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Dragon's stand (and similar)

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Been trying to get my GF a few more bits of crystaline ore because leystone mantle would really complete her look. But there is NOONE in Dragons stand. Right now it is the daily and there is not a soul. We've been trying for a week now and we really hoped that we'd find someone at it today when it was the daily, but it is still dead as.

Will Dragons Stand and similar areas ever get changes so they are doable without the new expansion hype filling the maps for us?

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The best advice I can offer is to try looking for group, because dragon's stand's design, more so than any other part of heart of thorns, is completely reliant on group interaction to even attempt to do anything useful in there. At least with Auric Basin and Tangled depths, you can explore the map and interact with things, but with dragon's stand, it's entirely about the meta, so much so that the timer is constantly ticking, you get kicked off the map if not enough people show up by the timer's end and on top of that, even upon the meta's completion you only have a limited window in which to explore the map and get map completion, some parts which absolutely require you to have completed the meta.

I despise dragon's stand and all it stands for, it's the epitome of everything wrong with heart of thorns.

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My exp is that you look for a squad tag in the lfg about 10 min before the map resets. A good com will have him self in a sub group so everybody who doesn't get dropped in the right map, can easily join on the commander and get in the right map until its full.Then there is a bit of organisation to get at least 3 commander tags on that map up, each doing one of the meta lines.Listen to map chat cus sometimes the com you joined the map with has to many following and another commander not enough. Its ok if you then switch squad and follow the commander that needs the extra people. (its in your own intrest to help the commanders finish their meta line.)Once you get passed the ridiculous running in a circle bit. its basically a free for all on hit the dragon.

But key really is to use the lfg and get in a squad. cus if you miss that tiny window when the maps are getting organised. No body will try because they think there's not enough time. Even though if there is an effort to organize in the first 30 min of the map, its still possible to complete it.

There ya go, that should get you somewhere. Do note that its currently the middle of the night here in europe so DS would be empty regardless.

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From what I've seen on EU servers over the last couple of weeks, it looks like players have spread back out across the game.

In LFG there have been just as many groups doing the various HoT metas as there were before PoF. DS being no exception, I play at various times of the day, and around each DS reset there have been several groups up in the LFG.

As mentioned above, make sure your using the LFG and a timer site. Check and join no later than 10-15mins before and you should have no trouble finding/joining a populated map for it.

If you arrive late and can't join a full map, then tag up and try to get one going yourself by listing on LFG (long as there's enough time left to succeed). Often people will leave a DS instance if they don't see at least 1 tag. Just having a tag up shows there's a sign of life in the map, and it will make people stay. And often once 1 tag goes up, others will do the same for the other lanes shortly after, which will make the map fill.

Often maps end up not filling simply because no one is brave enough to be the first tag up to get the ball rolling. But once one is up, it will greatly increase your chances of turning an overflow map into a full and successful map. Even if you aren't confident leading a lane, you can always ask someone to take over once there are people in the squad / map.

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