/power build, I don't like meta builds at all. If you help me with a starter build maybe I can find out the best one after this, I have ideas but I would like to hear your ideas too :)Thx mates

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You may not like meta builds but what you describe as wanting is the meta banner condi zerker which is linked above. If you want to go off meta with it, then drop Arms for Tactics, take a warhorn, take Shake it Off, and roll some healing power.

Edit: here is a very off meta build for youhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEMiNssAGGjj5xIxk6yulC-zRRYoB7G1sCJoQI1Co6Mw3DSQsHeNgYzC-e

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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:

@"RedShark.9548" said:Ppl posting builds without asking which gamemode got me. Lel.

Well he did say banners, and in which game mode do you actually see banners :tongue:

Yup, and then they said "in ranked arena".

OOF levels intensify

AFTER people gave appropriate banner builds for where banners are appropriate. Seriously though @swagolas.9732 if you want to run support take shouts and Battle Standard.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@"RedShark.9548" said:Ppl posting builds without asking which gamemode got me. Lel.

Well he did say banners, and in which game mode do you actually see banners :tongue:

Yup, and then they said "in ranked arena".

OOF levels intensify

AFTER people gave appropriate banner builds for where banners are appropriate. Seriously though @swagolas.9732 if you want to run support take shouts and Battle Standard.

I meant its OOF that they were trying to use banners in Ranked.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:

@"RedShark.9548" said:Ppl posting builds without asking which gamemode got me. Lel.

Well he did say banners, and in which game mode do you actually see banners :tongue:

Yup, and then they said "in ranked arena".

OOF levels intensify

AFTER people gave appropriate banner builds for where banners are appropriate. Seriously though @swagolas.9732 if you want to run support take shouts and Battle Standard.

I meant its OOF that they were trying to use banners in Ranked.

Yeah, but hey if you gotta fight on point some extra stats would help everyone until the other team leaves or swaps to range that is. Another reason why banners should be mounted on the warrior's back.

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