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"Jormag Rising" Guild Chat: We want your questions!

Rubi Bayer.8493

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  • ArenaNet Staff

On tomorrow's Guild Chat we'll have six members of our development team to talk live about this week's Living World episode "Jormag Rising". Our guest lineup is:

Paul Schwarzwalder: Content ProgrammerMatthew Medina: Senior Game DesignerAlex Kain: Senior Writer/Narrative DesignerMeagan Glennon: Environment ArtistNick Hernandez: Game DesignerKirk Williford: Senior Game Designer

If you have questions about the episode drop them here and we'll answer as many as we have time for!

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Will you guys be looking to mitigate the visual noise problem with future meta designs? Congregating or channelling everyone in one small space with so many flashing and environmental effects going off not only makes it tough for the players to see what's going on in large groups, but also does a disservice to where effort is put into mechanics and animation.

Visual noise is one of the biggest issues plaguing the game, but it seems to have stopped being something to try and mitigate from LS4 onwards and instead has got worse by a large degree

Also, since they're not there, please ensure the music team are acknowledged for an excellent OST

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Hello, have you plan to change the Meta structure after the community feedback about the whole Meta event length ? ( Requeriment of about 2 hour south Meta to begin a 1 hour Meta in north ) .

The requeriment change to need the previous weapon to craft the charged set weapons modified the final recipe mats ?

Do you go plans to add additional recipe to the ones who craft the previous weapons spending additional materials and keep to craft the new ones ?


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The frost infusion is beautiful but so expensive, need tonic be more cheap. / charged stormcaller weapons are useless without reward for achievment like bags and no requiremnts of previous set. / Please fix the key sword, the otter effect is beautiful, your best product

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-Do you consider bringing back quests to maps? It is a thing that make the map more living to me. Since dragonfall, none.-Are you planning to add more jumping puzzles/enigmas in future maps? Liked mirrors puzzles of bjora and grothmar jp.-More dialogues impacted by profession/character creation choices? The flamethrower eye wink if engie was a nice touch.-More varied events to do outside of meta? Outside of meta, the northern drizzlewood feels dead, nothing to do, the meta part of doing events to attract tribunes feels more suited as filler events to do outside of meta, the meta would start directly at building the three canons for breaking the gate.

Now, just little observation: Wouldn't it be better, at the end of metas, to use big rewards chests instead of putting small ones requiring keys everywhere? Will be more practical to have 3-5 big chests at end of metas and removing the key currency. It already exist with silverwastes, dragonfall, dragon stand and now drizzlewood: it is no fun to run around map losing 30 mins after meta to another the rewards chests. Think of tarir in the future, no pressure to loot, concentrated.

How do you expect the meta replay-ability to evolve in time? If in two months, the player count decrease a lot, I see the citadel as impossible to do.

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Are there going to be any changes made to Drizzlewood Coast now in order to make it an active map in the long-term (instead of a complete the story and achievements and move on map)? It's already pretty dead. Yesterday there were an amazing 2 other people helping me to try to capture Petraj Overlook and only Vloxen Mine and Fort Defiance had been captured. The map becomes even more boring when there are few bases captured since a lot of the events require bases to be captured first.

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Will we ever take down a big (world) boss in a way that "tickling the feet" is not the major part of the fight?

Why are adventures completely unfailable? Remember adventures in HoT?

Why is there no strike? Bangar could have been one.

What happened to story instance achievements? Only the first story instance has achievements of which one (the trying to talk yourself out) feels completely random. There is no logic behind getting the correct answer.

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Hello, ArenaNet!A big feature of the Icebrood Saga was the usage of a single expanding zone over the course of multiple episodes. Can we expect more expanded zones in the near future, or are Bjora Marches and Drizzlewood Coast the only two-part zones in the Icebrood Saga?

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@Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

@"Raseus.2543" said:Also why is it a tusk now when years of lore speak of a tooth?
"Tusks are elongated, continuously growing front teeth that protrude well beyond the mouth of certain mammal species."

A tusk is a tooth.

I hadn't noticed it at all - I'll have to look more closely on the next playthrough on an alt. To be honest, It's always nagged at me how on Earth Aesir got to a position and knocked a whole tooth from an Elder Dragon's mouth. SMacking off a tusk tip - if that is the case - makes a lot more sense to me

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@Moira Shalaar.5620 said:Why did you flag stormcaller tier 1 weapons as upgradable and then release tier 2 weapons that do not use the first tier for progression at all?

