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2v2 still suffer the same flaws as previous seasons


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Nothing surprising, as it didn't get any change since it got introduced.That particularly triggers me because it could be way better with simple fixes:

  • invulnerability if the game has not yet started. I can't tell how stupid it is to be put in combat when swapping build.
  • Totally disable "faster rez" traits/skills.
  • Automatically give the win to the team with 2 players alive if the other team has one dead by the end of the timer.
  • No class stacking.

Meta will still be trash, but that will take longer to fix.

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@"aelska.4609" said:Nothing surprising, as it didn't get any change since it got introduced.That particularly triggers me because it could be way better with simple fixes:

Let me fix this:

  • invulnerability if the game has not yet started. I can't tell how stupid it is to be put in combat when swapping build.* Totally disable "faster rez" traits/skills.
  • Automatically give the win to the team with 2 players alive if the other team has one dead by the end of the timer.~~* No class stacking. ~~

Rez skills and traits are part of the game, and you can't really call stacking something that has only TWO items. The rest proposed changes are great, especially the 1st one. Either invuln, or just CLOSE the kitten gates at Auric Span before the match.

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:

@"aelska.4609" said:Nothing surprising, as it didn't get any change since it got introduced.That particularly triggers me because it could be way better with simple fixes:

Let me fix this:
  • invulnerability if the game has not yet started. I can't tell how stupid it is to be put in combat when swapping build.
    * Totally disable "faster rez" traits/skills.
  • Automatically give the win to the team with 2 players alive if the other team has one dead by the end of the timer.~~* No class stacking. ~~

Rez skills and traits are part of the game, and you can't really call stacking something that has only TWO items. The rest proposed changes are great, especially the 1st one. Either invuln, or just CLOSE the kitten gates at Auric Span before the match.

No because you can still win at timer with 1 person. That suggestion would ruin the game mode

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Remove rez skills/traits. Incredibly frustrating when you kill the weakest link, two or three times, and the stronger companion rezzes to full every time.

With this method, bunkers will always be the go to build in this game mode, which reduces build diversity.

The best win method is to create two bunker duos and fight the timer rather than the opposing team. Which is incredibly boring and why 2v2/3v3 isn't interesting or cared for at all.

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@"aelska.4609" said:Nothing surprising, as it didn't get any change since it got introduced.That particularly triggers me because it could be way better with simple fixes:

  • invulnerability if the game has not yet started. I can't tell how stupid it is to be put in combat when swapping build.
  • Totally disable "faster rez" traits/skills.
  • Automatically give the win to the team with 2 players alive if the other team has one dead by the end of the timer.
  • No class stacking.

Meta will still be trash, but that will take longer to fix.

Agree with this ^

I'd like to add that, the maps need to be opened up a bit. People think it's terrible class balance that makes only certain classes good in 2s and 3s, but honestly it's how small the maps are. For example, in a conquest match Necromancers get completely hard countered by a by a good player who is strong on LB/GS Soulbeast. But in 2s and 3s, the Soulbeast can't do what it needs to do to create the same kind of counter effect. It can't sneak and surprise anyone, and it can't stay at range or disengage to range when it needs to. These same kinds of problems stop many classes/builds from being viable at all in 2s and 3s.

Things that need to change in the 3 maps:

  1. Auric Basin - This map is way way way too narrow. And the elevation in the center of the map with the ledges lining the walk way, is too strong of defense vs. builds that need to be able to come in with ranged or at least have line of sight to use skills. This map is cheaply rigged so that powerful team fight zerg like presence can camp the center of the map and have too much defensive stature vs. mobility & ranged. Obstacles need to be added in the map to allow for jump spots and no port spots, so that ranged attackers or things like mesmer that need to disengage zerg presence, can do their thing.
  2. Hall of Mists - This map needs to be opened up. It could be widened a bit, and there should be a board walk of some type that connects each ledge to each other, so that everyone can go in between the elevations, rather than just classes with leap skills. This map is just too narrow and offers too much LOS. The pillars that sit at the bottom of steps are also too big. The pillars should be decreased in size, their girth that is.
  3. Asuran - This map is closest to being designed for balance. It is however, still a little bit too small. The perimeter could be increased in size, or more obstacles that sit near the outside perimeter could be added to help with LOS for players who are kiting bruiser gods that camp the middle of the map.
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