Will you have a second recipe (either crafting or Mystic Forge) for the Charged Stormcaller Weapons that will use the Tier 1s? A lot of people were counting on that because of your text that said they would be upgradeable. Thank you.

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@"DirtyDan.4759" said:

  • Will we ever take down a big (world) boss in a way that "tickling the feet" is not the major part of the fight?
  • Why are adventures completely unfailable? Remember adventures in HoT?
  • Why is there no strike? Bangar could have been one.
  • What happened to story instance achievements? Only the first story instance has achievements of which one (the trying to talk yourself out) feels completely random. There is no logic behind getting the correct answer.

Some of us do fail the adventure(s).There is a logic to getting the correct answers; you just have yet to see the correlation.

Good luck.

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My questions are simple

  1. Drizzlewood is a beautiful map that cannot be enjoyed due to the Red message spam. Every time you cross into hostile land, every time something is happening (even if you're in the edge of the north, and the mine all the way south has an event) Can we expect any solution for these ugly monstrocities of Messages that are destroying any form of enjoyment and more often are in the way of our progression in events or adventures, rather than be properly informative?Sorry Guys, those messages are nothing but Spam, are nothing but ways to prevent us from enjoying the map.

  2. What was the idea with the Snipers? There are so many, that you cannot really enjoy the map. You are constantly on edge because of the OP range and the sheer amount. Even my deadeye cannot range shoot them due to their strategical positioning, yet they can harm her. I have a 2fold question about that. First: Why so many with such range that we cannot really go out and Explore and secondly, why do NPC's not have to follow the same rules of direct path? This is seriously obstructing a proper way to counter them.

  3. Will siege get fixed? A balista cannot kill that sniper as mentioned in 2. Making them pointless. An arrowcard shooting over the wall doesn't damage anything while THEIRS are so OP that any glass canon character needs to stay clear from attacking the gate etc. I currently consider siege drops as trash, unfortunately I cannot sell that stuff, and have destroyed tons upon tons of them

  4. Why are releases so buggy? Lack of test crowd? We have tons of achievements that are bugged, some are frozen untill fixed. We have meta's that stall, 3 attempts at North Meta, only 1 was succesful, other 2 buggged out. We hope for drops of Char Intel Documents. After playing actively for 20+ hours on the map, I yet have to receive a single one. All this is frustrating, and the feeling is, that it gets worse per episode. Don't get me wrong, I understand bugs happen, but this sheer amount? We cannot truely progress anything right now. I am waiting for a fix before returning to those achievements, because the extremely rare few that do drop, cause massive inflated prices on the Trading Post.

  5. Why do we now have 2 cases of maps that are expanded, yet completing the expanded map - after already doing Map Completion - on the first half, yields litterly no rewards whatsoever. How are you going to encourage us to go after map completion? Because currently it seems utterly pointless. I am not expecting a chest, offcourse not, I mean give us 10k xp or so, at least SOME reason to finish the map. Currently, it's pointless unless you want to fill your OCD.

Critical questions I know, but these things are really bugging me. Some make the map unpleasant (like the red messages every time you cross into hostile land) and others make the map stressful (like the sheer amount of OP snipers that even my deadeye can ONLY kill Melee because of obstacles in the way) Plus I see no reason to do anything else but hit Destroy on the useless siege I receive there.Drizzlewood is a beautiful map, but for me, it's a map that I only go to when I need to be there. Because of the above, I truely don't want to be there. Which is a crying shame to be honest. Designwise it's one of the best out there I think.

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@DirtyDan.4759 said:

  • Why are adventures completely unfailable? Remember adventures in HoT?You mean the things people STILL complain about to this day for being crazy hard and unfun?Why is there no strike? Bangar could have been one.After the near constant backlash against strikes since Grothmar, I suspect ANet has gotten the message. Most of the playerbase doesn't, and wont, care about dungeons, raids, or strikes, no matter how hard you try to force them down people's throats. I wouldn't be surprised if they just stop making them due to it not working.
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We know Charr within the Legions deserted for Dominion. But with Frost Legion being a thing and how they were achieving this, did Charr within Dominion quit for the Legions? Did some of them backed out or left due to the use of dragon magic to corrupt themselves?

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